Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
They did what? OMG! I am like, SO outraged. How dare they! This is America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. THEY can't just do this to us.

Seriously though, look forward, not back. Think CRITICALLY, formulate a way to effect a POSITIVE change concerning approaching dilemmas. Get past the BS, and the rhetoric. If you can't see past the mega-front of BS that envelopes an overwhelming majority of the political discourse of this country (and world for that matter), you will just continue to get frustrated, and feel even less empowered to do anything.

As far as hacking america, you should be more concerned with the internet being declared a domain of war between the US and China...potentially FAR more disruptive.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I can't bring myself to vote for Obama again. Since I don't want to waste my time writing in Kucinich, Gravel or Nader, I'll be staying home and smoking really good hash oil that day. But don't worry, Obama will win.
you call him conservative and then now you want him to win? What kind of marxist are you? Oh ya of course. The type of person thats got to have thier hands on everything, and then takes responsability for nothing. just like Obama

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Obama 2012 if not then who ????
Joe Biden!

Seriously, I want this guy to be president. Joe Biden may be the single most powerful middle class citizen in the history of our country. The only real knock on him is that he's not as well spoken as the rest of the ruling elite that have controlled this country since it's inception. I could care less if he occasionally says something not considered appropriate for the occasion. So what? I'll take it.

I'd love to have a real middle class American like Biden running the country.


Well-Known Member
Actually when you look at the totality of his presidency Nixon wasn't that bad. As for Bush, I dunno what you're sniffing but it can't be good for you.

Edit: damn..thought I hit quote. This was for sniffer in case it isn't obvious enough lol


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden!

Seriously, I want this guy to be president. Joe Biden may be the single most powerful middle class citizen in the history of our country. The only real knock on him is that he's not as well spoken as the rest of the ruling elite that have controlled this country since it's inception. I could care less if he occasionally says something not considered appropriate for the occasion. So what? I'll take it.

I'd love to have a real middle class American like Biden running the country.
Biden was my pick from the earliest days of the primaries. I was very happy when Obama picked him.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Actually when you look at the totality of his presidency Nixon wasn't that bad. As for Bush, I dunno what you're sniffing but it can't be good for you.

Edit: damn..thought I hit quote. This was for sniffer in case it isn't obvious enough lol
I agree. Nixon really wasn't that bad at all. His "crimes" wouldn't even register on today's political richter scale.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
How old are you?

Nixon was a thug
As was every president we've had since and probably most of the presidents we've had before. Nixon never did anything on the magnitude of invading Iraq. Nor did he ever do something as terrible as arming the Iraqi's with weapons of mass destruction when we knew they'd use them immediately.

If you think the Nixon tapes were bad, listen to the Jackie O tapes where she goes on and on about how LBJ assassinated JFK. Nixon trying to listen to his potential opposition is little league in dirty campaigning compared to Rove's stealth misinformation campaigns about John McCain and John Kerry.

We just know more and tolerate more today than we did then.


Well-Known Member
its rather obvious that socialist countries have the highest living standards.

those countries that tried the american way, are bankrupt, same as the us would be if it wasnt so large.

still this debate is funny, socialist countries, are Exactly like america in all respects, except for the fact that the population pays somewhat higher taxes (not necessarily, many spend much less on military)
and in return Everyone is secure healthvise ("free" hospitals") and same in their old age.

so in efffect, just the people taking care of the people.

some restrictions on business, but mostly in that services Necessary to the people, water, power and so on, banks. Belong to the people. (cannot be privately owned)

keeping prices down and making sure the service is topnotch and nothing skipped to make a buck..

its a kinda marriage of communism and capitalism, taking the best from both and preventing the worst.

not perfect, but sure works a damn lot better than everything else on the planet.

by the way, a country that had it like that and then privatized much of what previously belonged to the people (its sooo much better privatized, they said.,lol)
well, its fucked now, prices through the roof, everything much worse, unemployment, country near bankrupt, hospital service become kinda crappy and more expensive and so on and so on.

americans kinda look like idiots rejecting social healthcare and some of the other stuff obama brought to you.. lol


Well-Known Member
its rather obvious that socialist countries have the highest living standards.

those countries that tried the american way, are bankrupt, same as the us would be if it wasnt so large.

still this debate is funny, socialist countries, are Exactly like america in all respects, except for the fact that the population pays somewhat higher taxes (not necessarily, many spend much less on military)
and in return Everyone is secure healthvise ("free" hospitals") and same in their old age.

so in efffect, just the people taking care of the people.

some restrictions on business, but mostly in that services Necessary to the people, water, power and so on, banks. Belong to the people. (cannot be privately owned)

keeping prices down and making sure the service is topnotch and nothing skipped to make a buck..

its a kinda marriage of communism and capitalism, taking the best from both and preventing the worst.

not perfect, but sure works a damn lot better than everything else on the planet.

by the way, a country that had it like that and then privatized much of what previously belonged to the people (its sooo much better privatized, they said.,lol)
well, its fucked now, prices through the roof, everything much worse, unemployment, country near bankrupt, hospital service become kinda crappy and more expensive and so on and so on.

americans kinda look like idiots rejecting social healthcare and some of the other stuff obama brought to you.. lol
I will give it to you that France is pretty awesome for the french people- It's not the horrible place we are told, they have vacations, and they have all sorts of social help available, and the help is actually helpful to the people who need it- On a down side the place is filthy, they throw trash everwhere.


Active Member
When Obama said he was going to spread the wealth around, I think a lot of people thought he was going to end this crony capitalist system that we have. Turns out he meant doubling down on that system. The only people who have suffered through this recession have been the middle class and the poor. In the last three years, the rich have gotten richer and American corporations have been making record profits. Too bad American corporations don't like hiring Americans. -As to the point of the thread, Obama hasn't done anything impeachable. I know there are arguments that could be made about Libya, but congress isn't going to impeach him for that. Where did this idea come from that our constitution prohibits socialism? It doesn't. Despite what the right would have you believe, the constitution was not written with free market capitalism in mind. The French constitution is based on ours and they're socialist.


Well-Known Member
Too bad American corporations don't like hiring Americans.
I can definitely attest to that statement. Until about a year ago I worked for a large U.S. corporation. I was lucky enough to have a niche, a combination of skills and knowledge of a specific app which enabled me to keep my job. But I saw first hand that this company discriminated against Americans. Once upon a time it was not talked about, people just had to train their Indian replacements and then get canned. For the past few years though, it is acknowledged openly, in meetings etc. Hiring an American to fill that slot is forbidden, we must go offshore. In my case, no one in the chain of command was U.S.-based and never would be. They had no problem admitting it.