Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I can definitely attest to that statement. Until about a year ago I worked for a large U.S. corporation. I was lucky enough to have a niche, a combination of skills and knowledge of a specific app which enabled me to keep my job. But I saw first hand that this company discriminated against Americans. Once upon a time it was not talked about, people just had to train their Indian replacements and then get canned. For the past few years though, it is acknowledged openly, in meetings etc. Hiring an American to fill that slot is forbidden, we must go offshore. In my case, no one in the chain of command was U.S.-based and never would be. They had no problem admitting it.
It's shit like this that makes me think it would be better to be a little isolationist. I like to see the free market within our borders but not free trade. If a company wants to move their operations overseas than I think it should come at a great financial cost. As shitty as things are, we are still the biggest consumers in the world and if a company wants access to that market, either pay up or hire Americans to do it.


Well-Known Member
I think the prez is doing a fine job I think no one wants to help him resovle the problems they want to see him hang or figure shit out himself I think he is trying to do everything possible working with the rep and the dem I personally think he is doing great just came at a fucked up time and he still making things happen as much as he can. IMO


Well-Known Member
I think the prez is doing a fine job I think no one wants to help him resovle the problems they want to see him hang or figure shit out himself I think he is trying to do everything possible working with the rep and the dem I personally think he is doing great just came at a fucked up time and he still making things happen as much as he can. IMO
And working with a Congress hell bent on his failure, at any cost.


Well-Known Member
Yep, too many people complain Obama hasn't done anything and forget that he needs the cooperation of Congress; and this Congress is one of the most obstructive in American history.

munch box

Well-Known Member
from 2008 obama had congress and got whatever he wanted for 2 years.Democrats all worked together in both congress and in the whitehouse for obamacare. We were a one party state . a strong centralized government. something the framers of the constitution warned us about . thats why we have the 10th ammendment. To limit the government, NOT the people. The federal governement needs to stop taking power . the the republicans only took the house in 2010 becasue democrats were fuckin up and still are...


Well-Known Member
um. republicans took the house because health care reform was labeled a government take over of health care. which has been classified as THE LIE OF THE YEAR.

republicans took the house running on job creation, and they're pushing anti-labor, anti-spending, job-killing legislation and we'll see what happens next year.

can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones. when did a fucking cellphone become a right. That is socialism at its best. everyone gets the same luxury's even when most don't deserve it. I bet more than half will call up their drug dealers with them.

Welfare is corrupt. They cry poverty yet they that have nice cars, HD-tvs, premium cable/internet services. How do i know? because i have grown up "poor". My father saved everything we could to put together a college fund. NO dishwasher/ no cable, ect. now i have a decent job and can return the favor to him .

munch box

Well-Known Member
um. republicans took the house because health care reform was labeled a government take over of health care. which has been classified as THE LIE OF THE YEAR.

republicans took the house running on job creation, and they're pushing anti-labor, anti-spending, job-killing legislation and we'll see what happens next year.

can't wait.

Socialists will never understand real world economics. We can not spend our way to a better future. Less spending will stabilize the american dollar, and keep us from spiraling out of control into more and more massive spending/debt. So will shrinking the size of governemnt by 10%. Small business all across the country are suffering because of Obamas policies, forced to lay off employees. How about the goverment takes a haircut? Sounds good to me 10% governemnt reduction. That would be shared sacrifice. havn't the people suffered enouph? All I see is Obama on vacation. His wife spends the public's money, has 32 aids, and she doesn't even hold a public office this is rediculous

munch box

Well-Known Member
Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones. when did a fucking cellphone become a right. That is socialism at its best. everyone gets the same luxury's even when most don't deserve it. I bet more than half will call up their drug dealers with them.

Welfare is corrupt. They cry poverty yet they that have nice cars, HD-tvs, premium cable/internet services. How do i know? because i have grown up "poor". My father saved everything we could to put together a college fund. NO dishwasher/ no cable. now i have a decant job and can return the favor to him .
You are talking about what they started doing in pennsylvania. Democrats insist having a free cell phone is a constitutional right, along with free birth control


Well-Known Member
Socialists will never understand real world economics. We can not spend our way to a better future. Less spending will stabilize the american dollar, and keep us from spiraling out of control into more and more massive spending/debt. So will shrinking the size of governemnt by 10%. Small business all across the country are suffering because of Obamas policies, forced to lay off employees. How about the goverment takes a haircut? Sounds good to me 10% governemnt reduction. That would be shared sacrifice. havn't the people suffered enouph? All I see is Obama on vacation. His wife spends the public's money, has 32 aids, and she doesn't even hold a public office this is rediculous
which one of obama's policies is hurting small business??

the largest tax cut in american history, also known as the Stimulus package??

or is it the payroll tax holiday he's proposing??

all tax cuts by the way, which have done nothing to help the economy.

if the stimulus was actual SPENDING instead of 'tax expenditures', then we'd be somewhere...


Well-Known Member
just because you call him a crazy left wing socialist doesn't make it so.

obama's first term, in terms of policies, hang more to the right than the left.... lol

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones. when did a fucking cellphone become a right. That is socialism at its best.
WTF are you talking about dude? I'll give you points for creativity, but what you're saying is not in any way factual.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I laugh at you ignorance type in google man.

"Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones"
Just because you found some crack pot Obama hating website that backs up your insanity, that doesn't make that a true statement.

Please, show me the law that Obama signed that gives people free cell phones because they are on welfare, go head.

If you can show me the law, and it does what you say it does, I'll apologize. But until then you're a total crackpot.



Well-Known Member
Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones

I didn't say he did. as of right now it is funded through the tele-communication companies , but they only do this for tax cuts. Even if the gov didn't sign the bill they might as well have. Its cheaper to give out a few phones then pay the taxes. thus it is government funds. The government loses money by doing this.

Its a really socialistic idea . once again rewarding laziness


Well-Known Member
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?
A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

Is this e-mail true?
I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his "Obama phone."
⬐ Click to expand/collapse the full text ⬏
Welfare recipients, and others, can receive a free cell phone, but the program is not funded by the government or taxpayer money, as the e-mail alleges. And it’s hardly new.
How It Works
SafeLink Wireless, the program mentioned in the e-mail, does indeed offer a cell phone, about one hour’s worth of calling time per month, and other wireless services like voice mail to eligible low-income households. Applicants have to apply and prove that they are either receiving certain types of government benefits, such as Medicaid, or have household incomes at or below 135 percent of the poverty line. Using 2009 poverty guidelines, that’s $14,620 for an individual and a little under $30,000 for a family of four, with slightly higher amounts for Alaska and Hawaii.
SafeLink is run by a subsidiary of América Móvil, the world’s fourth largest wireless company in terms of subscribers, but it is not paid for directly by the company. Nor is it paid for with "tax payer money," as the e-mail claims. Rather, it is funded through the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company, an independent, not-for-profit corporation set up by the Federal Communications Commission. The USF is sustained by contributions from telecommunications companies such as "long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, paging companies, and payphone providers." The companies often charge customers to fund their contributions in the form of a universal service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill. The fund is then parceled out to companies, such as América Móvil, that create programs, such as SafeLink, to provide telecommunications service to rural areas and low-income households.

hertz donut?????? lol


Well-Known Member
If you don't reward Laziness you cannot control the masses. Imagine if you had to run a work force of 6-7 Billion People.. You gotta give them something. :) We are alot more efficient than the Egyptian Masters. They did not allow Movies, Homos, "Fun". <3