Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters

munch box

Well-Known Member
Time to go to work because im not on welfare. Somebody has to pay for those Obama phones
Well make sure you put in some over time this week, because Dan Kone wants to upgrade his Obama Blackberry for one of those bad ass Obama SmartPhones with 4G internet and texting.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Just what I thought. All rhetoric, no substance. You wouldn't catch me defending Obama, I'm a true Socialist and consider Obama a fraud. That wasn't my point. Teabaggers are always throwing around mistruths about Obama being a, "Socialist," "Marxist," Etc. Bullshit. Obama is a conservative corporatist. Makes me think teabaggers and GOPigs haven't a clue what Socialismt OR Marxism is. They just condemn it without even understanding it. Pure ignorance.
Well said.
Funny, tho....all those over-65 Teabaggers dont mind finding that Social Security check in their mailbox once a month....nor burn their Medicare cards.

Not to even mention the Teaaggers with 10th grade educations....living in their double-wides on state welfare.

Of course, ya cant blame them for having no education. After all, here in America, we have to PAY to go to college.....unlike well-educated, civilized countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and so on....who get it that OF COURSE good medical care and good educations for all are a necessity, not a priveledge of money.

LOL....no, long as we can bear arms by god.... and long as there's a Walmart in every town....who needs a free college education or free medical care?



Well-Known Member
I would love to visit scandanavia but I'm not sure if my Obama Blackberry will get reception. Will thier grocery stores accept my food stamps? and will Obama forward my welfare checks?
I would say get your life together first then visit...


Well-Known Member
Capitalism is needed for corporatism to exist. Corporations pay big money for lobbyists to wine and dine congressman and get legislation passed that benefits only the corporations at the expense of the tax paying citizen. Unregulated capitalism is a pre-requisite for corporatism.

My argument that most conservatives and nearly all teabaggers are religious, gun loving, racists is spot on. The very definition of a teabagger is a person that believes in combining religion with their politics. If you would have actually read the NY Times article I posted in the, "Teabaggers are the least popular political party" thread, you would know that. I don't think you read anything but political forum threads at RIU.

I won't defend Obama, he is way too conservative and should never have lied to us about having the balls to be a Socialist and stand up to the angry racists.

I've not only provided facts, but links to articles to support my facts on various threads both yesterday and today. What facts have you provided? You're the one who is talking out your ass.
Corporatism is actually dependent on regulations in order to manufacture a monopoly by stifling competition. So how can capitalism be the cause at all when true capitalism calls for no regulation?

You are a hypocrite and a bigot. End of story.


New Member
"In my report, The Economic Elite vs. the People,
I reported on the strategic withholding of wealth from 99 percent of the US population over the past generation.
Since the mid-1970s, worker production and wealth creation has exploded.
As the statistics throughout this report prove, the dramatic increase in wealth has been almost entirely absorbed by the economic top one-tenth of one percent of the population, with most of it going to the top one-hundredth of one percent."

Get hints here:

Please wake up to the fact that there is a "class"-war going on in the USA, and the middleclass is loosing.
This war is going global too, which is why I care.

Regarding socialism, I figure there is no point in discussing it with Americans - it seems most don't know what it really means, and how it can be applied to help THEIR current situation.
Evidence? A lot of them really believe Obama is a socialist. Case closed.
(If so the why are the corporations running your country TODAY? - surely you must feel this to be true deep down... especially after the supreme court decided corporations have same rights as humans when donating to/supporting politicans during elections)

Why would Americans NOT want to live in a paradise,
where everybody is healthy,
no mentally ill on the streets robbing you - they are in hospital because it's free,
everbody has resouces,
crimes are low,
infrastructure is great and a lot of people has work because of this,
police is there to help not to make your life shit,
prison is about letting people out (getting them ready for normal life instead of making super-criminals) - and people are happy to know their taxes fight crime THIS WAY too),
all schools are free all the way up to universities,
I could go on and on.

You see, socialism has a very powerful and positive ripple-effect on civilization!

The American dream is even present! You can start with nothing and make it. Why should a lack of poor people hold you back on your way to success?
Maybe I just hit the nail, and this is why corporations are killing the middleclass as we speak. They wrongfully believe that they NEED poor citizens to get cheap labor. There is a class war, wake up. You have almost lost already (the bailout).

“There is no such thing as the liberty or effective power of an individual, group, or class, except in relation to the liberties, the effective powers, of other individuals, groups or classes.” - American philospher John Dewey.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Mr. Gronn
you don't sound like james madison at all. you sound more like karl marx. If you think socialism works well then talk to people in Europe about it. they love that shit. So go take that shit back to Russia, and talk about the cold war.they love that shit. But this is America pal. America is a Capitolist state. For some of the people who signed our constitution it meant death, it meant thier whole familie's lives destroyed, they sacrificed everything for future generations freedom and liberty and democracy. we love this shit. So you take that Commie manifesto shit somewhere else pal. Its played out


Active Member
Corporatism is actually dependent on regulations in order to manufacture a monopoly by stifling competition. So how can capitalism be the cause at all when true capitalism calls for no regulation?

You are a hypocrite and a bigot. End of story.
You and SevenHourWorkWeek always seem to argue over the tiniest details. You both imply the same basic thing, i think you guys just like arguing with each other. You correctly point out that the regulators are paid off to favor one company over another and to make it difficult for others to enter the market. He correctly points out that Congress is bought and paid for and are essentially doing the same thing as the regulators. It's not as though only one scenario can be true. Clearly both are true.

There is a misconception that to achieve a true free market, as defined by Milton Friedman, all you need to do is get rid of all regulation. This is not the case at all. To maintain a free market, it has to be free of corruption, collusion, government involvement, etc. You'd literally have to set up a new bureaucratic agency just to watch over this. Check out the book "Free Lunch". It details all the little tricks corporations use to get around actually competing in the free market. Friedman once famously critiqued socialism by saying that you would need an angel to run such a system because it was so vulnerable to corruption. The same thing is true for his Free Market. Only instead of one angel you need a million angels. Even if you could actually get it set up, there is no guarantee that it would actually result in shared prosperity for all as it's supposed to.


Well-Known Member
You and SevenHourWorkWeek always seem to argue over the tiniest details. You both imply the same basic thing, i think you guys just like arguing with each other. You correctly point out that the regulators are paid off to favor one company over another and to make it difficult for others to enter the market. He correctly points out that Congress is bought and paid for and are essentially doing the same thing as the regulators. It's not as though only one scenario can be true. Clearly both are true.

There is a misconception that to achieve a true free market, as defined by Milton Friedman, all you need to do is get rid of all regulation. This is not the case at all. To maintain a free market, it has to be free of corruption, collusion, government involvement, etc. You'd literally have to set up a new bureaucratic agency just to watch over this. Check out the book "Free Lunch". It details all the little tricks corporations use to get around actually competing in the free market. Friedman once famously critiqued socialism by saying that you would need an angel to run such a system because it was so vulnerable to corruption. The same thing is true for his Free Market. Only instead of one angel you need a million angels. Even if you could actually get it set up, there is no guarantee that it would actually result in shared prosperity for all as it's supposed to.
I'm a libertarian and sevenhourworkweek is a socialist. Complete opposites. We are not implying the same thing. You must be mistaken.

So you argue using bureaucrats to make sure bureaucrats stay out of it? Do you think it is easier to enforce regulation after regulation than to keep our government out of the way?


New Member
I'm a libertarian and sevenhourworkweek is a socialist. Complete opposites. We are not implying the same thing. You must be mistaken.

So you argue using bureaucrats to make sure bureaucrats stay out of it? Do you think it is easier to enforce regulation after regulation than to keep our government out of the way?
Works for Somalia



Well-Known Member
I personally believe that Obama honestly doesn't care about this country. He hasn't done anything to help this country.. he hasn't held up to his word by doing all the things he promised to do, while running for President of the U.S.A.!

He's only got a few months left for his first 4-year term.. My only advice to everyone, would be to NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA, if he does indeed run for a second term. We don't need him or his 'faculty'!

We need someone that can and will actually DO the right thing with this country.. and get this country back in shape. We're so worried about 'building a nation' overseas and everything else... to the point where I think people, including our own government and President.. get so caught up in it, that they tend to forget about our own country.. and its current needs. Right now, our countries reputation is shit... because we have brainless fucks, like Obama.. running things.

So again, I hate politics.. and I hate debating things. Because when it comes down to it.. bringing the USA back to where it should be, is actually quite simple!! However, the simpleness in bringing this country back to where it needs to be.. seems to become difficult whenever the politics intervene in the process of bringing our country back.. therefore making it seem like its a really hard mission to accomplish.. when in reality, ITS NOT!

I'm done with this thread.. talking politics gives me a headache.


munch box

Well-Known Member
Or what Zimbabwe government did when it ran out of money. Take all the property from white farmers, becasue its the only part of the country left that has any wealth or value


Well-Known Member
Works for Somalia

Man you need to start reading past topics. This argument has already been debunked because anybody who says this has no understanding of libertarianism, and expressly how it is NOT ANARCHY. If I believed in anarchy, I would be an Anarchist, right? Use your brain.