How do you get into politics?


Well obviously the business of politics is a huge subject. How can I get involved? I keep hearing about polls, and debates, and then people say everyone is lying and such. How can all these GOP debate people from Iowa lie on stage with all these people.. is this true or a lie on the internet? Also if they are lies why isn't anyone calling them out? Where are polls I can see for myself? I heard Ron Paul talk about a few subjects and I agreed with it all!
Political science in school...

I had same teacher for a law course I took..

his line was that to be good at either you have to be able to lie and be convincing....

you can volunteer during elections, or join youth parties...

but the courses are the best bet..

I quite...I detest politicians..they are all too self serving and will sell their supporters down river for their jobs.pensions or lobbyist $$.
Lie? Bullshit! The truth shall set you free.

First, study the Constitution. Then study free market economics. Then study the thoughts of the country's founders. Then, run for the school board. After you get elected to the school board, run for the city council or the county supervisor position. From there, the state senate, from there the federal congress or or senate. Even governor of your state. Don't lie, tell the truth. Keep your pecker where it belongs. Always espouse free market principles upon which our country was founded and live by those principles. Always remember ... there isn't two sides of the truth.
Lie? Bullshit! The truth shall set you free.

First, study the Constitution. Then study free market economics. Then study the thoughts of the country's founders. Then, run for the school board. After you get elected to the school board, run for the city council or the county supervisor position. From there, the state senate, from there the federal congress or or senate. Even governor of your state. Don't lie, tell the truth. Keep your pecker where it belongs. Always espouse free market principles upon which our country was founded and live by those principles. Always remember ... there isn't two sides of the truth.

What does this have to do with me voting in 2012? I never said I want to be IN politics I want to learn about it and see why none is calling out all the lies on stage.
How do you get into politics?

^^^ Was this, or was this not, how you titled the thread?

And where in the thread did you mention voting?

I swear, sometimes one doesn't have to bother even thinking one iota about how and why the country has evolved into the moronic morass it has become. Its displayed every day in this forum.
How do you get into politics?

^^^ Was this, or was this not, how you titled the thread?

And where in the thread did you mention voting?

I swear, sometimes one doesn't have to bother even thinking one iota about how and why the country has evolved into the moronic morass it has become. Its displayed every day in this forum.
Okay so you look at the title and didn't read anything in my post then, because I never once said I want to be a runner in politics at all
politics is the science of deceit. the lies are expected and treachery is the norm. political animals play a game of popularity contests, then follow the funding to keep hold of their places at the public trough and their power. to believe a politician is to be a fool.
Google the politicians you think you like and read about them and what they stand for. Same goes for bill or laws in you area. If that seems like a bit of a hassle vote for Ron Paul and then you have voted for a man for the people who lives by the constitution.
Okay so you look at the title and didn't read anything in my post then, because I never once said I want to be a runner in politics at all

Then why didn't you title the starting post "How do I become a voter?" And why didn't you ask that simple little question in the body of your post? This isn't a forum for mind readers, sockslol. Not dissing you ... just pointing out what happened. Clarity in your meanings is really important in posting in these forums. We can't see facial expressions, voice inflections, hand gestures or any other kind of body language. That's why being explicit is important.

Take care ...

We can't see facial expressions, voice inflections, hand gestures or any other kind of body language.
speak for yourself. i'm hiding in your monitor right now, watching every keystroke with silent glee. yes, i noticed you scratching yourself just then and i know why your mouse buttons are sticky on thursdays.
We are into politics, it's not a job for the politicians, it's a job for the citizens. That's how it should be in a proper democracy. Alas, there isn't one anywhere on this planet. Modern "democracies" are based on the roman model of the republic, which is not democratic, it's just a way for the ruling classes to control the populous.
Well obviously the business of politics is a huge subject. How can I get involved? I keep hearing about polls, and debates, and then people say everyone is lying and such. How can all these GOP debate people from Iowa lie on stage with all these people.. is this true or a lie on the internet? Also if they are lies why isn't anyone calling them out? Where are polls I can see for myself? I heard Ron Paul talk about a few subjects and I agreed with it all!
Getting involved is a piece of cake. The level to which you care to become involved is up to you.

Activism in politics can be as simple as writing a letter to your elected official and as complicated as running for office.

The key is to educate yourself. This means reading. Read stuff from the Left and the Right. Form your own opinions.

Just about every polling organization, political action group, political party, candidate, news organization, etc., has an subscriber list which is free to join.

And just a little piece of advice: If you are going to accuse anyone of spreading lies, you should back it up. Preferably with specific examples of the lie and evidence to the contrary.
You first need to learn to steal and Lie, then you can become a politician. You don't really need any education, just be popular.
now is a good time to start reading about politics. the elections are coming up and shit is getting heated. i first got into it during the '08 campaigns. this one is going to probably be better. grab some popcorn and watch
You get into politics, by deciding that you care about everyone else, and you are right, everyone else is wrong, and wearing t-shirts that shout out how stupid everyone else is for not agreeing with your stupid opinions.