• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

here we go fucking up the market again


Well-Known Member
kid i here your mom calling you, she needs a tongue bath again.
funny how the Air force has more stringent weight requirements, navy will take anyone, the army will take anyone, and the marines want cannon fodder.

oh and props to any soldiers reading, but thats how I break down the armed forces.


Well-Known Member
I dont get what all the hysterics are about.

Can all the bullshit talking points for a second and ACTUALLY think about what the program does. It fill EMPTY homes that will only remain empty (anyone try to get a mortgage lately?)

Yeah those vacant homes make for a much better community and really help home values of the neighborhood.......vacant homes and crackhouses are a true gift and a real bonus for all the neighbors..

If anyone here is a homeowner and opposes this they are either full of shit or retarded.
So what you are saying is that it would be better for our tax money to pay a few people tax money, in order for them to afford providing housing for people who cant afford that housing, in essence paying partial rent on homes?

have you heard of the housing authority, you see if there are people who need a home, there are already subsidies for those people to get homes at an affordable rate, my god daughters mother pays 200 a month on a 600 a month apartment, the state pays the rest.


Well-Known Member
LoL, you just need to die and let the young progressive people take over.
Yeah, I've seen all these young progressive people you're talking about. They sit on their asses playing video games, most of them not even having the basic understanding of how the computer they're using even works. The hard work of productive serious people has given them such easily usable technology, that the next generation will be mostly void of anyone who can advance let alone sustain that technology. These are the very foundation of the Democratic party, slack jawed dolts, easily manipulated and soon to be on the government dole. Yeah, there are plenty of college professors and journalists among your lists, but the vast majority of your constituency is made up of jealous, envious losers who have utterly failed at preparing for and building a sustainable income or career.

Just like the Britsh chick they interviewed as she was looting... We're gonna get our taxes back... We're gonna show the rich people we can do what we want

You knuckleheads are setting the stage for great violence with all the class warfare, brainwashing the useful idiots, at the same time you warn of the impending violence from the most peaceful citizens we have. The Tea Party. I guess all those 50+ people and grandmas and grandpas with their bad hips and walkers are just too frightening for you.



Active Member
Finally, I agree about the corporations. Corporatism is caused by government regulation and intervention. However, I would like to see evidence of these strict charters imposed, as I don't believe they exist.
There is an excellent book on the rise of corporations in America called "Gangs of America". You can find it for free here: http://www.gangsofamerica.com/ It's true that corporations were originally granted charters that limited the area in which they were allowed to do business and also only allowed them to exist for a limited amount of time. This didn't apply to all businesses, just corporations. Recall that corporations are structured in a way that allows it's owners to escape legal liability for any laws that the corporation might break so there was a good reason that the founders would want to control that. That didn't change until the Railroad industry started bribing judges and politicians in order to expand across the United States.

The most fascinating thing about that book is the author's take on the Boston Tea Party. He argues that Samuel Adams' stance against England was not especially popular with the business community at the time. The businesses were getting most of their goods from the black market and they weren't paying taxes at all. The thing that freaked them out was the fact that the East India Trading Company was getting pissed that no one was buying the goods from them so they had planned to vertically integrate into the United States. That is, they were going to open their own shops and sell their own goods, rather than being suppliers to American business. This is similar to oil producers of today owning the refineries and the gas stations. The local businessman felt that they couldn't compete under those circumstances. The East India Trading Company was very well connected politically and weren't subject to the same rules as the colonists. So the local merchants joined with Samuel Adams. Dumping all of that tea into the Boston Harbor wasn't merely symbolic of discontent, it was to cripple the East India Trading Company's plans to sell their own tea.

Suffice to say, there is a long history of anti-corporate sentiment in the United States dating all the way back to it's founding. The notion that the Constitution was written with the intent that the free market would determine every aspect of our society is a myth.


Well-Known Member
You are so far out in right field it's ridiculous. Making a false equivalancy between Democratic Socialism, and National Socialist German Worker's Party? Really? It's completely retarded that your vote counts equally. So, maybe I should reconsider democracy after all. LoL

But please, keep gracing us with your eloquently phrased, poetic writing. Pffffffffffffff...

Oh, and mistaking continents for countries? Yes please! More of that too! Fun stuff. I guess what Bill Maher says about tea baggers is true. You really are a political comedian's best friend.
Gun control ... Adolf Hitler

Mistaking continents for countries? What the fuck are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, his promise to abolish the federal reserve and the IRS and replace them with nothing does sound appealing. But his evangelical ideology and bigotry are a deal breaker for me. Poor women would be back to getting back alley abortions if he were to become president. Poor people everywhere would be dying in the streets after being turned away by all the private hospitals once there is no more federal funding for health care and emergency services. Plus, he's not only discriminant against black people, but gays too. There is a candid scene of him in the movie, "Bruno" where he shows his true colors. You should check it out. It's a brilliantly funny movie!
You truly are the ignorant one who knows nothing of Ron Paul. For the last time he is not evangelical, he is baptist. He would not outlaw abortion; in fact he was on The View talking about outlawing abortions wouldn't really make sense. I don't understand how the scene in that movie could even make him anti-gay? Is it because he called him queer? Look up the definition of queer.

You're an ignorant fool. I was contemplating reading the link on your sig, but after your representation of that ideology I choose not to learn from ignorant saps.


Active Member
Yeah, his promise to abolish the federal reserve and the IRS and replace them with nothing does sound appealing. But his evangelical ideology and bigotry are a deal breaker for me. Poor women would be back to getting back alley abortions if he were to become president. Poor people everywhere would be dying in the streets after being turned away by all the private hospitals once there is no more federal funding for health care and emergency services. Plus, he's not only discriminant against black people, but gays too. There is a candid scene of him in the movie, "Bruno" where he shows his true colors. You should check it out. It's a brilliantly funny movie!
The Democratic Socialists... I'm not familiar with them, but are they similar to Bernie Sanders, the Senator from Vermont? I like Bernie very much, if he were running for President, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. Isn't it odd, that Bernie and Ron are on opposite sides of the political spectrum yet they tend to agree more often the supposed centrist Democrats and Republicans? Sure, they disagree on entitlements and trade, but on the role of the Fed and foreign policy, they're virtually identical. At this moment, I think those two things are the most important issues facing the United States which is why I would vote for either one of them. I think Democrats and Republicans are scamming us. They get us divided on unimportant wedge issues but they both have the same basic agenda.

Imagine if McCain had won the last election. How different would things really be? We still would have continued Bush's bailout of financial institutions. We probably still would have had a stimulus of some sort (though it may have had more tax cuts and less infrastructure). Any kind of Health care reform would have been similar to Obama-care. We certainly would still be in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Bush tax cuts would still be in place and we'd still have a skittish stock market begging for a QE3. Isn't it odd that they seemed so different during the campaign but when it comes to governing, they read from the same playbook.


Well-Known Member
Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,00​0 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE
Average Salary of a teacher ................ $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000
I think we found where the cuts should be made


Active Member
obama is a socialist, and he has been trying to convert our country to those ideals. he takes democratic ideals TOO FAR. i work my ass off for what i have, and i deserve to keep my money. fuck that mother fucker. he is the anti christ, and we will see in 2012 when the world ends.
What has Obama done to qualify him as a Socialist? Give the GOP everything they want in negotiations? Allowed the unions to be dismantled? Caved on the healthcare bill until it was completely gutted? Yeah, right, real fucking socialist. Just shut the fuck up you ignorant, hillbilly mother fucker. You are just parroting what your other stupid, redneck family members say every night while watching fox news and downing 2 liter bottles of mountain dew. Get fucked and die.


Well-Known Member
I logged on at 6am and Read this from you thinking to myself "He really set his alarm for this shyt.." and here you still are..
LoL, I'm not here to convert anyone. I've got zero fantasies about converting any teabaggers. You guys are way beyond the point of no return. I'm just here to fuck you ignorant pricks up with some truth, get a laugh, and poetically own you with facts. Mission Accomplished.


Well-Known Member
What has Obama done to qualify him as a Socialist? Give the GOP everything they want in negotiations? Allowed the unions to be dismantled? Caved on the healthcare bill until it was completely gutted? Yeah, right, real fucking socialist. Just shut the fuck up you ignorant, hillbilly mother fucker. You are just parroting what your other stupid, redneck family members say every night while watching fox news and downing 2 liter bottles of mountain dew. Get fucked and die.
Did you know Abraham Lincoln didn't want to go to war? He didn't believe the country was even ready to rid slavery. Historically speaking, it didn't make him any less of an abolitionist.

Did you ever stop to think that Obama could be proceeding in baby steps?


Well-Known Member
What has Obama done to qualify him as a Socialist? Give the GOP everything they want in negotiations? Allowed the unions to be dismantled? Caved on the healthcare bill until it was completely gutted? Yeah, right, real fucking socialist. Just shut the fuck up you ignorant, hillbilly mother fucker. You are just parroting what your other stupid, redneck family members say every night while watching fox news and downing 2 liter bottles of mountain dew. Get fucked and die.
hahahahaha im the farthest thing from a redneck you fucking moron. how many rednecks live in newport beach, i'll answer that for you ZERO. i think the cheapest car in my neighbor hood is some dude's wife's porsche boxster. obama is ruining the country he will be the downfall of everything we have. you will see.


Active Member
Mistaking continents for countries? What the fuck are you talking about?
Post number 123, while talking about T. Jefferson. You state, "I am, however, arguing his monumental impact on the existence of America." The country Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence for was called the UNITED STATES. America is a continent you dumbfuck! Canada and Mexico are also part of America. Did Thomas Jefferson have a, "monumental impact on the existence of..." Mexico too? LMFAO you're just like Sarah Palin talking about Africa. Typical conservative, know nothing moron.


Active Member
hahahahaha im the farthest thing from a redneck you fucking moron. how many rednecks live in newport beach, i'll answer that for you ZERO. i think the cheapest car in my neighbor hood is some dude's wife's porsche boxster. obama is ruining the country he will be the downfall of everything we have. you will see.
What's your excuse then? Why are you such an ignorant piece of shit? Good thing you'll be at the beach swimming in toxic waste on election day instead of a voting booth. Also, neighborhood is one word.


Active Member
Did you know Abraham Lincoln didn't want to go to war?
Uhm, yeah, I graduated 8th grade...so, yes. Debating politics with stupid fucking stoners. Wow, kill me now, non-existent god.

Believe me, none of what Obama is doing is planned. He's a naive, sophomoric hack who hasn't a clue how to fix this fucked up country. Don't worry, Michelle Bachman or Rick Perry will be our next president. Then we will really get to see some entertainment. Think W was a retard? Ha, you ain't seen nothing yet!

jeff f

New Member
No, my income taxes help pay for the military, road repairs, and all that other fun shit.

so you must pay infor a special program, everyone elses taxes pay for free breakfast lunch and dinner to all school kids. transportaition to and from, public school.

they also pay for a 50% pregnancy rate with teens by giving them free abortions regardless of income, public housing, welfare in the form of cash money , food money. free college. free cab rides to the college, free room and board.

the war in libya, afgan, iraq, did i miss anything?

how do i get on your tax schedule?


Active Member
so you must pay infor a special program, everyone elses taxes pay for free breakfast lunch and dinner to all school kids. transportaition to and from, public school.

they also pay for a 50% pregnancy rate with teens by giving them free abortions regardless of income, public housing, welfare in the form of cash money , food money. free college. free cab rides to the college, free room and board.

the war in libya, afgan, iraq, did i miss anything?

how do i get on your tax schedule?
Damn, free everything? I'm dirt poor and I don't even qualify for food stamps. Here I am working like a sucker. I'm going to quit my job and live the good life.

Honestly though, this isn't Europe. Our social safety net isn't anywhere near that awesome. I've looked into it. If I'm wrong, give me a link. I thought we spent more on corporate welfare than regular person welfare.