• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

here we go fucking up the market again


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about Obama being a socialist in this thread? Not me. Obama is a Christian conservative who ran on the Democratic ticket. He courted voters with Socialism and gave us Corporatism.

Oh and Ron Paul is an evangelical, racist nutjob. Might want to look a little deeper before you give him your support.

Is this unclebuck 2.0??



Well-Known Member
Where did I miss a comma? I probably didn't. There are very few hard and fast rules about comma placement in the English language. Comma usage is fairly flexible. Sentence structure is not flexible. You are the king of awkwardly worded, redundant, run-on sentences. It's painfully obvious by the way you write that you're undereducated.

As for T. Jefferson, how is he, "the man who is the biggest reason the United States exist?" Writing, "...all men are created equal..." while owning more slaves than any other man in the state of Virginia makes him a hero? LoL Jefferson owned over 500 slaves in his life and freed fewer than ten. He died a slave owner. Even on his death bed he couldn't find the decency to free but a couple of his favorite slaves. Also, it was common for masters to rape female slaves and have half black children. How does raping a slave and allowing her to have his child make him a good and decent man as you seem to be ignorantly arguing?

Also, what does Jefferson have to do with the housing market or RIU teabaggers getting together offline for circle jerks? THAT is what this thread is about.
A comma is not optional in a list. If you're so educated you would know this, wouldn't you?

Thomas Jefferson: the author of the Declaration of Independence, successor to Benjamin Franklin as French ambassador, Louisiana Purchase of 1803, Secretary of State for Alexander Hamilton, two term president. Let me ask you, what have you done for America?

I never said he was a good man when it came to slavery. I am, however, arguing his monumental impact on the existence of America.

The relevance of Jefferson was due to your stating "You evangelical god and gun loving nut bags have bastardized Christianity."
I was arguing your 'gun loving nut bags' comment, remember?


Well-Known Member
The reward of supplying society with a needed service should be the reward for a business owner.
i really had no idea that idiots like you really existed. i thought they were just a bad joke, the boogeyman parents used to warn their children against huffing paint or not eating their vegetables. i didn't believe, before this moment, that there was anyone who thought that we work merely for the satisfaction of a job well done. i'll admit that i get a great deal of satisfaction from the work i do and i thoroughly enjoy doing it well, but risking all i have to provide a service for a community of unappreciative louts like you simply isn't something i'd waste my time on. yours are the words of an ignorant statist dupe, someone who has never been in the position of taking those risks or even working much more than the seven hour week your name professes. we don't work for fun, we work to sustain ourselves and to provide for our loved ones. if we are smart or lucky or particularly talented, that work is something more than a drain upon our day.

democratic socialism isn't alive and well anywhere. it is withering as the existing wealth is feeds on is used up. with no reward in competition, we do not compete. when we do not compete, wealth is not created and mankind takes that giant leap sideways into orwellian mediocrity. i'm sure that statist bumpkins like you would love to see the entire world taken over by such stagnation. luckily there will always be somewhere for people to go where they are allowed to keep what they struggle for. those who strive for self-determination and a bit of excellence will always flock to such places. it is only in such places that wealth is created, innovation flourishes and humanity advances.



so now the govt is gonna be a renter. how fucking stupid are these guys? do they know that realtors, home owners and yes, some slumlords, make a living doing this?

they will hire a bunch of worthless govt workers, rewarded for doing nothing, and make them the competitors of hard working, ass busting workers trying to better their life.

seriously, if this happens i am gonna wager that many mom and pop realtors will go tits up. and the housing market will take another beating.

auction the fucking houses off and be done with it. this is unfuckingthinkable.
This sounds like all politics and no real effect. Thousands of homes I am assuming less than 10,000 will have little or no effect on the market. In the worst hit areas like Detroit, this kind of thing is not going to do anything to raise prices. Falling prices and processing foreclosures are the best thing for realtors. In areas like Detroit the best thing is to roll out the bulldozer, they have been doing this for years already.


Well-Known Member
Rome is infamous for FALLING due to their selfishness and greed! Thanks for bringing that up. Oh and, the USA (America is a continent silly goose) isn't considered one of the greatest empires in history. The USA has only been around a couple hundred years and is still in its infancy. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?
Oh, and you are so educated. Rome was a Republic from 500BC to 49BC when Caesar came to power. When Caesar was killed, there was a fight to restore the republic from 44BC to 31BC but it failed.

By the end of the Republic, the city of Rome had achieved a grandeur befitting the capital of an empire dominating the whole of the Mediterranean. It was, at the time, the largest city in the world. Estimates of its peak population range from 450,000 to over 3.5 million people with estimates of 1 to 2 million being most popular with historians.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Rome#cite_note-32

Starting in the early 3rd century, matters changed. The "Crisis of the third century" defines the disasters and political troubles for the Empire, which nearly collapsed. The new feeling of danger and the menace of barbarian invasions was clearly shown by the decision of Emperor Aurelian, who at year 273 finished encircling the capital itself with a massive wall which had a perimeter that measured close to 20 km (12 mi). Rome formally remained capital of the empire, but emperors spent less and less time there. At the end of 3rd century Diocletian's political reforms, Rome was deprived of its traditional role of administrative capital of the Empire. Later, western emperors ruled from Milan or Ravenna, or cities in Gaul. In 330, Constantine I established a second capital at Constantinople.
C'mon man.


Well-Known Member
man, nothing pisses me off more than when I hear people call Obama a Marxist, Socialist, and Communist. He's a corporate lap dog.
what makes you think the two cannot coincide? let's not forget how closely tied the national socialist movement was to industry as world war two broke out. that big business and government become closely tied is a first fatal step toward the most tyrannical sort of socialism. that labor and government become closely tied is an equally undesirable outcome. in the final analysis, it is government that ends up in control of any such collaboration. government, with its control over the violent forces of law enforcement and the military, is never an equal partner.


Active Member
Milton Friedman might have been skilled at putting things on paper, but his vision of the free market is unattainable. He's similar to Marx in that way. For free market capitalism to work, there can be no government intrusion in markets. This means no subsidies, no tax loopholes and no exemptions. Unfortunately, these exist on every single level of government. All the way from the local level to the federal level. Even if you were to elect a president that could do away with all of that on the federal level, it would still exist at state and local levels because of the tenth amendment. Here's an example: When Walmart first started spreading across America, it didn't just buy a plot of land and build a store the way a Mom and Pop store might. It would get two nearby towns to compete with one another. They'd say, "we really want to move here but the town down the road offered us a free plot of land. If you could throw us one better, we'd consider moving here instead." They would promise tax revenue and jobs and in return they would often get free land, tax breaks, sometimes the town would even chip in on the construction of the building. Of course the town would later lose more jobs then they gained because competing retailers had higher costs since they had to play by the rules. This kind of story exists for just about every major corporation in America. The free market didn't make them rich, crony capitalism did.


Well-Known Member
Milton Friedman might have been skilled at putting things on paper, but his vision of the free market is unattainable. He's similar to Marx in that way. For free market capitalism to work, there can be no government intrusion in markets. This means no subsidies, no tax loopholes and no exemptions. Unfortunately, these exist on every single level of government. All the way from the local level to the federal level. Even if you were to elect a president that could do away with all of that on the federal level, it would still exist at state and local levels because of the tenth amendment. Here's an example: When Walmart first started spreading across America, it didn't just buy a plot of land and build a store the way a Mom and Pop store might. It would get two nearby towns to compete with one another. They'd say, "we really want to move here but the town down the road offered us a free plot of land. If you could throw us one better, we'd consider moving here instead." They would promise tax revenue and jobs and in return they would often get free land, tax breaks, sometimes the town would even chip in on the construction of the building. Of course the town would later lose more jobs then they gained because competing retailers had higher costs since they had to play by the rules. This kind of story exists for just about every major corporation in America. The free market didn't make them rich, crony capitalism did.
Actually, your example proved that it wasn't capitalism, but government intervention which is not a free market or capitalistic policy.

You also argue that because these loopholes and such are so hard to fight that we should simply tolerate the system and not continue with free market ideals. In fact, with what power we have as a federal government we should only be using this power for defense of our nation, civil rights, and we should be spending our time fighting these loopholes and exemptions rather than subsidizing them. Furthermore a true free market capitalist would realize the need for a much smaller government which would in turn require a substantial decrease in taxes. This means fewer loopholes and exemptions, as well as shifting our economy away from any needs for subsidies.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about Obama being a socialist in this thread? Not me. Obama is a Christian conservative who ran on the Democratic ticket. He courted voters with Socialism and gave us Corporatism.

Oh and Ron Paul is an evangelical, racist nutjob. Might want to look a little deeper before you give him your support.
obama is a socialist, and he has been trying to convert our country to those ideals. he takes democratic ideals TOO FAR. i work my ass off for what i have, and i deserve to keep my money. fuck that mother fucker. he is the anti christ, and we will see in 2012 when the world ends.


Active Member
Who said anything about Obama being a socialist in this thread?
The guy who started this thread was going on about Obama being a communist and a Marxist.

Oh and Ron Paul is an evangelical, racist nutjob.
That and his faith in the free market is a little extreme. The thing that I like about him is his stance on the Federal Reserve. A recent audit on the Fed has shown that they've given out 16 trillion dollars since 2008. That's more than our debt. No one else is questioning the wisdom of a privately run central bank except Ron Paul and I suspect the Fed has more impact on your daily life than our government does. Of course I disagree with Ron on a host of issues, but I find those less significant and preventable by the Senate.


Well-Known Member
Sevenhourworkweek, you probably aren't the DSA's best recruiter are you? In fact I would have to say you probably turn more people off from the DSA than anyone in history. From your very first post you have been nothing but a rude obnoxious spoiled little brat who needs to be taken over a knee and spanked.


Well-Known Member
The guy who started this thread was going on about Obama being a communist and a Marxist.

That and his faith in the free market is a little extreme. The thing that I like about him is his stance on the Federal Reserve. A recent audit on the Fed has shown that they've given out 16 trillion dollars since 2008. That's more than our debt. No one else is questioning the wisdom of a privately run central bank except Ron Paul and I suspect the Fed has more impact on your daily life than our government does. Of course I disagree with Ron on a host of issues, but I find those less significant and preventable by the Senate.
Ron Paul is a baptist. Why would there be anything to fear of a libertarian's religion? If you believe a true libertarian would impose their religious beliefs through legislation you are sadly misinformed about what a libertarian person is.

The racism argument has been spinning in circles for ever now. He didn't write the newsletter that printed that stuff, he is guilty merely by association. However, it's funny to have someone call out a racist who seems to agree more with the National Socialist German Workers' Party than they do with the founding fathers.


Active Member
Ron Paul is a baptist. Why would there be anything to fear of a libertarian's religion? If you believe a true libertarian would impose their religious beliefs through legislation you are sadly misinformed about what a libertarian person is.

The racism argument has been spinning in circles for ever now. He didn't write the newsletter that printed that stuff, he is guilty merely by association. However, it's funny to have someone call out a racist who seems to agree more with the National Socialist German Workers' Party than they do with the founding fathers.
I think you meant to direct that at the other guy. I am not remotely concerned about a libertarian's religion. Ron's only faith based issue is his stance on abortion, but I don't see any legislation of that sort getting passed. I thought the racist argument had to do with the libertarian view that the Civil Rights Act shouldn't effect business. To me it doesn't make him racist but do we really need to be so ideologically pure that we don't even dare tell a business not to segregate? The argument is: "no business would segregate because they could lose potential customers". I'm not convinced the free market should be involved in social issues, but again, it's irrelevant. Ron Paul is not going to abolish Civil Rights. What's the German Workers' Party comment all about? You know, the founding founders were not too fond of corporations. They put very strict limits on the charters for them. I tend to think they were right.


Well-Known Member
I think you meant to direct that at the other guy. I am not remotely concerned about a libertarian's religion. Ron's only faith based issue is his stance on abortion, but I don't see any legislation of that sort getting passed. I thought the racist argument had to do with the libertarian view that the Civil Rights Act shouldn't effect business. To me it doesn't make him racist but do we really need to be so ideologically pure that we don't even dare tell a business not to segregate? The argument is: "no business would segregate because they could lose potential customers". I'm not convinced the free market should be involved in social issues, but again, it's irrelevant. Ron Paul is not going to abolish Civil Rights. What's the German Workers' Party comment all about? You know, the founding founders were not too fond of corporations. They put very strict limits on the charters for them. I tend to think they were right.
Yes it was, you were just easier to quote lol.

Ron's stance on abortion is not faith based. I have quoted his book on here before. Also, he does not believe in making it legal/illegal. He is for leaving the decision to the states to decide as it is not a matter of federal government business.

Talking about this could spin us back around in another circle on this debate once again, but whatever. The argument is actually that it is not in the governments right to tell private citizens what they can do on their own property. Once you start taking a few rights away here and there, eventually all of them are susceptible to being taken as well. You argue that the free market shouldn't decide social issues. I must ask, who should? The government? The free market would be comprised of the 98% of the citizens in the united states making the decisions, government would be 2%. How do you not see the tyranny?

It's the National Socials German Workers' Party, or more commonly known as the NAZI party. Sevenhourworkweek is a socialist who appears to be anti-gun. Earlier I posted a quote of Adolf Hitler talking about removing guns from the minority in order to maintain power and control over them. He proceeded to bash Thomas Jefferson. Therefore, I pointed out that his views agree more with the NAZI party than they do with the founding fathers. Absolutely true statement.

Finally, I agree about the corporations. Corporatism is caused by government regulation and intervention. However, I would like to see evidence of these strict charters imposed, as I don't believe they exist.


Active Member
Sevenhourworkweek, you probably aren't the DSA's best recruiter are you? In fact I would have to say you probably turn more people off from the DSA than anyone in history. From your very first post you have been nothing but a rude obnoxious spoiled little brat who needs to be taken over a knee and spanked.
LoL, I'm not here to convert anyone. I've got zero fantasies about converting any teabaggers. You guys are way beyond the point of no return. I'm just here to fuck you ignorant pricks up with some truth, get a laugh, and poetically own you with facts. Mission Accomplished.


Active Member
it's funny to have someone call out a racist who seems to agree more with the National Socialist German Workers' Party than they do with the founding fathers.
You are so far out in right field it's ridiculous. Making a false equivalancy between Democratic Socialism, and National Socialist German Worker's Party? Really? It's completely retarded that your vote counts equally. So, maybe I should reconsider democracy after all. LoL

But please, keep gracing us with your eloquently phrased, poetic writing. Pffffffffffffff...

Oh, and mistaking continents for countries? Yes please! More of that too! Fun stuff. I guess what Bill Maher says about tea baggers is true. You really are a political comedian's best friend.


Well-Known Member
You are so far out in right field it's ridiculous. Making a false equivalancy between Democratic Socialism, and National Socialist German Worker's Party? Really? It's completely retarded that your vote counts equally. So, maybe I should reconsider democracy after all. LoL

But please, keep gracing us with your eloquently phrased, poetic writing. Pffffffffffffff...

Oh, and mistaking continents for countries? Yes please! More of that too! Fun stuff. I guess what Bill Maher says about tea baggers is true. You really are a political comedian's best friend.

It's Pfft, for starters. I guess you can add lots of extra f's for what you perceive as extra derision, but you still need to hang that t on the end.

Secondly, Douchebag says what?


Active Member
i really had no idea that idiots like you really existed. i thought they were just a bad joke, the boogeyman parents used to warn their children against huffing paint or not eating their vegetables. i didn't believe, before this moment, that there was anyone who thought that we work merely for the satisfaction of a job well done. i'll admit that i get a great deal of satisfaction from the work i do and i thoroughly enjoy doing it well, but risking all i have to provide a service for a community of unappreciative louts like you simply isn't something i'd waste my time on. yours are the words of an ignorant statist dupe, someone who has never been in the position of taking those risks or even working much more than the seven hour week your name professes. we don't work for fun, we work to sustain ourselves and to provide for our loved ones. if we are smart or lucky or particularly talented, that work is something more than a drain upon our day.

democratic socialism isn't alive and well anywhere. it is withering as the existing wealth is feeds on is used up. with no reward in competition, we do not compete. when we do not compete, wealth is not created and mankind takes that giant leap sideways into orwellian mediocrity. i'm sure that statist bumpkins like you would love to see the entire world taken over by such stagnation. luckily there will always be somewhere for people to go where they are allowed to keep what they struggle for. those who strive for self-determination and a bit of excellence will always flock to such places. it is only in such places that wealth is created, innovation flourishes and humanity advances.
Anyone who chooses to disclose personal facts about themselves to defend against the attack of an unstable stranger on the internet is an idiot. Sorry, I'm not that guy. I don't care that you wrongfully assume a bunch of bullshit about me being some broke kid who has never known responsibility or hard work. Who the fuck are you? You're just some angry, fat, white, prick who wants to lock himself behind a fence with a shotgun at the ready to protect his only reason for living, personal property, from the "mud people." LoL, you just need to die and let the young progressive people take over. Everything you stand for needs to just die off. Your way of thinking is thankfully in the rear view mirror and nobody but a few are looking back. That's why you tea baggers are so loud and so angry. And all because you don't want to share you toys in the sandbox. Sad.

But also funny as hell! =)


Active Member
The guy who started this thread was going on about Obama being a communist and a Marxist.

That and his faith in the free market is a little extreme. The thing that I like about him is his stance on the Federal Reserve. A recent audit on the Fed has shown that they've given out 16 trillion dollars since 2008. That's more than our debt. No one else is questioning the wisdom of a privately run central bank except Ron Paul and I suspect the Fed has more impact on your daily life than our government does. Of course I disagree with Ron on a host of issues, but I find those less significant and preventable by the Senate.
Yeah, his promise to abolish the federal reserve and the IRS and replace them with nothing does sound appealing. But his evangelical ideology and bigotry are a deal breaker for me. Poor women would be back to getting back alley abortions if he were to become president. Poor people everywhere would be dying in the streets after being turned away by all the private hospitals once there is no more federal funding for health care and emergency services. Plus, he's not only discriminant against black people, but gays too. There is a candid scene of him in the movie, "Bruno" where he shows his true colors. You should check it out. It's a brilliantly funny movie!


Well-Known Member
little boy go fuck your sister again.

i put 20 years in the AF, owned and operated 3 businesses, two highly successful, one not so much. raised three daughters , have two college degrees and i grow the best budz you ever laid your eyes on. i even do some breeding.

so go fuck yourself in the ass while blowing your dad you fucking crackhead
Just remember seven hour welfair line, has a 20,000 dollar grow room, with 10k a year in electric, for his commercial/nonprofit.