Yeah, Democracy always ends badly, always. Socialism is a euphemism for boot on your throat. Put the two together and you have everyones boot on your throat.You're another one that could benefit by just reading the, "what is Democratic Socialism?" link in my signature. Everyone is taxed heavily under DS, not just the middle class, like under "capitalism."
Germany is the biggest manufacturer in all of Europe, they also live differently than you and I do..with dignity. You can go to Berlin but its pretty hard to find a bum begging for change....IN GERMANY, and saw that sevenhourworkweek was totally right!
More like, boot on your throat is a euphemism for, "schucks, I already got this here bomb shelter, might as well keep fighting the cold war..."Yeah, Democracy always ends badly, always. Socialism is a euphemism for boot on your throat. Put the two together and you have everyones boot on your throat.
Check the statistics for everywhere else in the world. The poverty rates are rising everywhere. Germany STILL has some of the lowest poverty rates in the history of the world. Nuff said.Germany is the biggest manufacturer in all of Europe, they also live differently than you and I do..with dignity. You can go to Berlin but its pretty hard to find a bum begging for change.
BTW the statistics show that Germany's Poverty rate has been rising every year for the last 45 years.
In 1965 only 1 in 75 Germans was poor, now its almost 1 in 6.
Democratic Socialism...It's not that great.
Sorry dude, its been proven for thousands of years that only Republics ever survive for any length of time. Your Democialism is predicated on Man not being greedy, well hate to break it to ya,greed is here to stay.More like, boot on your throat is a euphemism for, "schucks, I already got this here bomb shelter, might as well keep fighting the cold war..."
Dude, let it go. Reagan and Gorbi are BOTH dead. Let the lame stereotypes die too. Democratic Socialism and Communism are nothing alike. Again, read the link, educate yourself, or shut the fuck up.
Wall Street said:The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that Greed, for the lack of a better word, is Good. Greed is right. Greed, works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms, Greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and Greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.
You finally got something right.Nuff said.
So you don't want to vote for yourself? You'd rather elect somebody to vote for you? What a little bitch. Good thing wackos like you will never have a true republic in the US. Can't happen, won't happen. Sorry. There's always Idaho I guess.Sorry dude, its been proven for thousands of years that only Republics ever survive for any length of time. Your Democialism is predicated on Man not being greedy, well hate to break it to ya,greed is here to stay.
Really? You're going to quote a movie? Lulz. Conversation over. Dumbass.The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that Greed, for the lack of a better word, is Good. Greed is right. Greed, works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms, Greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and Greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.
Comment on my grammar; yet you missed a comma in your list (first sentence). Nice. Also, where in the world did I ever say that you believed as such? Where in the world did I say I gave a fuck?I know your grammar is atrocious, awkward and redundant. "You know nothing of what you speak of." Really? That's how you phrase a self righteous attack against my knowledge? I clearly wasn't stating I believed Jesus was the son of god. You're an idiot if that's the conclusion you drew from what I said.
Oh, and then you quote T. Jefferson. A slave owner who inherited 100% of his wealth, and, who hypocritically wrote, "all men are created equal." LMFAO
Nice touch.
Add in the detail that he had two half black children, oh my. His opinions on blacks were based on the common teachings of the time. The man freed 7 slaves and willfully allowed 2 more to "escape."On March 1, 1784 Jefferson submitted to Continental Congress the Report of a Plan of Government for the Western Territory. This proposed legislation gave instructions on how U.S. Territories could be accepted by Congress as new states and prohibited slavery by 1800 in the Northwest Territory. On April 23, Congress accepted Jefferson's ordinance; however, denied that slavery would be outlawed. Jefferson claimed that Southern representatives defeated his original proposal. After 1784, Jefferson remained publicly silent on or did nothing to oppose slavery
You could benefit from reading a little Milton Friedman.You're another one that could benefit by just reading the, "what is Democratic Socialism?" link in my signature. Everyone is taxed heavily under DS, not just the middle class, like under "capitalism."
Last consecutive post, I promise.
Look how many REPUBLICS are on the top 10 poorest countries in the world list! =) 5/10, or, 50%.
Where did I miss a comma? I probably didn't. There are very few hard and fast rules about comma placement in the English language. Comma usage is fairly flexible. Sentence structure is not flexible. You are the king of awkwardly worded, redundant, run-on sentences. It's painfully obvious by the way you write that you're undereducated.Comment on my grammar; yet you missed a comma in your list (first sentence). Nice. Also, where in the world did I ever say that you believed as such? Where in the world did I say I gave a fuck?
Yes, Thomas Jefferson, the man who is the biggest reason the United States exist. Mr "Democratic Socialist of America." We all owe this man.
Add in the detail that he had two half black children, oh my. His opinions on blacks were based on the common teachings of the time. The man freed 7 slaves and willfully allowed 2 more to "escape."
Finally, you can sit here and try to pick apart my post and avoid the actual root of the post like a typical politician would. Fine, be ignorant. Just know that your ideals coincide with Hitler![]()
Rome is infamous for FALLING due to their selfishness and greed! Thanks for bringing that up. Oh and, the USA (America is a continent silly goose) isn't considered one of the greatest empires in history. The USA has only been around a couple hundred years and is still in its infancy. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?Last consecutive post, I promise.
Interesting that you point this out. Why don't you look at the two greatest empires in history: Rome, and America.
Who said anything about Obama being a socialist in this thread? Not me. Obama is a Christian conservative who ran on the Democratic ticket. He courted voters with Socialism and gave us, nothing pisses me off more than when I hear people call Obama a Marxist, Socialist, and Communist. He's a corporate lap dog. He is the opposite of a socialist. I think all of you took his rhetoric too seriously and have paid no attention to what he has actually done. Would a socialist sign a republican health care bill into law or would he insist on a single payer system? Would he be more willing to cut Social Security or Defense? Do you think he would nationalize the banks or just give them shit loads of free money?
Not that the other side is any better, they're a bunch of sell outs too (with the possible exception of Ron Paul)