Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Well-Known Member
i would do that..but at the moment its still rockin 100+ degrees outside with no wind, bit worried they'd end of frying out here, you dont think?


Well-Known Member
Na ive read plenty of grows with high temps in the 100's. As long as you can keep them watered they should be ok and they will prob produce more with higher co2 concentrations and the sun albeit they will no doubt take longer. What day are they on now?


Well-Known Member
Now that i think about it my friend grows nl x white rhino outside here in tx with no problems. He has a water jug that he fitted with a hose with a clamp on the end that drips water slowly. Today was freaking 109. Ridiculous heat wave!!!


Well-Known Member
Day 27 on Limpy and 22 on Deuce, What i kind of had in mind with the industrial plant was to get myself a big veg box that i could run with lower heat using T5s vertically, and keep it in constant veg and just run clones off of it in the box going 12/12 from start and get a perpetual thing going


Well-Known Member
That would be nice but your biting off alot with that. Thats 3 different grows at once. You cant just throw the clones in there under an hps as soon as you take em. You have to run a seperate t5 or some cfl's for clones till their roots are developed. I was suggesting a scrog because its relatively simple and fun:)


Well-Known Member
no no i know that sir, i did'nt mean i was doing it right now, im not set up for all of that..i should of stated in the future once i have everything, i know i have to put my clones in rapid rooters and put them in a domed cloning tray until they develop a really nice root mass which takes well over a week. Sorry i made it confusing there, but no thats down the road, im going to run some bagseeds next time so i can get my practice in without worrying about throwing away my money like i have so far.

also im going to start getting my water from the faucet with the extra filtration on it, cut out using the cal/mg since i have hard water, which is full of ca and mg anyways. I think here in a few weeks we are going to see some real change and improvement, im staying positive


Active Member
Can't wait for the upcoming updates!

One piece of advice with hard water, is keep an eye on pH. High calcium water tends to be alkaline (as in above 7 on the pH chart), sometimes adding something as simple as Superthrive or VF-11 (at recommended doses) can adjust your pH down enough, but sometimes you just need good ole pH Down.


Well-Known Member
Yessir ive been adding superthrive to each watering, as far as my waters ph, when i stick the meter in a cup of water, it sits around a 6.2-6.5..that should be ok right? My soils testing around 6.5 too so i think my ph is fine, atleast as of now. Plants just need some time to recover i think. I'll add some more pics when they are looking better. Hopefully by monday they will be perked up...hopefully...


Active Member
Yeah man they'll bounce back. I've been checking my soil every day for pests and haven't found anything yet so I'm sure both of us just got PH problems or it could simply be Nirvana's genetics.


Well-Known Member
So its been a few days since ive updated.
Ive made some changes, got everything moved into a new box..which is incomplete but up and running at the moment atleast..needs ventilation and sealing.
Both plants are starting to slowly recover after their flushing/drying out..they were fed yesterday.
Heres some pics of the new setup


Droopy - day 31 - 9 of flower
Deuce - day 26 - 5 of flower

the babies look shitty i know, but i think they are starting to recover actually
After these autoflowers are finished, im going to start doing a 12/12 perpetual, growing short single cola clones, just trying to et enough for my own use not doing this for profit.
Obviously i have'nt started out worth a damn, but i think i've figure it out, with my soil mixture holding moisture a bit to long, and my water being high in calcium and magnesium already, when i started adding the cal/mg i think i ended up locking the soil up. Have switched up to filtered water since then.
New soil mixture is going to be 3pt perlite, 1pt vermiculite,1pt worm castings <--in the party cups and working well..should see some sprouts in a day or two, they've been germing for 2 days now.


Active Member
At least the PH problems are gone, keep hope alive!!!

After these autoflowers are finished, im going to start doing a 12/12 perpetual, growing short single cola clones, just trying to et enough for my own use not doing this for profit.
I like the way you think! I was going to do the exact same thing on my next grow. What strains are you looking into?

I just ordered some Super Lemon Haze seeds during the recent August Promo.


Well-Known Member
At least the PH problems are gone, keep hope alive!!!

I like the way you think! I was going to do the exact same thing on my next grow. What strains are you looking into?

I just ordered some Super Lemon Haze seeds during the recent August Promo.
theres alot of strains i want to get ahold of actually, but for now im running bagseeds until i can get my growing technique down a bit better, I still have a Dinafem industrial plant bean im saving..i've been wanting to order one of those sampler packs from greenhouse seeds so i can try out 5-6 different strains


Well-Known Member
Update-Day 32 - 10 of flower..plants are starting to look slightly better, think the roots have finally situated themselves in the air pots since the transplant. Ordered my two inline fans for ventilation, they can't arrive soon enough, having to leave doors open to keep temps in the low 80s, plenty of airflow for them tho.
its day 1 of the 6 bagseeds, all have sprouted and reached topsoil, 2 are almost upright and shedding their shells, while the other 4 are just now breaking the surface. Hoping to get atleast 3 females out of the bunch to start my small 12/12 perpetual grow in the near future


Well-Known Member
Made it to the show a little late..... well, its just now about to start gettin' good anyways.
yessir, its been a bumpy road from the start anyways, but now were startin to get show on the road, the two NL auto may not be big producers, but they provided me with some valuable lessons, and i have a feeling these bagseeds are going to grow out just fine and they came from some really good reggie but it only had about 9 seeds in an oz and i chose the 6 best to sprout. Have a feeling they will turn out to be some pretty good smoke as well


Active Member
yessir, its been a bumpy road from the start anyways, but now were startin to get show on the road, the two NL auto may not be big producers, but they provided me with some valuable lessons, and i have a feeling these bagseeds are going to grow out just fine and they came from some really good reggie but it only had about 9 seeds in an oz and i chose the 6 best to sprout. Have a feeling they will turn out to be some pretty good smoke as well
So..... the seeds your growing are Schwag???


Well-Known Member
So..... the seeds your growing are Schwag???
yeah the 6 in the party cups are just some regs, i decided i want to get my growing skills honed better before i spend more money on prem seeds..i purchased 5 to begin with and already lost 2 before veg, and i got 2 more now that are looking horrible, small and deficient all around, but like i said its good growing experience to learn how NOT to do things the next time around


Active Member
OH HELL YES!!! I actually have been trying to find someone with a documented grow with actual schwag seeds from Texas straight from Mexico..... I'm really interested to see how they grow out with some care. I've seen some schwag that's all budded up all nice, and smelt pretty damn decent... almost like bubblegum! But that was around Christmas time. The best schawg is around then right after the actual harvests, not shit that's been sitting around for 7 months or so. Hell yeah, I'm watching closely dude! +rep


Well-Known Member
Well then welcome aboard because thats what it is, some mexican commercial schwag, which could be some quality bud if you think about it, they try to use the hardiest strains they can get,
check em out though these are the Six Lil Indians, all had just broke soil yesterday and are already trying to touch the lights, i took these from bag into soil less than 5 days ago

which ever 2 females (if we end up with that many or more) show the strongest traits, im going to keep, take clones halfway thru veg, then take clones before flower, so ill have 2 plants in flower, 2 in mid veg, and 2 in early veg, and every time i get ready to throw 2 more into flowering ill take clones just before. Should have a small perpetual harvest going every 2 months if all goes right. Will take some practice but thats expected, noone learns and perfects this stuff overnight