Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Active Member
Those bottom leaves eventually yellowed up and just fell off. I've been told that it's completely normal for the bottom leaves to do that. I'll see if I can get a picture of them before lights off.


Well-Known Member
Made some changes today, decided i wanted to put them in their new homes..and if i was going to do it..i need to do it now or never..so here we go..Plus some pics of #2s funky fan leaves..camera battery was low so i only got a few shots during the process. Notice how scrawny #1 is looking..she has'nt had any growth in a few days and bottom leaves are turning a slight yellow..think i should of left some nitrogen in the feeding mix, i had foliar fed them both this morning so no more feeding just have to sit and wait, i watered the pots until i got a decent amount of runoff..going back looking at my watering and feeding, i have a feeling i did have some salt buildup which was messing with the Ph, don't think my plants are actually being underfed

#1's roots..cam had die when i pulled out #2 so i didnt get the shot of her's


Well-Known Member
Ok damnit..can someone tell me WTF caused this? i just scanned both plants up and down and see no bugs on them, in the pot, or in the box...looks like it was eaten straight through tho..

this grow is falling apart on me just a little at a time it seems, sure it'lll be ok but damn! :-(


Active Member
Nice timing on your transplant then. Just keep checking around the top soil and more importantly under the leaves every day.


Well-Known Member
every lil speck i saw i blew on or touched and nothing ever moved, im pretty much chalking this grow up to learning how not to grow the next time, which i think is priceless information. Im sure they'll still yield something if they make it to harvest, still got challenges during flowering to face im sure. Think the air pots are going to make a difference though the just serve multiple purposes, all which are real advantages


Well-Known Member
hahaha learning how not to grow. that how it works man. gotta make your own experiences. gotta learn how to optimize your unique setup and learn how to read your plants


Well-Known Member
nice and bushy for being little plants!!! i like that pot with the holes in it, i saw it the local hydro store but didnt inquire. may i ask what exactly is that for?


Well-Known Member
Ok damnit..can someone tell me WTF caused this? i just scanned both plants up and down and see no bugs on them, in the pot, or in the box...looks like it was eaten straight through tho..
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this grow is falling apart on me just a little at a time it seems, sure it'lll be ok but damn! :-(

honestly with ph issues i have seen holes, speckled dots that turn brown, weird split leaves... it might be your ph. i once had that same thing happen and it was progressing daily.. i only had 3 that this happened to and i kept checking everyday, dripping the entire plant in water, obviously in veg, multiple times.. i flushed and used a light nutrient solution afterward. i wouldn't recommend doing this just yet, just see what happens and keep your eyes out.. Caterpillars are sneaky and come out at night usually, but my problem was my ph was super low!!


Active Member
every lil speck i saw i blew on or touched and nothing ever moved, im pretty much chalking this grow up to learning how not to grow the next time, which i think is priceless information. Im sure they'll still yield something if they make it to harvest, still got challenges during flowering to face im sure. Think the air pots are going to make a difference though the just serve multiple purposes, all which are real advantages
You're not going to believe this man, but I just checked my #2 and one of her bottom leaves has the EXACT SAME cut that yours received. I'm using a completely different soil mix than you so I think it's more likely to be strain genetics or ph problems than a nasty gremlin crawling around in both of our soils.

honestly with ph issues i have seen holes, speckled dots that turn brown, weird split leaves... it might be your ph. i once had that same thing happen and it was progressing daily.. i only had 3 that this happened to and i kept checking everyday, dripping the entire plant in water, obviously in veg, multiple times.. i flushed and used a light nutrient solution afterward. i wouldn't recommend doing this just yet, just see what happens and keep your eyes out.. Caterpillars are sneaky and come out at night usually, but my problem was my ph was super low!!
That's a pretty good suggestion. Give them a dry period and then give them a nice full flush next watering. I'm going to do the same.


Well-Known Member
You're not going to believe this man, but I just checked my #2 and one of her bottom leaves has the EXACT SAME cut that yours received. I'm using a completely different soil mix than you so I think it's more likely to be strain genetics or ph problems than a nasty gremlin crawling around in both of our soils.
That's a pretty good suggestion. Give them a dry period and then give them a nice full flush next watering. I'm going to do the same.
dude thats fucking nuts...really you have the same thing going on? I really wonder what could of caused that to happen tho, its just like a tear/hole


Well-Known Member
You're not going to believe this man, but I just checked my #2 and one of her bottom leaves has the EXACT SAME cut that yours received. I'm using a completely different soil mix than you so I think it's more likely to be strain genetics or ph problems than a nasty gremlin crawling around in both of our soils.

That's a pretty good suggestion. Give them a dry period and then give them a nice full flush next watering. I'm going to do the same.
just keep an eye out, if stuff starts going bad, just dip all the leaves underwater for like 3 minutes and if there is bugs hiding in there than they will die, hopefully or get knocked off in the water, sometimes i put my plants in my shower and use the nozzle to knock mites or any other dead leaves on the plant. just suggestions, im a new grower as well so just guess and doing as much experimenting as i can


Well-Known Member
just keep an eye out, if stuff starts going bad, just dip all the leaves underwater for like 3 minutes and if there is bugs hiding in there than they will die, hopefully or get knocked off in the water, sometimes i put my plants in my shower and use the nozzle to knock mites or any other dead leaves on the plant. just suggestions, im a new grower as well so just guess and doing as much experimenting as i can
for being a new grower your run is lookin pretty damn good man! I'd trade with you anyday lol


Active Member
Damn Hank. Sorry to hear that ur mulligan is turning into yet another do over. But if someone has the same strain and what not it's gott be the genes. But if u both have the same ph than that's it? There are a lot of things we ruled out on this grow. So all I can say is WOW! I hope all goes well for you man. I'm gonna keep looking into #1s issues. I'll try to come up with some answers. Are u using tap water? Also what's the ppm of ur reg water and the ppm of ur fert water?


Well-Known Member
I've been going over alot of things as well. The grows not over by any means, until they turn brown and die out im not done with them.
I use well water, im starting to suspect the water is a bit rich in calcium and iron, and i think when i started adding the cal-mag during the last 2 feedings it was getting a bit to much and causing P lockout..#1 has been getting a bit yellow, N deficiency for sure.
as far as ppm's go i do not know, i don't have a meter to test
Again i suspect the soil has been a bit rich with calcium and had some salt buildup, ive flushed both pots well, then yesterday when i transplanted they got watered until decent runoff, so most of the old nutes and salts should be washed out.
Then i foliar fed both with the 10-15-10..slowly starting to get color back in both, but #1 didnt like the transplant, it had a rougher entry into the air-pot than i would of liked, its a bit droopy but it should be fine in a few days.

Did a bit of some LST work on both..check em out..
#1 - changing her name to Limpy


Well-Known Member
geez looking around at other peoples grows, photos and autos alike..then looking at mine, man they sure are two little runts..
Im going to make a guess and say IF they do somehow survive through to harvest..its going to be 15g's dried max. Which if its 15 good potent tasty grams i won't be mad at all, hopefully the organic lives up to its reputation


Well-Known Member
I say you throw em outside in the sun and take advantage of their ability to flower regardless of the light cycle and utilize your 150hps for your industrial plant in a scrog. Thats just me though. Why not get a headstart? Plus there is a lot more room for error with regular plants. You screw up a little so you veg longer.