Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Well-Known Member
in my neck of the woods its just about the only thing you can get. Sadly, i hate that im helping fund the cartels, i personally would rather pay taxes on it that help us hard working americans bounce back from this shitty economy.


Active Member
Every word is true.... its about 'high' time to quit knowingly or unknowingly supporting the cartels!! Was your reggie all budded up nice like some good? I got a homie that saved up a bunch of GOOD schwag(smelt like bubblegum, and had a slight purplish tint to it). Like you said Hank, their was only like 27 seeds in a QP. Not bad at all for a Mexican commercial crop. Although, if you think about it.... Texas folk do get the pick of the crop in essence I believe. After it crosses the border, it hits a major distribution town, where its repackaged into smaller loads to keep working its way on up to the networked areas all over the US. People just don't believe me when I say there is some bomb ass schwag out there. Yes yes.... we still get the brown dirt weed too, but we have a better selection with schwag down here.


Well-Known Member
nah this stuff came like 80% of it comes, in brick. Just hard pressed till its nearly like a rock, i personally hate smoking herbs treated this way i like mine nice and nuggy, but if i don't partake after a few days im a wreck and can't eat and start losing weigh rapidly so i smoke what i can find. Government just does'nt know how much money they'd make..thats what its all about, keeping the jobs and the funding they've created centered around keeping marijuana illegal, but they could make so much more money, and use those jobs for what they were really meant for, busting large illegal cutthroat cartels for hard drugs that actually do kill people. Just a shame the really sick people who out there actually need what it can provide are being thrown in jail with some people who really are scum


Well-Known Member
I completely agree. Everyone knows the mj laws are complete bs and that it could help our economy recover. instead of the money going to the cartels, it could stay in this country. But politics isn't sensible, it's about politicians keeping their jobs. plain and simple. Anyway, i see you ran into a bit of trouble, just keep loving them and they'll do fine. there's no such thing as schwag, weed is weed. It's how it's grown, packaged, and transported that makes it schwag.


Well-Known Member
there's no such thing as schwag, weed is weed. It's how it's grown, packaged, and transported that makes it schwag.
that my friend is why im just calling it that, i have a feeling it might be some really good stuff as well though, i know its from south of the border, its got to be some pretty hardy stuff to survive those outdoor conditions. Heres some new pics of Droopy and Deuce.

As you can see Droopy's just had it rough and she shows, i honestly think she does'nt like to be watered as much as the other one does and shes recovering from a nitro deficiency. Plus they are contending with higher temps then they've been used to in the new box while im waiting on my ventilation setup to arrive.

Deuce is also recovering from a deficiency, not sure but i think it was to much cal/mg locking out the phosphorus, starting to look much better and the damaged leaves have stopped progressing.


Well-Known Member
Nope but im going next year!

Got grow box temps down to 80 with 40rh but i have to leave doors open, i got fans hooked up everywhere..my damn order for my exhaust fans has'nt even shipped yet.
Starting to wonder if they are going to cut down the temps much once i get them installed so i can seal up the box and line the inside so i can knock out all light leakage.
This should be interesting to deal with in the least.
So how's everyone out there doing today? Can't believe i've had over 2000 views already


Well-Known Member
shit its gotta be hotter than two rats fuckin in a wool sock during next april! but im sure they got shade and man imagine all the superb herbs that'll be getting passed around, talked about walking around with RIU member shirts to see if anyone said "whats up"


Well-Known Member
For real. potheads are so generous. I was at this dave matthews concert, great show btw, and my friend carved out an apple bong. We started toking and of course this hippy ass girl literally floated down to us and asked to take a hit. we obliged and she floated away again. funniest shit in my life


Well-Known Member
haha a stoned angel, hopefully she'd get horney and do me. that'd be some bomb sex. it wasn't that literal, lol. by floated i mean dnacing nd waving her hands, and by down i mean down from a hill and to our spot


Well-Known Member
Man i never even knew that reggae fest was even here until that dude told me about it, also high times has a Doobie Awards here in austin every year too, i want to go to that shit!


Active Member
Hell yes!! Austin Reggae Festival is bomb!! It was orginally called 'Marley Fest', but had some legal issues with the family or something and just changed it to its current name. I'm so down for this meeting of the heads.


Well-Known Member
Throwin up some new pics of Droopy(#1) and Deuce(#2)
As you can see from the leaves on both neither are running perfectly, but they are still doing decent for all the shit i've put em through.


Also i think i scored today at walmart, i was scrounging the isles and i spotted this..was marked down halfprice for 15 bucks..will work perfectly in my box


Well-Known Member
They're looking a lot better to me. And it's nice to see that your buds are starting to crystal up.
Ty sir, i think now that they've made it thru the 2 week transitional phase and are now officially into flowering they will probably fill out and end up being pretty much all bud since they are so small and compact, im thinking ill end up with around 15 grams dried in the end, obviously still too early to tell but thats just my guesstimate