DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Well-Known Member
hey fallinprince,

your plant is looking great. dont worry about the brown gunk left behind... it looks like its the dead slime, tinted by the tea. also seeing nice lateral branching on the roots and new white shoots. the foilage is looking very happy. if you keep your ph inline you should see some great growth in the new few weeks. and if you can keep your temps in that range and continue use of the tea, you can pretty much kiss your slime problems goodbye. ok well maybe dont kiss them, considering the slime and all........

cheers mate... good recovery!!!

I had that same dark brown to black stuff all over my roots too. I rinsed it off and cleaned the bucket added new nutes and tea. Now my roots are pure white and plant is growing very fast. I love this tea


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,
I'm currently using the following recipe for my tea:

-1 small handful of Ancient Forest per gallon of water thrown into solution
-1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses for the entire solution
-1/2 tablespoon of Mycogrow Soluble per three gallons of water in solution

Does anyone have an exact measurement for the Mycogrow Soluble, for instance 1/8 teaspoon per gallon or whatever works for you?
Also, I like to buy clones locally to try different strains, but the dispensaries' clones almost always have powdery mildew and/or fungus gnats or gnat maggots. Does anyone use the beneficial tea as a drench for their clones before putting them in the flower room or would foliar spray application do the trick? If so, what’s your procedure or what works for you?
Thanks peeps!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,
I'm currently using the following recipe for my tea:

-1 small handful of Ancient Forest per gallon of water thrown into solution
-1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses for the entire solution
-1/2 tablespoon of Mycogrow Soluble per three gallons of water in solution

Does anyone have an exact measurement for the Mycogrow Soluble, for instance 1/8 teaspoon per gallon or whatever works for you?
Also, I like to buy clones locally to try different strains, but the dispensaries' clones almost always have powdery mildew and/or fungus gnats or gnat maggots. Does anyone use the beneficial tea as a drench for their clones before putting them in the flower room or would foliar spray application do the trick? If so, what’s your procedure or what works for you?
Thanks peeps!
Hi neobes,

I'm not sure about the fungus gnats but the tea should work for ridding your clones of the powder mildew, either in a drench or foilar. Brew the tea according to Heisenberg's directions using your ingredients, filter out any particles, mix 50% tea with 50% distilled/RO water for drench or foilar, spray all surfaces (including underside of leaves) to ensure even coverage and let dry. It wouldn't hurt to continue to do this until the PM is gone. Make sure the water is RO or distilled... tap water will kill the bennies. For your Mycogrow Soluble, quantity you put in isn't a big deal since it is a concentrate and they breed into many more. I'd say 1 teaspoon per gallon is probably good. Also give the root crown a full-strength dose of the tea to kick off root production, water uptake, and overall plant health.

Cheers mate,
mr. bond


Rebel From The North
Hey heisenberg

Im going to be using myco madness, but im uncertain about how much to add per gal?
And for the molassis do i throw that in right when I start the tea?


Rebel From The North
k I got a 5 gal bucket with 4 gals in it I added air and myco madness 1/2 tsp a mesh bag of ewc and 30ml of sweetner and fired it up

now as I read you go 48hr then add 1gal for 25 to 30 gal and a cup every three day there after, is this correct?
then stick the leftovers in the fridge?


Active Member
If i couldnt refrigerate the mix would it be better to leave the airstone in at room temps or take it out after 48 hours? should molasses be readded at any point? i planned on refreshing the bucket per usage 2 cups per 10 gallons every 2 days it doesnt last but 16 days max (at less than 2 gallons per batch)

ps heisenberg where did they take jesse


Well-Known Member
If you can not refrigerate, try to make only what you will use in a few days time. Anytime the brew is not refrigerated it should be bubbled. You can add a little more molasses after 3 days, about half as much. Your tea will not maintain diversity, but will still be effective. Throw it all out when you detect a foul odor.

I doubt they took Jesse to be killed. The writers rarely end up where they have been pointing to. What I am wondering is why was mike waiting in the refrigerated truck?


Well-Known Member
I doubt they took Jesse to be killed. The writers rarely end up where they have been pointing to. What I am wondering is why was mike waiting in the refrigerated truck?
Security for delivery of the "product"? If I recall it gets shipped in those batter containers that got shot up. Love this show.

mister bond


Active Member
tbh i think they are trying to import into mexico. i kinda figured they were taking jesse to teach him a lesson . i guess from now on ill try to make less it just feels weird to only put a slight dash of this great white.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Heisenberg! I've been reaping the benefits of your tea for weeks now, so I thought it was time to say thanks. Thanks! After many dwc grows experiencing root problems and having to use fucking ice bottles in each rez (sometimes twice a day! My friends were like, 'why the fuck do you have a thousand bottles of frozen water in your freezer?'), I can now grow in peace. No more bottles, rez temps in the mid-70s, plants and roots growing faster than I've ever seen. I learned though you that I needed 1 watt of air per gallon, that's twice as much as I was using, and after buying a couple of 950 gph pumps, the water is almost turbulent in every rez. My ladies and I are happy we stumbled across your thread, you really know your shit. I started off on Roseman's thread, too, and study dwc constantly. My question is, why aren't the benefits of bennies touted more in hydro forums? Hopefully this thread will help to change that...

P.S. I think Mike may have been in the truck because they were trying a new route, since their wasn't any meth in the truck :)


Well-Known Member
Mixed up the res with the tea raised my ppm up a 100 ppms not a big deal though
For me, I've noticed the first sign of a functional tea is increased water intake for the plants. The beneficial fungi in the tea causes them to drink up, and is likely the reason for the increase in your PPM. The tea itself contains a trace amount of nutrients, but nothing that would raise your PPM that much. You may find yourself topping up your rez more often when the tea is active. Don't forget to add a bit more tea in a few days. Sounds like things are running smoothly in your system :)

mr. bond