Happy birthday!
I'd smoke a bowl but all I have is some unflushed bud that I saved from a case of jar mold.
I still have to watercure it before I can smoke it,
so instead I'll just rip a fat Hashbowl!
(Just got back, and man I feel like I smoked a good bowl to myself. Just threw in my last little BB of hash on top of a piece of budstem, on top of ash. First hit was slow and peaceful, second hit the bigger hash chunk embered up so I had to sit there and kill it in one hit. That killed. Just had an effin' blast on my Cello, nice bowl.)
And hey man, you're never too old for a happy birth day.
Go enjoy yourself, get off the computer and have a blast.
Plants are lookin' lovely, tell them I love them next time you see them.
Can't wait until I start messin' around with Scrogs.