The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

londonfog said:
I dislike Ron Paul because he thinks its my right to discriminate at my places of business
Is it okay for someone to have African American, or Asian only scholarships?

Is it okay for the NAACP to only defend people who are black?

We've been sidestepping the questions that got this all started. UB, you made the point that a golf club is private, okay I'll accept that. However, NAACP's will to defend blacks only, or a public scholarship that funds only people of a certain race (especially the government funded ones) are all public. If the government can perpetuate a racially segregated program, how can private business owners not be allowed to do the same? If you don't see that as hypocritical, well than your just being ignorant.

We've been sidestepping the questions that got this all started. UB, you made the point that a golf club is private, okay I'll accept that. However, NAACP's will to defend blacks only, or a public scholarship that funds only people of a certain race (especially the government funded ones) are all public. If the government can perpetuate a racially segregated program, how can private business owners not be allowed to do the same? If you don't see that as hypocritical, well than your just being ignorant.

the naacp is a private organization.

if you keep ignoring that, well than you are just being ignorant.
Hey sync0s, how about we ignore these two and just keep on trucking? I mean obviously they are determined to undermine any conversation between people genuinely interested in supporting RP and no matter what anyone say will continue to do so, I know Mr. UncleBuck has nothing better to do, I'm posting here while attending to my studies so at least I have an excuse :)

I can understand why they are angry. I asked a question after londonfog's that lead to ignorant (Michelle Backman related) points being made behind my questions. Kind of annoys me too that every time you try to make a sensible argument to make people understand your point of view, somebody else posts behind you and starts arguing their racial prejudices when the argument was not supposed to have anything to do with that.
oh ok I thought you said that your ancestry was an oppressed people might have been someone else ...not even going to go back and check...but you are saying that the white man/woman is now more oppressed in America today then any other race or that my understanding ???
yes i am saying my ancestry was oppressed just as your saying yours was, difference is im not harping on it. Actually yes white people are indeed more oppressed in America today than in the past, and more than any other race.
This is why we have diaper checking of white six year old by TSA while a guy wearing a turbine looking of Islamic decent without an i.d. little own a passport gets on the plane with out any harassment by TSA.
the naacp is a private organization.

if you keep ignoring that, well than you are just being ignorant.

Private organization that serves the public. You drew these lines, I didn't. I actually agree that they are private, but so is a gas station on the corner of the street that is operated on private property. There is no difference.
as usual, you sidestep the issue. just like you, i have seen cruelty and injustice inflicted on people of every color, i've even been on the receiving end of a few instances of racially motivated violence, and i believe in offering everyone just treatment. but that's not what you're advocating, now is it. you aren't advocating the fresh start we all deserve, but an advantage based on skin color. in case you didn't understand it, that is the very essence of racism. you are demanding that the rights of the individual to the ownership of his belongings be abrogated. you seem to forget that every man has a right to his own opinion and to express it as he sees fit, even the most heinous and ignorant opinions.

whatever happened to the sentiment expressed by the quote, "i disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"? the statist philosophy has turned our society into a mockery of such high ideals. we have made a virtue of self-proclaimed victimhood and seek vengeance for every slight, real or imagined. one's right to free expression may end, as one of your fellow statists on these boards is so fond of stating, at the end of the next man's nose, but it would seem that the entitlements of some extend right past everyone else's noses, through their pocketbooks and on to everything we all own. we have allowed the state to start arbitrarily handing out rights that abridge those considered inalienable in a sorry attempt to redefine the meaning of the term "right".

Never said you can't say it...just like I can say FUCK YOU and your opinions...we are both allowed to do again FUCK YOU and I expect you to defend my right to tell you so.
I got a brilliant idea, let's skip the lip service and get to the point. Uncle Buck you clearly don't give a fuck about RP and noone here gives a fuck about your opinions (I've quickly learned how to do that) so how about fuck you and leave us alone? No? You can go start you own political rants in your own thread if you like doing so that much, I'm sure a talented fellow like yourself can figured how to start a thread..
Private organization that serves the public. You drew these lines, I didn't. I actually agree that they are private, but so is a gas station on the corner of the street that is operated on private property. There is no difference.

there is a big difference that you willfully ignore. it is encoded in law, check the civil rights act.

I got a brilliant idea, let's skip the lip service and get to the point. Uncle Buck you clearly don't give a fuck about RP and noone here gives a fuck about your opinions (I've quickly learned how to do that) so how about fuck you and leave us alone? No? You can go start you own political rants in your own thread if you like doing so that much, I'm sure a talented fellow like yourself can figured how to start a thread..

now you want to silence dissenting opinion? classy.

it's a free country, i'll post where i please.
there is a big difference that you willfully ignore. it is encoded in law, check the civil rights act.


You invoke the act that Ron Paul didn't support. The exact thing we are arguing here. Congrats, you just basically defined a word by it's self.\

Either way, please respond to my point about government funded scholarships to blacks only or other racially specific groups.
You know what makes me laugh is the fact that most people don't even know that the NAACP was started by a group of white people who did not like the treatment of blacks back in the day...and for the record NAACP was founded on the notion of equal treatment for all ( sorry but white folks were not getting beaten, lynched, and treated unfairly so it was no need to defend them)...also anyone can join the NAACP even I guess you might want to read upon the organization before you say what it did and did not do..
You invoke the act that Ron Paul didn't support. The exact thing we are arguing here. Congrats, you just basically defined a word by it's self.\

yes, ron paul supported a vision america where shop owners could ban blacks or whoever else they wanted, causing harm to those groups. thanks for reinforcing that point.

Either way, please respond to my point about government funded scholarships to blacks only or other racially specific groups.

show me some specific examples and i will respond.
You want to see a business that engages in bigotry? Look at Delta Airlines, they (as a matter of law) will not fly Jewish passengers or anyone with an Israeli passport or stamp into Saudi Arabia. They defend their position as a matter of Saudi law (which it is), yet still make the decision to do business there. I defend their right to take that position, and in turn make the decision not to do business with them.

I don't see why any privately owned business (and this includes publicly traded corporations - as their ownership is still private) should not have the ability to discriminate. If this can be enforced on businesses, what's to keep the same from being enforced on private individuals? Do you want a government agent going through your financial records to ensure you engage in an equal or commensurate amount of business with white, black, Hispanic, and Asian owned businesses? Following the logic of some of these anti-discrimination laws, this is one of the next steps - the government just does not have the resources to enforce such laws at the scale it would require.
You know what makes me laugh is the fact that most people don't even know that the NAACP was started by a group of white people who did not like the treatment of blacks back in the day...and for the record NAACP was founded on the notion of equal treatment for all ( sorry but white folks were not getting beaten, lynched, and treated unfairly so it was no need to defend them)...also anyone can join the NAACP even I guess you might want to read upon the organization before you say what it did and did not do..

it is almost as if these people have not heard of the notion of an advocacy group for discriminated minorities.
now you want to silence dissenting opinion? classy.

it's a free country, i'll post where i please.

I want you to stop acting like a fucking idiot, you come into the thread with a personal vendetta as you've been on it all day, at least since I have, and have not stopped, your like the kid in class that wants everyone to look at him all the time, always screaming and kicking. You have cleary displayed you have next to no moderation, can't even agree with a single thing said here, wouldn't you be doing more good talking to people like minded?

I haven't read up on it but apparently he supports the right in individuals which means they can have the choice to turn away people in private businesses, private being the key word there,owned by an individual for the private sector. I don't see why the government should have say there.

Simply said any time the (Federal) government gets involved in anything it usually ends up making it a clusterfuck and jacking up prices.

jdro is right through, I'm done fueling your fire Uncle Buck, whoever the fuck that is. haha