The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

So someone either purposefully or accidentally dropped/planted that Ron Paul sign in an aquarium and that's what your going on.

actually, i took a poll...

18 said he does fuck turtles, 12 said he doesn't.

And then you proceed to try and give write in votes viability because of some obscure smaller scale (in comparison to a presidential election) election? I don't understand you, I feel as if your only trying to ave a dick measuring contest on who can pull more out of the google search engine.

i had no idea a senate election, which only takes place every 6 years instead of 4, and which puts into power the people that actually wrote the legislation rather than sign it or veto it, was "obscure smaller scale".

and i didn't need google to know that murkowski won as a write-in not about 8 months ago :dunce:

Who said Ron Paul was going to give us raises? please quote that...

the thread is closed, but check post #11 by deprave :lol:

Anyways, who cares if you follow polls closely? That just goes to show that you aren't researching into the candidates policies only finding out which one's are developing more political favor so you can lean for the guy already leading? That's the vibe I'm getting here.

again, more assumptions that couldn't be more wrong.

Once again, why do you oppose Ron Paul and who do you favor instead?

for the Nth time, the reasons i oppose ron paul are well documented within this thread! go fucking read, i can not read for you. reading will be a key competency in junior college (high school with an ashtray).

go check post #2261. jesus fucking christ.

Sounds like a personal vendetta to me. What'd he do turtle protector?

tried to say the current state of america is the same thing as the holocaust in which my wife lost family members.

be a conspiracy nut all you want, but don't be a holocaust denier or holocaust mitigator unless you want to incur my full wrath.
For fuck sake UncleBuck, oh hey that rhymed :grin: What was I saying Oh yeah. I read post #11, if you knew how to read between the lines ( a concept learned in like 7th grade) you would know that when deprave said that he was referring to stopping the Fed from continuously printing money ( which devalues the dollar, more dollars means they are worth less, once again basic economics, 10th grade I believe) it would put a halt on one of the many factors causing the decline of the American dollar. Can you grasp that concept or do I need to drew it in crayon for you?

Post #2261 by unclebuck

7.8 and 13.5 are "even"?

that is the type of fact one would learn in junior college.

and actually, if i had to swoop a turd out of the shit-pool of GOP candidates, i would take gary johnson or jon huntsman all day long, rather than the squirrel turd who wears adult diapers and violates turtles.
Yeah yeah I see now, there's plenty of reasons to make Ron Paul the devil.

tried to say the current state of america is the same thing as the holocaust in which my wife lost family members.

be a conspiracy nut all you want, but don't be a holocaust denier or holocaust mitigator unless you want to incur my full wrath.

Ut ohh , we don't wanna make em' mad, scaryyy!! What are you gonna do, slander my screenname and spam this thread for the next 18 months? Please.

Your belief that somehow Ron Paul relates america to the holocaust is completely belligerent. I would love to see that quote as well. I have heard of him mentioning that we have adopting some of the same foreign policies and Hitler's regime. You know, 700+ military bases across the world, something like 1 trillion dollars spent maintaining those. That's what I think your referring too.

I may say, you seem to have nothing better to do with your Saturday than to trolls through treads about candidates your obviously don't like throwing around insults and trying to call everyone an ignorant anti war hippy who are all part of some underground cult.

On the point of war, did you know that more people overseas (armed forces ) donate/support Ron Paul's policies to withdraw immediately than anyone else? Or that he is the only GOP candidate who is an actual Veteran? What now tough guy, you gonna call all the brave folks over seas hippies and morons too? Did you go over there and serve? Honestly.
Your belief that somehow Ron Paul relates america to the holocaust is completely belligerent.

ummm, what? where the fuck did i say that? where the fuck did you even get that idea? i said your fellow ron paul worshipper tryingtogrow89 stated that modern day america is like nazi germany where the holocaust took place.

you are perfectly cut out for junior college with that stellar reading comprehension :lol:

I have heard of him mentioning that we have adopting some of the same foreign policies and Hitler's regime. You know, 700+ military bases across the world, something like 1 trillion dollars spent maintaining those.

rounding people into concentration camps based on political or religious beliefs, too?

get a fucking grip. we are nothing like nazi germany.

On the point of war, did you know that more people overseas (armed forces ) donate/support Ron Paul's policies to withdraw immediately than anyone else?

yet so few of them actually vote for him. even if all 40,000 votes he got last time around were from armed forces, that would still mean a majority of them supported other candidates. :lol:

you are right though. i have little better to do today than laze around the greenhouse in my adirondack chair which my wife just got me for our anniversary and make ron paul cultists look like the cultists that they are. what a beautiful life. cold beer in one hand, fat cat being petted by the other, sun above shining on my plants. fucking paradise.
I'm happy for you, hope it makes your dick bigger. From this point on your point of view no longer matters to me, you brought up the holocaust I simply followed up, twisting things in your favor is well just that, enjoy your beer, enjoy your wife, sit abck and don't hurt yourself while typing. Happy trolling! :D
tried to say the current state of america is the same thing as the holocaust in which my wife lost family members.

be a conspiracy nut all you want, but don't be a holocaust denier or holocaust mitigator unless you want to incur my full wrath.

First off, i'm sorry that my ancestors did her ancestors like they did. i would PERSONALLY execute those animals.

With all due respect UB, i don't believe it is currently but if one looks at the current(last decade and beyond) legislation and actions that our government is taking and compare them with the known history of the actions of Nazi Germany(Germany is my heritage and family participated, still fucked up dealing with that one) genocide then one would HAVE to at least entertain the possiblity that we are headed the same direction. The slowly boiling pot coupled with lies and propaganda. Hitler almost had the perfect plan for genocide and control. He just started too early, before the time was right. Thankfully, but early nonetheless imo.

i simply would like to ensure that our government isn't going that direction and that means that i need to know why they are taking the same actions that led up to one of the worst atrocities in history. We're on the same side UB. Different experiences and viewpoints to bring to the table, but working towards the same goal of peace and liberty imo.
I dislike Ron Paul because he thinks its my right to discriminate at my places of business
I think you have that right. Better that than gov regulating the hell out of your ass, besides what are you so afraid of? you think if we started allowing businesses to discriminate against color or there lack of or anything else for that matter tomorrow businesses would just start doing it? Further more you think those businesses would even get business if they ran it that way? what reality do you live in?
This is not the twilight zone.
If given the opportunity, a business starts discriminating against whom ever they please, how much longer you think that place will be getting customers?
Jesus lets get real here.
Is it okay for someone to have African American, or Asian only scholarships?

Is it okay for the NAACP to only defend people who are black?

only for the fact for 200 years plus African Americans got such a fuck up deal in this country...Remember it was a time AA were not allowed to fucking even seeing how others had such a wonderful headstart I see nothing wrong it...Without organizations like NAACP people of color would most likely go to schools with no books and poor learning condition...In my lifetime we had to drink out of separate water fountains, denied entry into business and don't complain to me ....bitch at the people that would allow such condition to exist that we would have to do things to even this country up...
only for the fact for 200 years plus African Americans got such a fuck up deal in this country...Remember it was a time AA were not allowed to fucking even seeing how others had such a wonderful headstart I see nothing wrong it...Without organizations like NAACP people of color would most likely go to schools with no books and poor learning condition...In my lifetime we had to drink out of separate water fountains, denied entry into business and don't complain to me bitch... at the people that would allow such condition to exist that we would have to do things to even this country up...
Yea well we keep getting as unconstitutional as we are becoming, we will all have the misfortune of no head start, regardless of color or sex, i think you are just too paranoid. When is the last time you went into a school without books? There are plenty of colors, sex, and other peoples who had to overcome misfortune, not just slaves, in fact slaves had a better way of life than when they were freed.
Point being is i dont want to hear that card being played not by blacks not by jews not by Indians not by anyone who ancestry was oppressed in one form or another, shit the white folks from England were peasant slave workers as well so i can play that card if i wanted.
Is it okay for someone to have African American, or Asian only scholarships?

Is it okay for the NAACP to only defend people who are black?

the naacp is a private organization. they can do what they want accordingly.

just like a private golf course can decide who they allow as members, and if they disallow blacks, that is their prerogative.

if a business or organization is 'open to the public', that is a different story.

you can start the naawp and give away all the white-only scholarships you want.
only for the fact for 200 years plus African Americans got such a fuck up deal in this country...Remember it was a time AA were not allowed to fucking even seeing how others had such a wonderful headstart I see nothing wrong it...Without organizations like NAACP people of color would most likely go to schools with no books and poor learning condition...In my lifetime we had to drink out of separate water fountains, denied entry into business and don't complain to me ....bitch at the people that would allow such condition to exist that we would have to do things to even this country up...

Entitlement personified imo.