Weeds goin legal straight from the feds


Well-Known Member
go twist one up and let the powers of this magical herb mellowwwwww you out hehe.. But i hear where your comin from, ive had to flip on a few people. Dude probably doesn't even know what NORML means


Well-Known Member
I wish they would legalize it because i'm sick of being paranoid but on the other hand if they legalize it i'm gonna have to drop my prices lol


Well-Known Member
ya well yet again the hippocrite was the one ruining things. lil douche bag probably hasnt even been alive that long much less knows anything about anything. hes at that age you guyss. you know the age you think you know everything. its right before you wise the fuck up and realize life is way different outside mommas door. oh well. it was a good convo. im sure therell be others guys. ofcoarse im sure the trolls will be there too. se la vie i say!


Well-Known Member
Why i dont think it should be legalized but i cant believe the big punishments handed out for a herb! There seems to be no right or wrong answer.

If this generation legalize weed, the next generation gona be real stoned!lol!


Well-Known Member
Honestly I wouldn't want to see my daughter doing anything that is gonna harm her but is she came up to me and said "dad, would you rather see me drink a beer or smoke a joint"? Everyone knows my answer. And I have nothing against alcohol but thats a million times worse then weed but its about the easiest drug you can get.


Well-Known Member
right. i know alot of people that get drunk and get violent or start reminising and do stupid shit.. on the other hand i know alot of people who smoke a joint and dont do shit all day. so ya. id rather my kids using pot than beer, but ofcoarse id hope my kids did it recreationally and not all the fkn time like their father. :D


Well-Known Member
Actually either way is gonna suck but I'm sick of shelling out my tax dollars on a war that was started so long ago that non of the fuckers that made the laws are even alive any more.. They don't know shit and probably never will.. I agree FUCK THE GOVERNMENT


Well-Known Member
Shit when my daughter is old enough to keep her mouth shut, i'm not gonna hide it from her because in no way am I ashamed of what I do. I kinda feel like WE are starting a revolution


Well-Known Member
right. i know alot of people that get drunk and get violent or start reminising and do stupid shit.. on the other hand i know alot of people who smoke a joint and dont do shit all day. so ya. id rather my kids using pot than beer, but ofcoarse id hope my kids did it recreationally and not all the fkn time like their father. :D
I dont drink, well the odd gin and tonic once a month, smoking weeds put me of alcohol. Your right though alcohol is way worse, rape, murder, car jacking the list goes on.

Fuck the goverment their the biggest users going!


Well-Known Member
Shit when my daughter is old enough to keep her mouth shut, i'm not gonna hide it from her because in no way am I ashamed of what I do. I kinda feel like WE are starting a revolution
I wouldn't either, bring your kids up right and there will be no problems, hide your stash and the'll want to smoke it more. Peace


Well-Known Member
shit there are murderers that get less time then getting busted for drugs... its really kinda fucked up, I'll tell you this I'M GONNA GROW TILL THE DAY I DIE!! I'm pretty sure that is why I was put on this earth


Well-Known Member
Fuck our mother fucking stupid ass government and there stupid fucking war on weed. Viva la culticulture!


Well-Known Member
shit there are murderers that get less time then getting busted for drugs... its really kinda fucked up, I'll tell you this I'M GONNA GROW TILL THE DAY I DIE!! I'm pretty sure that is why I was put on this earth
America has some stupid ass laws, if i lived their i would be in jail for life by now, here things are a bit more cooler.


Well-Known Member
They probably will never fully legalize it, why would they? they make too much money busting people for it and putting good law abiding people in jail for it. Damn now i'm starting to get pissed thinkin about it