OA. Third grow, first in hydro. 600w Growlab Tent/Ebb&Flow/Hydroton


Active Member
Pics, don't know why it didn't post when I left this morning. Here it is in a splash. I got 3 gal Rooter pots. They are hopefully gonna be amazing, tons of good reviews behind them. Anyways, the Skywalker (Big Sky) and Blue Dream(Tall Dream) are my favorites so far. Ph was nominal, same with ppm and ec. Temp was around 74.5F Tent was around 68 when I woke up this morning :} I will continue to monitor this. Decided against the reservoir change. I was reading the manufacturers magazine and they suggest Res change every 2 weeks and top off on the nutes as needed. We will see, anyone disagree with the manufacturers guidance? They got nutes, superthrive(b vitamins), and a little dose of the rhizotonic(which I may add to during the week). I got bamboo stakes today :} And I will be putting up a netting as well for added support. Some might believe this is overkill. To me the safer the better. Got a new 4 nozzle air pump and 4 twelve inch airstones, which adds to the one 4 inch cylindrical airstone I had. Will have more updates after the netting is up and the bamboo is in :}

Here they are after 1 week. First 2-3 days were at low wattage then 600 for the last 4 days. 18/6 and had them on 24 hrs for a couple days in the middle of the week. Canna Aqua A+B vega, rhizotonic, b vitamins

They looked good enough to bump them up for ya.....Nice work man...


Active Member
I was doing a major update and erased the whole damn thing again. Stupid laptop, touch pad.

Here are the pics:

Suffice to say, the girls went through some shit. God's Gift was completely wilted at one point. All plants experienced a stagnant growth period. As you can see over the last few days they have gotten a bit better.

I did the flush Second/Third week. I won't be doing it bi-weekly again. Weekly, with flushings, seems much safer to me. I'm top feeding from the tray, several times a day. Partially, to promote root growth down, then to make sure they are getting water and nutes.

I found 2 seeds from a good nug from a co-op awhile back. I will germinate those tonight. Expect updates on them.

I feel like it will be safe to do major pruning @ the close of this week. Barring any more calamity.

I will make sure to have rooting gel ready. (I have read that 2 month old plants in soil for clones, not sure how this relates to hydro. Hormone levels anyone?) I feel like the clones and seedlings will then be on even ground in vegging time.

Pretty much all this week and whatnot. Updating it comes and it goes, haha.

Hope you all are enjoying the ride. Thanks for stopping by my little corner.


Well-Known Member
you can clone whenever you like.. if your genetics are from clone.. then they are already technically mature. They looks a little sad.. BUT .. if you get em dialed in.. they will look like a whole new animal in no time :) I need to catch up with you and Steez soon.. I been meeting some people from this forum.. shame not to meet up with you guys an bullshit.


Well-Known Member
They don't look that bad, i've seen worse on this forum haha.
i'm sure they will all pull through.. that bd looks way nice lots of growth man.
can't wait till you come see my ladies, you'll be stoked.

anddd yea alotaball you are too busy smoking those two ilbs :p


Well-Known Member
I have ran HPS all the way .. works great.. not as compact.. but not bad as long as they are still getting enough light. Im sure once you get your feed schedule and nutes dialed in .. they will be happy campers and ready to rock.

One question though .. whats your plan on feeding with so many different strains on one reservoir ? For example.. if your blue dream only takes 1200 ppm before it burns.. but the gods gift needs 1600 ppm to be happy camper.. how do you feed appropriately from one reservoir.. I only ask because I like to play with hydro myself .. but I have never been able to run multiple stains.. and I hate growing all the same strains for personal. Only time I have been able to run multiple strains on the same feed schedule is if they were very similiar .. which means normally their high's were near the same.. which defeated the purpose of multiple stains..

Another example.. Say I want to run a 8 week indica.. and a 12 week hybrid of lets say White widow... how would I feed ? Ur at 6 weeks or 7 weeks in .. and you need to flush the indica.. but if you do that you will hurt your white widow that still has a month to go.. these are reason's why I cant find a way to do a central reservoir hydro grow.. If it was commercial and I was running all the same strain.. it would be easy.. but with different one's.. any Idea on how to remedy these problems?


Active Member
Central isn't optimal with multiple strains. I feel like your really need separate tray and reservoirs. I tried to get the strains as close as I could to flowering time. All are supposed to be Indica Dominant.

You are talking about the harvest flush, correct?

I know I will be losing yield and potency on some of them. I started wanting one strain but didn't feel like the clinic had 9 clones of any of their strains that were evenly matched. Actually, the only one that is hating life is the God's Gift, the Platinum don't seem to be doing as well as the Blue Dream and the Skywalker. Which are both doing remarkably well in my opinion.

I have drawn a diagram for a 4x4, 4 tray system. It is more for a SOG, though it may work for multiple strains under one light. Also, You could take one tray and section it off for the drainage (I have seen some threads with these ideas, don't know how well they would work) and then have smaller reservoirs with a drip rings or something.

Just some ideas. I honestly, don't know of a way to remedy multiple strains under 1 reservoirs without losing yield or potency.


Well-Known Member
Ya neither did I lantern .. I was just curious if you came up with something I didnt think about .. Im sure even on a mild feed that all the plants can tolerate.. the yield should still be decent.. who knows .. maybe they will all like the same feed schedule lol :)


Active Member
Ya neither did I lantern .. I was just curious if you came up with something I didnt think about .. Im sure even on a mild feed that all the plants can tolerate.. the yield should still be decent.. who knows .. maybe they will all like the same feed schedule lol :)
I'm hoping so. I have been busy with school and getting my apartment together. Also, I don't wanna miss anytime I get with the GF. We live far apart at the moment. Starting the grow as soon as moving was a great idea lol. I wouldn't change it for anything. My stress level and all around good nature is balancing back out.

The girls seem to be doing really well tonight. Ph, PPM, EC, Temp in the Rez all look to be within acceptable limits. After the first flood of the night I will be checking all the readings and adjusting accordingly. Check again in the morning, yada yada.


Active Member
Just read that if you add Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), one gram per 75 gallons (285L) of water, it will remove chloramine from your water. Which is safe for you and your plants.

Leaving your water out for a day or two will get rid of the old chlorine compounds found in water. However, it won't do anything to the chloramine. Chloramine is harmful to the beneficial microorganisms in the rhizophere.

Source: 'Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook' Pg. 149 Par. 4


Well-Known Member
I have way to many basics still to try and master before I worry about Chloramine.. Cool info though!.. wonder if my superthrive has Vitamin C.. have to look


Well-Known Member
I have way to many basics still to try and master before I worry about Chloramine.. Cool info though!.. wonder if my superthrive has Vitamin C.. have to look
When do you use your super thrive? The only time I used it was after I transplanted the clones and haven't used it since.


Well-Known Member
little in cloning.. everytime I transplant.. and anytime I think I stressed em (heat, cold, too dry , ect)

Dont know if it does shyt.. but if it aint broke lol..


Active Member
Superthrive is b complex Vitamins. Its good to use every reservoir flush, watering.

The Chloramine is only a worry if you use tap water or unfiltered water. It is pretty dangerous for soil and hydro alike. My 2nd grow I had a big problem with it. I ended up going through a big rollercoaster ride of problems in my soil. So needless to say its a biggie for me. Lol. Everyone has different tapwater though. I may axk for a water report from my water company lol.