OA. Third grow, first in hydro. 600w Growlab Tent/Ebb&Flow/Hydroton


Active Member
Veganics? Nice. You're going to really like BioCanna with your set up. A little bit of fulvic/humic acid, molasses, and you'll have the sweetest buds around town.
Thanks dsmoke, I am really excited about trying it out. Do you know when I should start applying the Vega? Have you used the product before, any pointers you have for them? I am going to look for a feeding chart now, I don't know why I didn't get one with the product.

subbed, I like what I see so far.

Domo, 4r34l. Let's hope we all like the end product haha.


Well-Known Member
Congrats man! Very nice! Now you need to work on plumping those girls up :) It's gonna be fun timez indeed


Active Member
Thanks Dubbz, going to get the hygrometer I wasn't able to get yesterday. I missed the hydroshop closing by 3 minutes, because I tried to find it at Target first. They only had a weeklong weather forecaster thing and I wasn't interested in paying 50 bucks for the damn thing. Gonna update with pH levels and such later on in my journal. I will be keeping most of the technical everyday info in there, unless you guys wanna see it here in this thread. I feel like that might be tedious to those reading, however. Let's have fun and grow together. Talk to ya'll soon.


Well-Known Member
Link in my signature for my journal entries that may or may not have to do with this thread.

To start this is the setup so far:


6" x 16" Phresh Carbon Filter 400CFM
6" Vorrtext Inline Duct Fan 449CFM
2 "Lil' baby clippie type deskfans
6" Flexible Light Ducting


6" Air-cooled Sunsystems Magnum XXXL Reflector Hood
600w Lamp Socket
600w Ushio HPS Bulb
600w Lumatek Switchable Ballast


4'x4' Flood Tray
4'x4' Snapture Tray Stand
40Gal Reservior w/ Lid
400GPH Water Pump
Sunleaves Air-Pump w/ 1 outlet
4" Cylindrical Air Stone
1/2" Flood & Drain Pipe fittings
1/2" Water Tubing

Grow Medium:
CocoTek Mat
Rockwool Starter Plugs

I will be picking out nutrients, ordering seeds, and getting clones. Clones I plan to grow while waiting for seeds to develop. Many updates on all this to follow in future posts.

Here is a slew of pics from the setup.

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I didn't bother to put them in any kind of order obviously; they were taken earlier today. If anyone has any questions feel free to take a look at my journals and ask them in my journal. I would like to keep this free flow of information. Most of your questions will be answered by watching that flow of information and from reading other great journals in this forum.

I would like to point out Roseman as someone who inspires me. I began reading his threads on bubbleponics and they have always been some of the best insight thus far. I have read potroast's Hydroponic thread and gotten great resources out of it. I would like to give him my condolence on being raided and hope you are out of it the pit they threw you down.

I would also like to thank all those that will be follow this in advance. My friend Steezz is on his first soil grow, wish you all the luck in the world man. Hope you get the record breaker you want, always keep with it. Everyone check out his thread and give him some love. There is already a ton of good info to be found there already.

To answer questions about the cocomat setup right now. It was suggested by a friend, I'm testing it out for myself. We will all see how it works out. The basic idea is the mat with allow for light blockage from roots. Also giving me stabilization to the net pots, which will be filled with hydroton. Clones or seedlings will be snuggled betwixt the hydroton pebbles. The tray will flood and the hydroton will suck up water and nutrients. Water will drain back to reservoir just like in a normal ebb and flow system. The cocomat will allow for roots to expand in the area between it and the tray.

I have seen plenty of outlandish setups that work. This one makes sense to me, if it doesn't work I will have learned a great deal along the way. I hope to keep this updated pretty regularly. I almost think I will spend more time updating here, than actually taking care of the little girls.

I will be posting updates on seeds and that in my regular journal. So, any questions on those should be asked there. Again, props and all that are good here. Keep the questions specific. None of those "how do I grow weeds...MaN?" kinds of questions. (Most of you know what I am talking about. If you don't please read sticky threads before asking lowly growers such as I.)

I like the community here, thank you all for so much that I have learned over the last couple of years. Let's have fun and grow together.
very nice set up looks good so far :)


Active Member
I got Rhizotonic, another water pump and the hygrometer. After plugging in the hygrometer temps read high, 28C which is about 80F give or take.

Going to be freezing water bottles to chill the rez, which should help slightly to stabilize temps. There is a kink in the exhaust going outside, which could be preventing hot air from being taken out. I will have to get a short 6" to 4" adapter. short of getting an air-conditioner, I'm entirely unsure of how to get my temps into an acceptable range. My birthday is coming up, ya'll could ship me one ;]

I will be adding the Rhizotonic to the rez with the Thrive alive in there right now. The new water pump will help keep the nutes from fermenting in the rez, which I have read may occur using BioCanna. Updates to follow ;]


Active Member
Although it looks nice, may get rid of the coco mat and upgrade to larger containers. If I had one continuous piece that went across the top it might work. right now, one piece has been dipping and got wet. I don't want mold, would this cause mold?


Active Member

I won't be able to use the line of BioCanna nutes. I did a little more reading (should have saw it before), and it seems that it does not work for inert media like Hydroton. I will still research ways to be more Vegan in my grow. Until then, I have a few sampler nutes and whatnot to use. Any suggestions on replacements?


Well-Known Member
Give me the skywalker ahhh!

And I told you not to use those nutes, shoulda listened! :]


Active Member
They had a window AC on sale so I picked it up. I still want a tent only AC, but for now this should cool things off a little. Pretty much broke my budget for awhile. I it had to be done. The temps were going in the mid 90's, wasn't expecting a heatwave :{ Things you learn for future grows. I have never been somewhere without central AC. Fun fun. Haha


Well-Known Member
They had a window AC on sale so I picked it up. I still want a tent only AC, but for now this should cool things off a little. Pretty much broke my budget for awhile. I it had to be done. The temps were going in the mid 90's, wasn't expecting a heatwave :{ Things you learn for future grows. I have never been somewhere without central AC. Fun fun. Haha
I know exactly how you feel! When planning this out I said to myself "the basement will be fine. it stays cool enough down there"...boy was I wrong lol Good idea getting that a/c.


Active Member
Girls are much happier today. had troubles transporting the babies to the other patients. they should spring back. they got a little hot. temps in the tent are around 77 midday heat. that is much better than 90 ;] went and picked up a couple little bottle s of the canna aqua a and b. i am going to add a 1/4 str to the rez this week and bump it up a little @a time every rez change. Having plants again is a little stressful. its the kind of stress you feel good about @ the end of a day.


Active Member
Giving the girls a 1/4 str Canna Aqua Veg A&B 75ml each into 150L rez. 40 is approx. 150L I believe. Changed the light to 24hrs on. I read 18/6 is mainly for plants going outdoors and indoors should be 24 hrs during veg. the source is Ed Rosenthal's Handbook which is a textbook @ OU. Took out that cocomat, it was making everything a mess and i feel like it radiated heat on the plants. i am going to get larger netpots to put the ladies in. I will attempt this idea later on when i am more experienced


Active Member
Random Pics and Angles:

God's Gift stopped leaning over.

@6" :}

Lights 10" from top of container.

That's for you steezz. I need to get bigger netpots and fill them with Hydroton. Is 8" netpots, maybe square ones, recommended?

They have perked up quite a bit. Temps are 77F/25C @ canopy level. I will check pH/ppm/EC in the morning, water bottles have started freezing in my little baby freezer so I will be throwing some of those in the res here soon.

Should I add a low dosage of nutrients if I have low ppm/EC? When I tested my res earlier it was only at maybe 600 ppm, if I remember correctly it is supposed to be around 1000ppm or so. Should I add until I reach about this balance?

I am excited about the Canna nutes, they lower my pH.Last tests was 6.0, so it falls really close to the median of 5.8

I will be looking around to get a dual duct air conditioner (it should take me awhile to save up so I can find a really nice model for my situation). Any suggestions on something to cool a 4x4x6ft area is very welcome. Links please.

Happy with the struggle over the last couple of days. It is already paying off, I'm much calmer throughout the day as opposed to before growing again. It is so relaxing to have something living because of the gifts you bring into it's life. I'm not be any means a 'crystal vibe' guy (just not my thing, I respect others beliefs on the subject), however, these little girls will definitely be feeling my positive energy.

Today is the celebration of our countries freedom. As a veteran of our armed forces myself, thank you guys for sacrificing your years for this country and all of us.

If you don't believe in the military, please don't hate, those kids are struggling and surviving, and believe it or not keep us safe; they get shot at, things blow up around them and they only want for home and for their families. Rep your friends and family that are on guard for you, welcome them into your homes and show them some thanks for the hardships they endure. Happy Independence Day.

Good grow to you all and good barbeque! Happy Fourth!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn man your setup is fucking dope, plants are lookin nice too.

The clone you left here ended up wilting completely so I trashed it.
And yes it will be a happy fourth, I can't wait to get home to see how my babies are diong with the HPS light they've been gettin all day.
Only bummer is that my light cycle is 6 hours less, 6 LESS HOURS TO SPEND WITH MY CHILDREN? nooooooooooooooo.


Active Member
Sucks about the clone. I was really rooting for it. The Skywalker was in rockwool so she didn't suffer as much. Lesson learned, it might be for the better. You tent is really filling up. Thanks for the ups on the setup, it was two people involved in it though so that makes it easier. I am going to be trying the CO2 DIY with a 2L bottle. It looks simple and I wanna get some CO2 for sure to bulkin' up my girls. I have a lot of the air pump hose left (the little blue kind for the air stone) so I am going to try and string it up around the top of the canopy. I am going to poke holes all around it to let the CO2 leak out and down on the girls. I will update with pics once I get it done.


Well-Known Member
Lantern I the hindu's rooted if you want one.. but you would have to get it soon.. Since your in hydro .. i Dont wanna put it in soil .. They are still in Rapid Rooters right now :)