For the life of me, I can't imagine why any citizen would be in favor of a tax on income unless they have bought into the class warfare bullshit of the Progressives circa 1895. Its Marxist through and through. It is anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-free markets and anti-success. Does that sound like America to anyone here?
And by the way, for the umpteenth time, roads are paid out of state and federal gasoline taxes. Fire trucks, stations and firemen are paid out of county and state taxes. Schools are paid out of local property taxes. There is NO need for a federal income tax at all. If the federal government would just go back to the 2001 spending level, ALL personal income taxes could be eliminated in their entirety.
Seriously folks, do you really want to continue to live in a country whereby the government, through the IRS, wants an accounting of every penny you earn and spend? Do you want to continue living in a country whereby the citizens live in fear of tax audits? Do you want to continue living in a country where the 535 politicians in Washington can manipulate your behavior through the IRS tax code? Wouldn't it be much better to scrap the entire IRS tax code, all 77,000 pages of it and install a simple, end user sales tax instead?
Lets take the power away from Washington and return it to the people. Support the F.A.I.R. tax folks.