The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

and that you don't need chemicals to make hash...that is if you paid attention

I already knew that. What I also know is that literally no one does that. Most people are using butane or alcohol to make hash. Which makes it just as unnatural as the next chemical drug.
I was talking hash which Carthorse said is just as natural as herion...again please follow again if its MAN MADE it should be illegal or REGULATED...

Or you should mind your own business and stop trying to regulate peoples lives. It was never about heroin, and you know it.

No, you answer WITH stupid shit instead. There are 3 options. Help, Hurt, Do nothing. Obviously you never read 'choose your own adventure' books.
You and I are built different...My choice is if I can help someone I will...not do nothing...and if I don't help them and could have I feel that I did hurt again we think different..
Or you should mind your own business and stop trying to regulate peoples lives. It was never about heroin, and you know it.

He should have never said we saying things we don't really mean ???
It still just blows my mind how you 3 can be here on a weed forum labeling yourselves such things as progressives and independents and not support Ron Paul because of some petty issue or conspiracy theory...blows my mind!

You voted Obama so I assume you wanted change? Where is it? How can you call yourself a progressive when you vote for centrist and when you live by american exceptional-ism? Perhaps I blow your mind equally so..I am sure..Its funny, Dan said recently in this thread "Libertarian Magic Dust" while associating his view with reality. I see it just the same only I see it as "centrist magic dust"....except this magic dust of yours it moves in niether direction, it makes no progress neither forward nor backward, it holds no "Change". I see all three of you much like a view Glenn Beck, granted you are vastly superior in intelligence and you probably aren't compulsive liars, but what I see is that disconnect, for me it seems as if its a disconnect from reality, maybe not as disconnected as Glenn Beck but I am just using him because he comes to mind as someone who is incredibly disconnected so I use him as an example. Our government does wonderful things for us and life is great here indeed, but government has one goal in mind and its not to protect you and take care of you and society, the goal is to stay in power at all cost and to increase its power at all cost. This is part of the reason I support Ron Paul, its because he stands by the people, and in on sense he is the most in touch with reality of all federal government officials.
I already knew that. What I also know is that literally no one does that. Most people are using butane or alcohol to make hash. Which makes it just as unnatural as the next chemical drug.
so you know how most people make there hash...amazing how well connected you are
I follow no man blindly...I disagree with Ron Pauls view on Civil rights act and nothing can change my mind on that...I agree with him Fed Reserve. but the civil rights thing is enough to make me not want to see him as guys follow your Paul with blind eyes...Tell me one thing you disagree with him on..or do you agree with EVERYTHING the man says....
You and I are built different...My choice is if I can help someone I will...not do nothing...and if I don't help them and could have I feel that I did hurt again we think different..

I always choose to help someone. That isn't what we were talking about. It is the right to make that choice that is the topic of the conversation - not the choice. Making the right choice is something you learn, part of who you are, not a law that someone passed who thought they knew better than I what choice I should make. That is the same justification people use when they outlaw marijuana, beer, gay marriages, abortion and flag burning. "They couldn't make the right choice, so we made it for them."

Yes, and I appreciate that we are different. Aside from the almost violent differences we have in ideology and the petty attacks that come from it during the discussions, you are ok by me. I understand your position and thought process on it, I just don't agree with it and can't envision myself ever changing my mind on it.
I follow no man blindly...I disagree with Ron Pauls view on Civil rights act and nothing can change my mind on that...I agree with him Fed Reserve. but the civil rights thing is enough to make me not want to see him as guys follow your Paul with blind eyes...Tell me one thing you disagree with him on..or do you agree with EVERYTHING the man says....

Paul's comments on abortion give me pause. I do, however, trust in him enough that I think he would make the right decision and not ban them.
I disagree with him on abortion and initially I did disagree with him on a lot of economic issues untill I really researched what his views actually for for the people...clear choice to me...Id vote for him just on bringing the troops home since he is the only one that is being honest about doing that.....Id also vote for him solely on the drug war even if I disagreed with absolutely everything else....Id also be swayed to vote on him just on the fact that he is the only veteran or that he has the most experience. I would also vote for him just for the fact he is against wall-street and the big corporations and he is the first man to ever audit the fed. Where do you draw this association? I am liberal and I voted for Obama. You characterize everyone who says they like Ron Paul into one stereotype.
I always choose to help someone. That isn't what we were talking about. It is the right to make that choice that is the topic of the conversation - not the choice. Making the right choice is something you learn, part of who you are, not a law that someone passed who thought they knew better than I what choice I should make. That is the same justification people use when they outlaw marijuana, beer, gay marriages, abortion and flag burning. "They couldn't make the right choice, so we made it for them."

Yes, and I appreciate that we are different. Aside from the almost violent differences we have in ideology and the petty attacks that come from it during the discussions, you are ok by me. I understand your position and thought process on it, I just don't agree with it and can't envision myself ever changing my mind on it.

if a lady is getting raped are you required by law to do something ????? should you be required to do something ???? Do you do nothing ???? IMO if you do nothing not even call the are just as guilty and rightly so
I disagree with him on abortion and initially I did disagree with him on a lot of economic issues untill I really researched what his views actually for for the people...clear choice to me...Id vote for him just on bringing the troops home since he is the only one that is being honest about doing that.....Id also vote for him solely on the drug even if I disagreed with absolutely everything else....Id also be swayed to vote on him just on the fact that he is the only veteran.

now I can respect that for at least you found some disagreement with him...All men have faults...hell Obama to me has plenty, but out of all he still is my best choice....My grandfather would have been the best POTUS but he didn't
if a lady is getting raped are you required by law to do something ????? should you be required to do something ???? Do you do nothing ???? IMO if you do nothing not even call the are just as guilty and rightly so

If your hand is in a fire, do you question whether to pull it out? Who cares what the law requires? The law requires you not smoke, grow, buy, or sell marijuana, but obviously you don't care about that. Don't give me state law as an answer, it is still 100% illegal.

With that, I am going to bed, its past 3 am and I have lots of beer to drink and guns to shoot tomorrow while I smoke hash and bbq. I really should of gotten a monster truck. Happy 4th of July!
I follow no man blindly...I disagree with Ron Pauls view on Civil rights act and nothing can change my mind on that...I agree with him Fed Reserve. but the civil rights thing is enough to make me not want to see him as guys follow your Paul with blind eyes...Tell me one thing you disagree with him on..or do you agree with EVERYTHING the man says....

Read a little london. i posted the reply to this question a few pages back lol. Take a deep breathe and think about it.
Read a little london. i posted the reply to this question a few pages back lol. Take a deep breathe and think about it.
did I quote you on that was a general question to if you answered all ready no reply is needed...