The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

...see and thats why I fault you Ron Paul fools even when you are shown that you are wrong you still try to argue dumb ass points that make you look stupid and lose credibilty

Where did you prove Ron Paul supporters are wrong?

....when I'm wrong I say it

We'll see...

...anything that is man made should be illegal or regulated..period end of story

Sieg Heil!!!

..or do you want people to just make any drug and be able to sell it to whom ever ...Hell Ron Paul thinks its your right...WTF...

Why is it that those of you who hate Ron Paul, America, Libertarians, Freedom, Truth, Justice, People, Peace, Love, Babies, Apple Pie, the Flag, Business, Law, Animals, Children, Nature, Earth, the Universe, Puppies, Kitties, Moms, Dads, Families, Trees, Compassion, Loyalty, Honesty, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Respect, Fairness, Equality, Liberty, Ice Cream, Baseball, Fireworks, Patriotism, the Constitution and everything else under the sun... resort to extreme exaggeration and hyperbole, when you cannot defend your beliefs?
You and I are built different...My choice is if I can help someone I will...not do nothing...and if I don't help them and could have I feel that I did hurt again we think different..
By current count how many foster children live in your home? How many charities do you contribute to each week? How many food kitchens do you volunteer to work at each day? What percentage of your income is currently being donated to worthy causes? You go to church? Do you pay a tithe or contribute to the collection plate?

By my assumption and educated guess by the type of person I have seen over the years it would be my guess that you do NONE of those things I listed.

Do you run around feeding parking meters that are about to expire? Do you sit around on street corners waiting for old ladies to help across?

You starting to feel like a pathetic ass yet? Don't you know how much you are hurting the human race by not doing all those things? If you have 1 penny to your name I expect you to donate it to some worthy cause, after all if you can help someone , you will, right?
By current count how many foster children live in your home? How many charities do you contribute to each week? How many food kitchens do you volunteer to work at each day? What percentage of your income is currently being donated to worthy causes? You go to church? Do you pay a tithe or contribute to the collection plate?

By my assumption and educated guess by the type of person I have seen over the years it would be my guess that you do NONE of those things I listed.

Do you run around feeding parking meters that are about to expire? Do you sit around on street corners waiting for old ladies to help across?

You starting to feel like a pathetic ass yet? Don't you know how much you are hurting the human race by not doing all those things? If you have 1 penny to your name I expect you to donate it to some worthy cause, after all if you can help someone , you will, right?

In your effort to always try to get Londonfog you again missed a key phrase I used "IF I Can Help"...I'm not always able to volunteer...we did do the foster kid thing before and was ready to adopt, but the child's Aunt came out of the blue and actually was able to prevent us from doing it, by taking the child as her own..Took a heavy heavy toll on my wife..she cried for weeks after that, like the child had past away...My laundromats collects clothes,dresses,skirts and suits for homeless and for self-help with a job interviews (Need a suit for an interview)...I can't even begin to count how many charities I give and have given to.....and nope don't go to church, but wife does and she makes sure that 10% of our income is given each month ( I don't fight this because the church does help others, but does Jesus really need )...What your statement tells me NoDrama is you know very very very very little about me....Now I have many faults , but giving and helping others is not one of them..
In your effort to always try to get Londonfog you again missed a key phrase I used "IF I Can Help"...I'm not always able to volunteer...we did do the foster kid thing before and was ready to adopt, but the child's Aunt came out of the blue and actually was able to prevent us from doing it, by taking the child as her own..Took a heavy heavy toll on my wife..she cried for weeks after that, like the child had past away...My laundromats collects clothes,dresses,skirts and suits for homeless and for self-help with a job interviews (Need a suit for an interview)...I can't even begin to count how many charities I give and have given to.....and nope don't go to church, but wife does and she makes sure that 10% of our income is given each month ( I don't fight this because the church does help others, but does Jesus really need )...What your statement tells me NoDrama is you know very very very very little about me....Now I have many faults , but giving and helping others is not one of them..

You rail about people who don't help others are hurting them. You have the ability to help many more people than you do even if we accept your statement as 100% fact. Do you have an extra room in your house? Do you have any thing of value that you collect? Do you eat something other than rice? Every time you spend more than the amount needed to keep you alive, you are depriving someone of something by not giving the money or time to them. Therefor the government should take all of your 'excess' income and give it to needy people.

If you are going to regulate personal property, how long before you start regulating personal relationships in the name of fairness and equality? Maybe we should we make laws to keep dumb people from buying things that they don't need and that might hurt them? OH WAIT - thats right! We already have things like seat belt laws and helmet laws! Hey, wait, don't some people have less in the way of physical gifts and romantic ability? Hell, lets just draw lots to see who marries who so everything is fair - no more personal choice in relationships because you might make a decision based on race. Lets go ahead and genetically engineer all new babies so they come out looking the same, some sort of mixbreed.

"Man will always be a man. There is no new man. We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there's always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love." - Danilov "Enemy at the Gates"
In your effort to always try to get Londonfog you again missed a key phrase I used "IF I Can Help"...I'm not always able to volunteer...we did do the foster kid thing before and was ready to adopt, but the child's Aunt came out of the blue and actually was able to prevent us from doing it, by taking the child as her own..Took a heavy heavy toll on my wife..she cried for weeks after that, like the child had past away...My laundromats collects clothes,dresses,skirts and suits for homeless and for self-help with a job interviews (Need a suit for an interview)...I can't even begin to count how many charities I give and have given to.....and nope don't go to church, but wife does and she makes sure that 10% of our income is given each month ( I don't fight this because the church does help others, but does Jesus really need )...What your statement tells me NoDrama is you know very very very very little about me....Now I have many faults , but giving and helping others is not one of them..
So the answer was, no you don't have foster children, no you don't work at food kitchens, no you don't tithe, no you don't give to a church(Your wife might, but you don't), you give clothes (good for you ) but I bet you take a tax credit out of it too. As far as charities, you didn't mention anything, just that you contribute to so many you can't even begin to count. Which kind of begs the question, Just how high can you count? Personally, I can count to infinity if given enough time, I wasn't aware that some people were limited in the addition power of the number one. Are you limited by tolanges enumeration? About the only reason I wouldn't be able to start is if the number were ZERO.

Looks like i was right at least 3 out of the 5 guesses, and most probably correct 4 of the 5, which is a pretty good guesstimate.

Try things like St Judes, Arbor-day Foundation, The hunger project etc etc and stop trying to take credit for that 12 cents you threw into the Salvation army Bucket this last Christmas and those Over Priced Girl Scout Cookies your neighbors daughter conned you into buying.

Its Great that you take other peoples clothing and give it to charity though, its very similar to what the government does, but I wonder how the people who were relieved of their clothing felt.

Anyway I'm not trying to "Get to you". not ever, i'm just trying to get you to see it from another point of view is all.

Giving your wife money to give to the church is not even somewhat remotely the same as you giving to the church, so don't even try to take credit for what is admittedly a choice made by your wife.

I have been to three interviews in my entire life, never once wore a suit. I wasn't aware you couldn't go to a interview without one.

anyway, if you really do give to a bunch of worthy charities (The "help John Doe beat cancer" jars at the local watering hole doesn't count either) kudos for you.
so my site which was inspired by this very thread had a little folk song written about it last night from a fan of the site, little extreme but good idea and good thought, the acoustic version is up on the site :)
In your effort to always try to get Londonfog you again missed a key phrase I used "IF I Can Help"...I'm not always able to volunteer...we did do the foster kid thing before and was ready to adopt, but the child's Aunt came out of the blue and actually was able to prevent us from doing it, by taking the child as her own..Took a heavy heavy toll on my wife..she cried for weeks after that, like the child had past away...My laundromats collects clothes,dresses,skirts and suits for homeless and for self-help with a job interviews (Need a suit for an interview)...I can't even begin to count how many charities I give and have given to.....and nope don't go to church, but wife does and she makes sure that 10% of our income is given each month ( I don't fight this because the church does help others, but does Jesus really need )...What your statement tells me NoDrama is you know very very very very little about me....Now I have many faults , but giving and helping others is not one of them..

That sounds just like what i was trying to say a few pages ago while you were telling me how much i was lying about Allensworth even though i clearly stated that i was merely relaying some conversations that i had with residents of the community. Juuuust sayin'.
That sounds just like what i was trying to say a few pages ago while you were telling me how much i was lying about Allensworth even though i clearly stated that i was merely relaying some conversations that i had with residents of the community. Juuuust sayin'.
No guy I happen to know about Allensworth and have seen the place in the 90' was dead town in the 40 50 60' its not what you say, but what I know..but if you can show me some history proof to back up what you say I would be more then happy to entertain it..not just saying "I talked to some unnamed resident back in 2001"...come on dude link me to how the Civil rights era destroyed Allensworth...again I can show you link after link how this town was dead before WWII...are you up to the challenge ???? if not stop talking about it !!! I don't want to call you a liar so I will just leave it at you were lied to...Allensworth died because of broken promises and others not wanting to see a black community succeed and it died long before 64....again show proof of anything different...just sayin ( with proof to back it up)
It still just blows my mind how you 3 can be here on a weed forum labeling yourselves such things as progressives and independents and not support Ron Paul because of some petty issue or conspiracy theory...blows my mind!

I blows my mind that anyone is still willing to advocate the merits of segregation or how America was wrong for freeing the slaves and fighting the civil war, but here we are.

I do not support Ron Paul because of his views on economics. That's not a petty issue at all. It may be the most important issue right now.

Progressives can't support him because the economic system he supports would be absolutely terrible for the majority of Americans.
i can pomp and circumstance all i want. Still doesn't mean it works.

You keep repeating a false statement hoping it becomes more true. You're making the claim that you can't force segregation. Well that's simply not true. It was forced for a long time. It took an act of congress and the national guard to end it.

You're looking at history from a point of view that never actually happened. You've decided you have to do that because if you didn't you'd have to admit how deeply flawed your logic is. My advice to you is not to twist around history to rationalize your views. If you're views don't hold up to reality you should change your views because you can't change reality or history.
You keep repeating a false statement hoping it becomes more true. You're making the claim that you can't force segregation. Well that's simply not true. It was forced for a long time. It took an act of congress and the national guard to end it.

You're looking at history from a point of view that never actually happened. You've decided you have to do that because if you didn't you'd have to admit how deeply flawed your logic is. My advice to you is not to twist around history to rationalize your views. If you're views don't hold up to reality you should change your views because you can't change reality or history.

You can force a white supremacist to live/work next to a minority. Do you stop his hate or ignorance? NO! So you force two groups together that don't want to BE together. What happens? What is the result? Hatred and violence. i guess you have corrected me that it can be forced upon us but you still have not shown that it helped a single thing. Drove it underground so i now don't know who is racist and who isn't? i'd rather see those that oppose Liberty so i can deal with them accordingly.
You can force a white supremacist to live/work next to a minority. Do you stop his hate or ignorance? NO!

That is correct. Nor should we try. What we can do is ensure equal access to American society. The civil rights act has been quite successful at improving that situation for black Americans.

So you force two groups together that don't want to BE together. What happens? What is the result? Hatred and violence.

Well since segregation has ended lynchings seem to be down. The idea segregation would reduce hatred and violence is lol.

i guess you have corrected me that it can be forced upon us but you still have not shown that it helped a single thing. Drove it underground so i now don't know who is racist and who isn't? i'd rather see those that oppose Liberty so i can deal with them accordingly.

Well you're missing a key variable in the equation here. A lot of hate comes from fear and ignorance of the unknown. If you isolate the groups so they never interact that will increase hate, not reduce it. It's going to take a long time to end racism, but America as a country is doing a really fucking good job of that. Think of where we were 50 years ago and look at where we are now. We've made huge progress. Reversing that progress is not a good idea IMO.
That is correct. Nor should we try. What we can do is ensure equal access to American society. The civil rights act has been quite successful at improving that situation for black Americans.

Well since segregation has ended lynchings seem to be down. The idea segregation would reduce hatred and violence is lol.

Well you're missing a key variable in the equation here. A lot of hate comes from fear and ignorance of the unknown. If you isolate the groups so they never interact that will increase hate, not reduce it. It's going to take a long time to end racism, but America as a country is doing a really fucking good job of that. Think of where we were 50 years ago and look at where we are now. We've made huge progress. Reversing that progress is not a good idea IMO.

Has the violence/hatred gone down or just underground? That is what i'm saying. Underground is where i most often find it. Hidden behind lies and false adherence to the Civil Rights act or legislation. It just allows the majority to fuck the minority any way they can as long as they hide it. Just be honest with me. You hate blacks(not YOU)? Then SAY SO so i can know where you stand. Don't slight them within the law and then say you are treating them equal.
Has the violence/hatred gone down or just underground? That is what i'm saying. Underground is where i most often find it. Hidden behind lies and false adherence to the Civil Rights act or legislation. It just allows the majority to fuck the minority any way they can as long as they hide it. Just be honest with me. You hate blacks(not YOU)? Then SAY SO so i can know where you stand. Don't slight them within the law and then say you are treating them equal.

you are sooooooo right.

we should let the bigots bar their minority of choice again.

civil rights solved.

u mad, bro?