Pc fan wiring problems! HELP NEEDED


Hey guys. I'm completley new to growing and im trying to make one of those Pc grow boxes. I bought a PC fan Kingwin CFR-012LB. I got it to work except i'm not to sure if the adaptor i used is compatable with the fan so i would like to know. The Adapter is Input: AC 120V 60Hz 160mA Output: AC 12V 1.2A

The fan is 120mm 950 rpm 40 cfm 19 dB(A) DC 12V 10.8 - 13.3V

So i wired everything up and the fan was spinning backwards thinking i just needed to switch the wires positive/negative i switched them with no change. the fan continues to spin the wrong way and the air comes out the back. Anyone know why please help


Active Member
I dont think the ran is really spinning backwards. PC fans are designed to be pulling air away instead of blowing. So in actuality the fan is really spinning the correct way.


Hmm ok but if it were pulling air out, would i be able to put a very light object in front of it and have it be sucked in because that does not happen. Oh wait just tested it out by dangle some string in front of it, it barley picks it up?


What am i supposed to use then? I looked it up on the net and i thouht this was the only way to do it?? by cutting apart an ac adaptor and wiring them


New Member
What am i supposed to use then? I looked it up on the net and i thouht this was the only way to do it?? by cutting apart an ac adaptor and wiring them
do u see the label on adapter says ac
fan says dc
do the math
geez im done here
u guys sort it out


I apolagize for my ignorance i am new, i have no idea what im doing, im struggling but im trying to learn. sorry. Thanks though for pointing that out


So what am i looking for here, input Dc or output dc or can you just tell me a Dc adaptor with the exact numbers i should be looking for


anything i can grab around the house? like a cell phone charger or something? any ideas. I dont want to spend money and to lazy to go to the store. Thats what i did with the Ac adaptor i cut off the part you plug into the device and split the wires apart.


New Member
anything i can grab around the house? like a cell phone charger or something? any ideas. I dont want to spend money and to lazy to go to the store. Thats what i did with the Ac adaptor i cut off the part you plug into the device and split the wires apart.
cell charger will work but most new ones are 5.3 volts dc it will work but wont spin as fast as 12 v


Well-Known Member
You need to look around your house for anything with a Dc rating as close to 12v as you can find.
I USED AN OLD BACK MASSAGE/HEAT PAD plug, its at 12v. wire it up to your fan, normally its the red and blue wires on the pc fans but you purchased yours so it should just be the 2 wires that you need. when i used a rubbermaid tote i had a a pc fan running on 6v for intake and my 12v for exhaust.

some pc fans are made to pull air away and others are made to push. it depends on what you have. just play around with what you have man, it takes a bit to get your cab dialed in to how you want it...

whats going on Fab? hope all is well man


Well-Known Member
just curious but..if the fan is "blowing the wrong way"...why dont you simply just turn it around? Thats what i did..


New Member
You need to look around your house for anything with a Dc rating as close to 12v as you can find.
I USED AN OLD BACK MASSAGE/HEAT PAD plug, its at 12v. wire it up to your fan, normally its the red and blue wires on the pc fans but you purchased yours so it should just be the 2 wires that you need. when i used a rubbermaid tote i had a a pc fan running on 6v for intake and my 12v for exhaust.

some pc fans are made to pull air away and others are made to push. it depends on what you have. just play around with what you have man, it takes a bit to get your cab dialed in to how you want it...

whats going on Fab? hope all is well man
hey bro sorry i missed u was out fishing and turtle hunting but didnt catch a thing :sad: