Wiring a PC fan to a 12 V adaptor

i fuse anything DC that i DIY. 4 bucks for some semblance of safety
Just to stress the potential hazards of dc 12. I have welded a ball stud connecting my tie rod to the the control arm with a car battery, the positive wire on jumper cables, a cb antenna and the carbon cores out of 4 d batteries. 20 miles into BFE 4 wheeling. DC is deadly and easily capable of starting a fire. Buy a store bought cheapo. Safer than "I think".
Just to stress the potential hazards of dc 12. I have welded a ball stud connecting my tie rod to the the control arm with a car battery, the positive wire on jumper cables, a cb antenna and the carbon cores out of 4 d batteries. 20 miles into BFE 4 wheeling. DC is deadly and easily capable of starting a fire. Buy a store bought cheapo. Safer than "I think".
call you MICHI-guyver from now on!
i fuse anything DC that i DIY. 4 bucks for some semblance of safety
I get it, I do all sorts of electrical. The fact is the OP is unsure what to do with a simple 3 wire fan. Nothing against OP, we all have our strong suites and electrical is not theirs. No shame in that. When you can purchase a certified new one for under $20 I feel there really is no up side to doing a DIY. At least if you are not sure about what you are doing. Just my opinion.