But did you quit because of warnings and pictures or did you quit from hot and red hands?When a friend of mine was studying abroad, he sent me a picture of the cigarette packs they have there.
Infected mouths and lungs and shit.
My hands would get hot and red all of the time. So red that it looked ridiculous.
I quit 2 months ago and it completely went away a week after I quit, so now I have no desire to smoke.
That's great. Good job! Hope you stick with it.and I'm in my early 20's
my hands have matched the rest of my skin color since I quit.
That's funny. I can just imagine you go to the store to get some smokes. The guy hands you a pack with a messed up pic on it. You say no not that one. Here's another one. Nope not that one. Here's another one. Nope not that one. Finally something acceptable to you. "Low Birth Weight". Ok I'll take it.As a Male, I would just buy the ones that said "Low Birth Weight".
HAHAHAHAHA, ah that amuses the fuck out of me, as someone that's stood there and served packs of cigs, i could totally imagine it and it would make my day, i think there's one in the UK that sais smoking makes you infertile, pack of those on a friday night, yes please!That's funny. I can just imagine you go to the store to get some smokes. The guy hands you a pack with a messed up pic on it. You say no not that one. Here's another one. Nope not that one. Here's another one. Nope not that one. Finally something acceptable to you. "Low Birth Weight". Ok I'll take it.