oh Golden, yes i do believe i have struck some oil , thick black rich oil. haha,
Ok so i took one of my fresh TCH capsules a couple nights ago... and it was just a little under the proper medication i believe would have elevated my pain. I applied some directly to my painful wrist and it really helped a lot. Oh and i have applied it to my face and your right, it isreally helping me regain that youthful appearance i once had years and years ago! lmao.. your a life saver GG.. no more plastic surgery and botox injections ever again!!!
Then last night..(and NO laughing at me!!!!) i overdosed on the cannabutter.
I forgot who's recipe this came (the high tolerace LF stoner) and i guess i was convinced my leaves werent going to be all that potent.. BOY WAS I WRONG!
I was in tremendous pain all day yesterday in my neck. I tweeked it doing a stupid YOGa move..

So i was ready to get some serious medication on board.
I get the cannabutter and some Thomas English muffins out. I liberally applied the butter and toasted them in the oven..
About 2 minutes after i ate the muffin i started getting some dizzy spells meaning it was already taking effect..??? I was a little concerned concidering your sopposed to wait about an hour to see what is going to happen.
I concidered sticking my finger down my throat to puke and trying the whole process over, lol,,,but i was too lazy and figured..ehh,,no big deal.. if i can get through the hash overdose.. im sure this cant be any worse. lol.

I was tweeking big time for the next 8 hours. BAD baD cotton mouth and severe vertigo. I would be so so relaxed and then get so paniced with anxiety. This roller coaster wave would continue for hours...
To top it all off.. the pain in my neck NEVER went away!!!!!!!!!!! the butter didnt even work on it!
I am so fukin fried today. slowly recovering.. yes, my first batch of cannabutter, ill never forget it!!!(unfortunetly)
Peace GG