Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

Here's me thinking book two days off, stick a fat jacket potato or two in the oven, baked beans and lots of melty cheese, much butter :) i gotta suppress my imagination, i need some sort of god to slap me senseless for these sinfull tohughts, mmm, cheesey potato :)
Irie Irie~ i laughed, i laughed hard. i thank you for sharing such a wonderful over doing. Big Respect !
:eyesmoke:oh Golden, yes i do believe i have struck some oil , thick black rich oil. haha,
Ok so i took one of my fresh TCH capsules a couple nights ago... and it was just a little under the proper medication i believe would have elevated my pain. I applied some directly to my painful wrist and it really helped a lot. Oh and i have applied it to my face and your right, it isreally helping me regain that youthful appearance i once had years and years ago! lmao.. your a life saver GG.. no more plastic surgery and botox injections ever again!!!

Then last night..(and NO laughing at me!!!!) i overdosed on the cannabutter.
I forgot who's recipe this came (the high tolerace LF stoner) and i guess i was convinced my leaves werent going to be all that potent.. BOY WAS I WRONG!
I was in tremendous pain all day yesterday in my neck. I tweeked it doing a stupid YOGa move.. :-(
So i was ready to get some serious medication on board.
I get the cannabutter and some Thomas English muffins out. I liberally applied the butter and toasted them in the oven..
About 2 minutes after i ate the muffin i started getting some dizzy spells meaning it was already taking effect..??? I was a little concerned concidering your sopposed to wait about an hour to see what is going to happen.
I concidered sticking my finger down my throat to puke and trying the whole process over, lol,,,but i was too lazy and figured..ehh,,no big deal.. if i can get through the hash overdose.. im sure this cant be any worse. lol.:lol:
I was tweeking big time for the next 8 hours. BAD baD cotton mouth and severe vertigo. I would be so so relaxed and then get so paniced with anxiety. This roller coaster wave would continue for hours...
To top it all off.. the pain in my neck NEVER went away!!!!!!!!!!! the butter didnt even work on it!
I am so fukin fried today. slowly recovering.. yes, my first batch of cannabutter, ill never forget it!!!(unfortunetly)
Peace GG:eyesmoke:
Sorry Amber but you had me rolling. Awesom job on the butter and capsules. You gotta watch out because that erl will get ya if you aint carefull. lol
bongsmiliehaha, feeling much better today! i do believe i am fully recovered from my cannabutter overdose..... bongsmilie

So i weighed all my BONE DRY BUDDage and here is what i YIELDed from my grow...

:eyesmoke: 3.1 oz of Snow White (2 plants)
:eyesmoke: 2.8 oz of Auto Blueberry (2 plants)
:eyesmoke: 4.5 oz of Super Lemon Haze (4 plants)

for approx 10.5 oz all together!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:


:lol: 6 oz of trim .. with which i made a 1/4 cup of TCH oil and a pound of canna butter so far... i have 2 oz of trim still to use.

Thanks for hanging out with me throughout this grow.
Take care!
Dr. Amber Trichome:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It was a pleasure to be here. FYI I made super potent brownies, and froze them. I would take one out a day, and the potency stayed for over a month!
Well what I do is buy the Brownie/cookie mix from the store. You make brownies by adding the butter, then put in pan, then make cookies and they need butter too so thats double, then I roll out the cookie dough to fit evenly over the brownie mix in pan. They say too drop in balls I say NO. I wanna be even~
WOuld u be kind enough to share your magical browie reciepe with us?
Great job Amber you really outdid yourself this time and have a lot to be proud of. Cant wait to see how you progress in the future because it will only get better from here on out:leaf::leaf::leaf::clap::clap::clap:.
congrats Ambs! nice haul & a great grow to watch. that lot should keep you nicely shtooooooned for a good while. if the butter ever wears off eh lol that stuff lethal bizzle for shizzle.

the only way is up from here ambs!
Sooooo.... anyone happen to know what freaking page the grow is on? All I see around here is a bunch of chatting about various things.

I've seen very very very few pictures. I have yet to see this 'Snow White' that you have in your thread title.

Which is the main reason I came in here.. I just started a Snow White (love this strain.. very frosty) again. This will be my 3rd one.

I was just curious to see how yours was doing. So, again.. if you happen to have any new updates on your Snow White, I sure would appreciate

being able to see it.

:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:mmmmmmmm gooooooodddd:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

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Ah hah! Found the pictures of the harvest. I must say, its a beautiful harvest IMO. I love your Snow White, she turned out to be a beautiful/dense/full woman. You did an excellent job. I mean, both plants turned out to be nice... but the S.W. turned out to be the sexiest IMO.

hehe, great song...crap video
congrats Ambs! nice haul & a great grow to watch. that lot should keep you nicely shtooooooned for a good while. if the butter ever wears off eh lol that stuff lethal bizzle for shizzle.

the only way is up from here ambs!
thanks donnie, thats a nice thing to say!
but you have to be fuckin kidding me D'st.... RIGHT? that was one of the worst songs i ever heard in my LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO.. funny, your very funny!!!!!!
There is NOOOOO way im leaving that as the last post anymore!!!!!
sheees, your making me look bad.. lol..
so heres another song, seriously never thought i would post a Kiss song, but hey lifes wierd.. just going with the flowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Peace Amber:weed:
My favorite song from the KISS concert last night!!!!!!