Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI WOWzie, thanks for the input. I appreciate your suggestions and helpful advice.
The reason i decided to do this 12/12 grow was all based on a major TIME issue i have.
My biggest concern with this grow is to be finished with it by the end of August. Time is of the essence here. Im not overly concerned with the yield. Its really not that big of a deal, what ever happens happens. This is all new to me, im just going with the flow. Whats the worst that can happen if i change out to my HP flowering bulb end of week? smaller than could be buds, well its better than none i guess.


Well-Known Member
Oh right, I seeee, i didnt realise you had time constraints.

just did a quick search and found this post

here is a quote from USERFRIENDLY

"people change to hps because they don't know any better. Its what someone told them was correct. The red light is going to grow slightly bigger LESS POTENT buds because the trichomes/resin is dilluted by the slightly bigger nugs. The rise in plant material is not proportionate to the rise in trichomes. The halides pump out uvb which force the plant to insulate and protect themselves with more trichomes/resin. Believe that. If you want connoisseur nugs, you grow with halides."


Well-Known Member
I use a 2:1 HPS:MH throughout my whole grow.

Dr, the younglings are looking healthy.

Peace, DST

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
thanks for the post wow.
Im just experimenting, no big deal really. Its nice to have friends like you and fingerez looking out for me. I appreciate that a lot.
The most potent dope i ever grew, im starting to realize... was in my phototron the entire grow under flouros!!!!!! hahahahahahah
i hope to try it all eventually, thats what keeps my interest.
take it easy


Well-Known Member
I remember cruz said he grew the same trainwreck cut for a few years under MH/ HPS/ and flouros and he said the T5's produced the strongest/ most trichs but just didnt yield as well so you're not the only one doc! its all part of the package :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
tipsy topsy.. I recieved my doctors degree with high est honors and my
ThC degree from the University of Oaksterdam in Oakland, CA. i live in septicville PNW region under mostly grey skies.
Ah, thingybobwhathisname said you were a friend and i assumed therefore english, little more :D While i've got your ear though doc, both of mine are randomly bleeding?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I use a 2:1 HPS:MH throughout my whole grow.

Dr, the younglings are looking healthy.

Peace, DST
ThAT IS so fuckin cool D'st! you rock bro. i hope one day i can have a totally bitchin set up like you.
Now i can kinda understand why your buddage is so massive. very cool combination. the best of both worlds.

The babies are happy as can be right now. May be peace be with them..hahahah.

I remember cruz said he grew the same trainwreck cut for a few years under MH/ HPS/ and flouros and he said the T5's produced the strongest/ most trichs but just didnt yield as well so you're not the only one doc! its all part of the package :D
Yeah, isnt it a funny thing. there seem to be so many variables with growing. And the beauty of marijuana is its so adaptable and harty. one day i will do a full phototron grow again and see what i can do now that i have more knowledge.
Ah, thingybobwhathisname said you were a friend and i assumed therefore english, little more :D While i've got your ear though doc, both of mine are randomly bleeding?
hmmmm, thats funny, im not friends with anyone english..lol.. it goes against the rules..hehehhe.. and you might think i own a volcano but i really dont so you dont bother trying to break into my house with your big black asss to find it! hahah

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
TCH oil , a Golden Recipe.bongsmiliethanks GG13 for sharing this .
bongsmilie I got approx. 6 ounces of leaf trim to use for my oil and butter from the harvest of 8 plants.
I bought a crock pot and a coffee grinder to get the job done faster
:lol:) i spread more than enough on an Thomas english Muffin with sugar on top. lol
The small coffee grinder worked very well. :lol: to grind all the leaf:leaf:

the new crock pot. about 6 quid or 10 bucks at walmart.:bigjoint:
so i made the oil first.
i used 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil
let the oil warm up on low for an hour
and then
i added approx. 2 oz of finely ground trim.
i added the trim until it was all covered by the oil and mashed down, adding more trim to pack it up until its all covered.
put the lid on and cook on LOW for 12 hours.:lol:(overnight)

At 12 hours i took some cheese cloth and my garlic press and spooned the oily leaf trim into the garlic press, draining the THC oil into a small measuring cup.
I then poured what i got{1/4 cup} into a tinkture bottle. I let it cool a bit and then filled up some capsules.

I made some canna butter from a Las Fingerez recipe. oh shit.. this stuff is really really strong. wow..:mrgreen: 2 oz trim to a lb of butter. I cooked it on low for 12 hours.





Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, I have been wanting to do some capsules for my friend K.Brown. where do you pick those empty capsule up from? (i.e what type of shop as I am sure you will have different chain stores up your way) Peace girl, DST

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
lol, THC oil pills?!?!! thats pretty fuckin cool. las loves his butter, as do most of us :lol:
yeah the butter was rather strong..hahahha.. im reeling right now, i ate too much of it.why do i always do that?lol
Hey Doc, I have been wanting to do some capsules for my friend K.Brown. where do you pick those empty capsule up from? (i.e what type of shop as I am sure you will have different chain stores up your way) Peace girl, DST
I picked up the empty capsules at the local Natural Food store. i can send you some if you cant find them.
man I bet that was some task getting the erl into those tiny caps lol. butter looks mean n green too.
hey donzie, actually it was quite easy to get the oil in the capsules with the dropper. no problemo.the butter is unbelieveably strong. wow

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up ambs!? haha getting the dose right is always a hard task with the butter. too much is always a good trip till its toooooooo muuuuuuuuuuch


Well-Known Member
That is some seriously dank looking oil! At the local nutrient store they also have capsulators. It's a plastic tray that fits your capsules so you can fill them all then cap them.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
That is some seriously dank looking oil! At the local nutrient store they also have capsulators. It's a plastic tray that fits your capsules so you can fill them all then cap them.
:eyesmoke:oh Golden, yes i do believe i have struck some oil , thick black rich oil. haha,
Ok so i took one of my fresh TCH capsules a couple nights ago... and it was just a little under the proper medication i believe would have elevated my pain. I applied some directly to my painful wrist and it really helped a lot. Oh and i have applied it to my face and your right, it isreally helping me regain that youthful appearance i once had years and years ago! lmao.. your a life saver GG.. no more plastic surgery and botox injections ever again!!!

Then last night..(and NO laughing at me!!!!) i overdosed on the cannabutter.
I forgot who's recipe this came (the high tolerace LF stoner) and i guess i was convinced my leaves werent going to be all that potent.. BOY WAS I WRONG!
I was in tremendous pain all day yesterday in my neck. I tweeked it doing a stupid YOGa move.. :-(
So i was ready to get some serious medication on board.
I get the cannabutter and some Thomas English muffins out. I liberally applied the butter and toasted them in the oven..
About 2 minutes after i ate the muffin i started getting some dizzy spells meaning it was already taking effect..??? I was a little concerned concidering your sopposed to wait about an hour to see what is going to happen.
I concidered sticking my finger down my throat to puke and trying the whole process over, lol,,,but i was too lazy and figured..ehh,,no big deal.. if i can get through the hash overdose.. im sure this cant be any worse. lol.:lol:
I was tweeking big time for the next 8 hours. BAD baD cotton mouth and severe vertigo. I would be so so relaxed and then get so paniced with anxiety. This roller coaster wave would continue for hours...
To top it all off.. the pain in my neck NEVER went away!!!!!!!!!!! the butter didnt even work on it!
I am so fukin fried today. slowly recovering.. yes, my first batch of cannabutter, ill never forget it!!!(unfortunetly)
Peace GG:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol it sucks that you had such a bad experience on the butter, it is easily my favourite kind of high. You just need to find the right dosage!


Well-Known Member
My advise Amber would be to make hash and then make butter with that. You know exactly what is going in then. Trim can be unpredictable, but it sounds a bit weird that you were freaking after only a short while. That naughty las and his evil recipes, hehe, bad boy las, bad boy!!!!lmao.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
lol it sucks that you had such a bad experience on the butter, it is easily my favourite kind of high. You just need to find the right dosage!
thanks wowzer, i havent had much luck with etibles, eatables, what ever.. you know shit you put weed in and eat!!!! lol. Now i have all this butter and i dont want it anymore. Maybe i will melt it all and use it as suntan lotion. the sun is out today for a change.lol
My advise Amber would be to make hash and then make butter with that. You know exactly what is going in then. Trim can be unpredictable, but it sounds a bit weird that you were freaking after only a short while. That naughty las and his evil recipes, hehe, bad boy las, bad boy!!!!lmao.

That sounds like a good option for me D'st. Thanks for the advice. yeah.. Evil FIngerez recipes!!! lol