Dr.Amber Trichome
Well-Known Member
"i dont want to many plants as it will get out of control" - a mighty fine quote from the doc
smashing it ambs, everything nice and even from the start this timegood luck for this next round
hahah, I NEVER SAID THAT !!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!
very funny, you must be thinkin of some other doctor..lol
the way i look at it, if im going to be spending a shit load of money running the unit, might as well pack it up as much as i can.
im pretty stoked right now on these babies.. 14 days from germination and they are really happy!
thanks for the good wishes Fingerez!
yeah, my last start was very very fucked.
Im switchin out my MH bulb by the end of the week. I hope i get all Females!!!!!!!!!!! keep your fingerezez crossed