King Tut
"Don't give up. Don't retreat because of the cynicism. Even if you don't win, life is about fighting for something greater than yourself." Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2012!!!
Once he has the nomination for president, the Dems have nobody that can outshine him.
The only reason he's not running our country right now is that the media and politicians have muddied the waters for so long that people think there isn't a HUGE gold nugget in those nasty waters.
For somone who would get destroyed, he sure is a good debater, especially now that all the other candidates are following suit, Ron Pauls suit that is!Ummm. They have Barack Obama. He's a pretty shiny in a campaign.
Also because he's a total crackpot blowhard who would get destroyed by Obama in a general election.
ron paul is a horrible debater.
even when he made a good point about heroin legalization during the SC debate, he looked nuttier than a squirrel turd.
i will not post the video, as i assume all the worshipers have already dedicated it to memory.
For somone who would get destroyed, he sure is a good debater, especially now that all the other candidates are following suit, Ron Pauls suit that is!
I think you are confusing debating with enunciating and power behind the voice!Ron Paul isn't a great debater. He's great at giving interviews, but debating isn't the same animal. Bachmann, Cain, and to a lesser extent Romney are great debaters. All of them btw, will get killed in a debate against Obama. Obama is one of the great orators maybe of all time. Republicans should not be banking on beating him in a debate as the key to victory.
I have to agree in one sense Ron paul is not really that great at debates, key reason being is timelimits because he has so much to say and he takes forever to get to "the point" sometimes due to his philosophical systematic common sense approach to problem solving, Ron Paul is however, great at giving speeches, I would have to disagree with Dan when he says Ron Paul is good at interviews also, hes not very good at that either because timelimits again.....also the main reason being no teleprompter or team of lawyers and writers preparing for him what to say.
I think you are confusing debating with enunciating and power behind the voice!
I can talk like barry sotaro its not that hard, its only acting. Go on try it right now for your self! you'll sound just like him a guarantee it!
It fooled people last time, but this time people will see right through his coaching and rehersals of his speeches.
Its all deception and people are catching on to it!
Maybe not you though, it seems like you bite right into it! lol
Ron Paul is genuine and not rehearsed power voicing, which so you think will prevail?
It would be kinda sad to see good ol' genuine ron paul rip Barry a new one, standing their with a dumbfounded look on his face not knowing what to say or try to counter THE TRUTH!
Your easily fooled thats all.Also if you cant mimic Barry to a T. then i dont know what to tell you.I know Ron Paul is your massiah and all, but you're not being objective if you think just anyone can speak publicly like Obama and Ron Paul is a great debater.
Your easily fooled thats all.Also if you cant mimic Barry to a T. then i dont know what to tell you.
Your easily fooled...
also, they are putting fluoride in our water to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we become nazi germany.
Ah, the pointing out the typos returns.
Not pressing "E" hard enough is a typo buddy.that is not a typo. that is not knowing when to use an apostrophe.
also, you forgot to mention that i pointed out your ridiculous conspiracy theory.
edit: it is more than just lack of apostrophe, you also missed the "e" at the end. it is really pointing out that you do not know the difference between "you're" and "your". third-grader stuff.
Not pressing "E" hard enough is a typo buddy.
Also i dont use apostrophes unless its going to be official.