The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

If an icon like JFK can be murdered in cold blood on television and the guilty get away with it then you can bank on the fact that Ron Paul will see a coffin before he sees the oval office.

No offense to the Ron Paul supporters but he will not, can not and shall not save you all from the elite, only you the population can save yourselves, your country and the rest of the world from these fuckers because frankly your problems are my problems in the UK and in the rest of the world. Every country in the world is in the pockets of debt to the world financier elite bar what is it....6 or 7 countries now??....

I took life in Angola to save my own and by god I will do it again if needed..

Leaders are, if nothing else, the embodiment of our beliefs. Ron Paul embodies the belief of many Americans. Whether he wins or not doesn't change anything. The very fact that he has not compromised his beliefs in the decades he has been a part of our government makes him something very rare and special.

Win or Lose. Ron Paul is helping to strengthen Constitutionalism and Libertarianism in this country and the world. The movement will continue to grow.
If an icon like JFK can be murdered in cold blood on television and the guilty get away with it then you can bank on the fact that Ron Paul will see a coffin before he sees the oval office.

No offense to the Ron Paul supporters but he will not, can not and shall not save you all from the elite, only you the population can save yourselves, your country and the rest of the world from these fuckers because frankly your problems are my problems in the UK and in the rest of the world. Every country in the world is in the pockets of debt to the world financier elite bar what is it....6 or 7 countries now??....

I took life in Angola to save my own and by god I will do it again if needed..
your right about in one sense, but Ron Pauls liberty movement has gained much steam over the past 20 years or so and this is essentially what you are saying in that the people will need to take it back, this IS the people trying to take it back....If we succeed or not with this method well that is up for debate and the house is not in our favor but we shall see can the republic rise up once again and will this be a landmark step for it doing so. Ultimately, I feel it is inevitable that we take it back, but when and how that is still unknown, it could be now or it could be in another 50 years. Liberty is becoming more and more popular.
I do know this, it will be much different from JFK, a simple assassination will not be the end game for the liberty movement, Ron Paul would surround himself with people from the liberty movement, including HIS VP, so no I don't believe it would go down like that...Ron Pauls philosophy is becoming main stream....the only thing that can stop this train is smear campaigns, propaganda, money, ignorance, fear, and/or a rigging of the vote. (not a bullet)

Even with a failure of Ron Paul to win the presidency, the human spirit carries on, libertarian principles grow more popular, and we will one day rise and overcome, it is inevitable. As the line between the politicians and the people grows more distant the day for american restoration comes further into our grasp.
and this graph is highly accredited, I did not make it up...

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The graph appears to be a random guy who has access to MS paint. Accredited by whom?

Ron Paul would be waaaaay to the right on that. That graph makes him appear to be a centrist libertarian. He's not. He's far right. The only thing correct about it would be where he is on the vertical axis.
maybe if you believe in the conpiracy theory that ron paul wants wal-mart to take over then sure, but ron paul is often placed at the pinacle of this graph, the only way he should move to the right is on abortion and that is the only reason I moved him there for the abortion freaks.There is lots of issues that pushes Ron Paul to the left....

You seem to believe that the political spectrum only embodies left and right.

Regardless of all that, point still stands is he is above that blue line with the people, while other politicians are down on the bottom with wall-street and the corporations.
I would like to ask this of all Americans....are you really going to vote for Barry again????? secondly...what makes any of you think that the puppet masters will ever allow a non compliant President to run your country before you have ousted them first?????????????

What makes you think you think Ron Paul would be any better than Obama at implementing the promises he's making?

There is absolutely no political will for Ron Paul to get the things done he describes. That's the same problem Obama has. Obama has good ideas that get curbed by the inertia of the American political machine.

The stimulus in it's pure form would most likely be very effective. But once congress turned it into a give away to the ultra wealthy and special interests, it reduced it's effectiveness. The health care plan in it's original form would have not only insured everyone but also reduced health care costs across the board. But then once congress got done pissing on it, it turned into a gift to the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries.

Despite intentions, no matter what Obama does, both democrats and republicans in congress piss all over it. You're not really thinking things through if you thinking things would be any better for Ron Paul. All Ron Paul's spectacular plans for a free market would end up being a huge give away to multinational corporations once congress had their way with it. Then Ron Paul would get the blame becoming known as the politician in the pocket of big business.

If you think Ron Paul knows some magic trick that will bend the American political machine to his will, you're incredibly ignorant.

That isn't just the case for Ron Paul or Obama. That applies to anyone who becomes president.
What makes you think you think Ron Paul would be any better than Obama at implementing the promises he's making?

There is absolutely no political will for Ron Paul to get the things done he describes. That's the same problem Obama has. Obama has good ideas that get curbed by the inertia of the American political machine.

The stimulus in it's pure form would most likely be very effective. But once congress turned it into a give away to the ultra wealthy and special interests, it reduced it's effectiveness. The health care plan in it's original form would have not only insured everyone but also reduced health care costs across the board. But then once congress got done pissing on it, it turned into a gift to the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries.

Despite intentions, no matter what Obama does, both democrats and republicans in congress piss all over it. You're not really thinking things through if you thinking things would be any better for Ron Paul. All Ron Paul's spectacular plans for a free market would end up being a huge give away to multinational corporations once congress had their way with it. Then Ron Paul would get the blame becoming known as the politician in the pocket of big business.

If you think Ron Paul knows some magic trick that will bend the American political machine to his will, you're incredibly ignorant.

That isn't just the case for Ron Paul or Obama. That applies to anyone who becomes president.

I have no idea how you conclude I approve of Ron Paul, I couldn't care less because I know he will never be president. I also find it laughable that you think Obama has any heart for your country, his actions show his hand, he is bullied by people far more powerful than him into doing their dirty work. If he had the morality you think he has then he would not be in the middle east now.

Time will tell.......

it helps explain the left/right para-dime, the separation between the people and politicians, and centrist to these zombies.

To me it seems that people get sucked into repeating a political dance that has never helped anyone but the rich and powerful, knowing there is no real left or right..... again I then ask what does your graph help? Get my point now? ;-)
nope, not really, I think this graph just illustrates that point, the red line is a very small red line, inside of it is the say blatantly that there is no real left and right its not the correct way to put it, there is a real left and right but the politicians arent really a part of it, they sit in agreement inside a very small gap along side the bankers.

left and right is not Do you like coke or pesi? pro-choice or pro-life? its not that simple yet these are the only differences the politicians have here at center.
nope, not really, I think this graph just illustrates that point, the red line is a very small red line, inside of it is the say blatantly that there is no real left and right its not the correct way to put it, there is a real left and right but the politicians arent really a part of it, they sit in agreement inside a very small gap along side the bankers.

So how does it help you the public to maintain this left right political positioning when it does not even apply to the politicians, it's like a big contradiction.

I suppose what I am saying is get rid of all the parties involved and create a new system that benefits the people not the politicians, they want you to continue with your left right politics because that gives them life...get it now??
I have no idea how you conclude I approve of Ron Paul, I couldn't care less because I know he will never be president. I also find it laughable that you think Obama has any heart for your country, his actions show his hand, he is bullied by people far more powerful than him into doing their dirty work.

Time will tell.......

Well you missed the point.

The point being that anyone elected president would behave the same way regardless of what their intentions are before they entered office. The system we have makes anything else impossible.

If he had the morality you think he has then he would not be in the middle east now.

I don't know if stopping Khadaffi from slaughtering his own people can be considered immoral. We are starting the pull out of Iraq on schedule next month with major troop withdrawals. I disagree with his Afghanistan policy but that is the exact same Afghan policy he ran on. So I don't really see anything but empty words in that statement.
I suppose what I am saying is get rid of all the parties involved and create a new system that benefits the people not the politicians, they want you to continue with your left right politics because that gives them life...get it now??

You seem to know everything, so what are you waiting for? Make it happen.
So how does it help you the public to maintain this left right political positioning when it does not even apply to the politicians, it's like a big contradiction.

I suppose what I am saying is get rid of all the parties involved and create a new system that benefits the people not the politicians, they want you to continue with your left right politics because that gives them life...get it now??

Yea I get what your saying, I just don't understand how this is a disagreement with me in any way, this graph has all the dimensions and not just left and right so it best illustrates the true full political spectrum in capitalism. Yea I get what your saying and I agree totally, what this graph does is support exactly what your saying by putting all the politicians in one place with the people in the distance.
You seem to know everything, so what are you waiting for? Make it happen.

Your country your problem smart arse!!

It's Gaddafi and I did not see America running to stop him in the past, are you saying that only now are they taking a stand? Why are US vessels lining up to Syrian coastlines, why are US planes bombing Yemen as reported by media other than your countries own?? Why did Obama say categorically that he will not put troops in Libya and here they are now.

Who died and made America the saviour of the world, you are an idiot if you think this for the sake of freedom and democracy but I suppose it takes people like you to keep the wheels in motion hey??

You can wax lyrical all you want but in 3 months from now you can go over this thread and feel ashamed by what you are saying.
Yea I get what your saying, I just don't understand how this is a disagreement with me in any way, this graph has all the dimensions and not just left and right so it best illustrates the true full political spectrum in capitalism. Yea I get what your saying and I agree totally, what this graph does is support exactly what your saying by putting all the politicians in one place with the people in the distance.

Don't get me wrong, I am not arguing with you....I just think people need to step away from the conventional political system and reinvent it to finally support the people not the politicians.
This is more to my liking when it comes to the donks vs repukes issue.


Don't get me wrong, I am not arguing with you....I just think people need to step away from the conventional political system and reinvent it to finally support the people not the politicians.

It can be changed slowly from the inside as Dr Paul is attempting(for 30+ years) or it can be done with violent revolt. One or the other. Dr. Paul is tough but i doubt he could stand against the military. Unless he had a strong movement behind him. Won't ever go down like that imo though. Too many apathetic people.
It can be changed slowly from the inside as Dr Paul is attempting(for 30+ years) or it can be done with violent revolt. One or the other. Dr. Paul is tough but i doubt he could stand against the military. Unless he had a strong movement behind him. Won't ever go down like that imo though. Too many apathetic people.

I don't really follow him too much, you don't get any mainstream media here covering him. Is he going to stand for Presidency this next election?