DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Well it's pretty bright all over, but the middle section light only comes on for 7 hours a day.

I always thought freind in Greek was...φίλος??? lol


Well-Known Member
I heard it should be reasonably hard to the touch!!! And sometimes, just sometimes, chilly-ish to touch as well, certainly for your elbow anyway. Good luck with it.
Oh so that's where I've been going wrong!!! The stuff I use is quite warm and runny. Lol


Well-Known Member
dam, you need like hard water!! so when you tip the jug instead of like a splashy noise, you hear more of a clunk, hurts if it falls on your feet mind!


Well-Known Member
haha, pics out of willy, blood fae a stones easier lad.

i did find a place but I would need to be doing a whole harvest with it to make it worthwhile. There are a few places here but it's cheaper if you go and pick it up (and the places I saw were all out by the airport.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Well it's pretty bright all over, but the middle section light only comes on for 7 hours a day.

I always thought freind in Greek was...φίλος??? lol
lol how do u prononce that? my mate taught me how to say about 10 words, please, thank you, hello, good bye etc. havent got a clue how to spell any of them using english alphabet let alone the greek one ;)


Active Member
lol how do u prononce that? my mate taught me how to say about 10 words, please, thank you, hello, good bye etc. havent got a clue how to spell any of them using english alphabet let alone the greek one ;)
D is only trying to show off...he's using Google translate ^^


Well-Known Member
Not showing off, just being silly bru....and I tend to use another website for that, but I have heard a lot of people using google.

I went through a course to teach adults in Easterhouse how to read and write. People who are unable to read see normal words exactly like that, or they may as well be like that. If you don't know what an A is, then how the hell can you relate to the written word. So they showed us russian words as examples. anyway, blah blah. off to bed, hehe.

night john boy,



Well-Known Member
thing is Don, Willy is using the wrong ice man!!! he uses the slightly warm to touch ice, I keep telling him, WRANG ICE MUCKER, ye need the cauld stuff naw!...but he just goes on his merry way.....


Well-Known Member
come off it mate, that's all i do and the end product is rocketfuel. full melt is fine and dandy but wasteful imho
Haha you got me wrong bro. I just meant it would be nothing to look at. I have seen some of he hash D puts out and I just cant compete lol.

thing is Don, Willy is using the wrong ice man!!! he uses the slightly warm to touch ice, I keep telling him, WRANG ICE MUCKER, ye need the cauld stuff naw!...but he just goes on his merry way.....
:lol: ahaha i see, just no helping some folks lmao
I'm blissfully ignorant lol


Well-Known Member
Running some hash just now with half of whats left of my non dried frozen trim. I reckon I have at least one run left with the trim I have got, thank fuk for that. BAck to tdrying my trim again thanks very much, don't mean to harp on about it or anything, lol.
May be take some pics as well....

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha maybe taken it out of the freezer and let it dry completely? Ah you just like the lighter fluid taste and the hash the drips through your screen ;)


Well-Known Member
It was a whole box to start with, I am not sure how or where I would have dried it after it had been frozen. In my experience with that it just goes all mushy after it defrosts and wouldn't dry correctly. Lesson learned, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!


Well-Known Member
I normally throw mine on my compost heap...that's why I get the odd random plant growing out of there as well....