DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
hahaha, 4 more sleeps indeed Westy. Just off to wakey bakey, brb. You're up early, you trying to catch that infamous sunrise in the UK?

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL nah We gotta go do kitten dutys again today. Gotta feeed the cattery wile my mums off at a beauty show lol


Well-Known Member
IT's all smoke and mirrors Don, all smoke and mirrors. There are only 3 plants in there, lmao. Got to keep 2 mothers running as well.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Good morning mein freund ( think I forgot how to spell friend in German lol ).

Smooking a few hits of your Dog this morning...my compliments, it is some very fine pot. Sooo I have deduced that the Casey I have that came from a bud of yours, was spluffed with Headband (don't remember if it was a male or stray hermi pollen). Early on soon after I got it, you had said that was one of the possibilities as far as where the seed came from. The buds on the Casey plant look and smell almost identical to the Headband looking buds on the DOG. She doesn't have that kush taste though. I really love the taste of the DOG and soon I'll have 2 or 3 ozs to toke on.

Getting pretty stoned, time to crank the tunes maybe and get some blood flowing. Have a good rest of your Sunday mate!

edit...a yes I forgot about the Beast. Make that over a qtr for myself. That will stay close to home ; !)


Well-Known Member
Cheers whodat, has anyone noticed how I have a lsight kink in my tower, lol. It's been like that since I started with it. I have even taken it apart, put it all back together, screwed up the metal ties, and it's still freaking squint, lol. Ah well, hopefully the Gorilla tape will do it's job keeping the thing together. Has done for the last year anyway. Right, off to fee the hungry ladies.

Peace and religious holidays for the win,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
another holdiay!?!? you having a bong for jeebuz :) gorilla tape FTW, it's been holding my ducting in place for ages. normal gaffa the glue gets hot n slides off


Well-Known Member
too right, it's 2 or 3 times the price but it's solid for sure. I just removed my filter (fuk me it looks manky!) and it was a mission to get the bloody g tape off.


Well-Known Member
I heard it should be reasonably hard to the touch!!! And sometimes, just sometimes, chilly-ish to touch as well, certainly for your elbow anyway. Good luck with it.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i know its the trick of the lighting but its cool how the bottom is brighter than the top its like the fires of hell or something trying to escape from ur cab :)

nice show as ever "mon filli" (not sure how u spell it but "my friend" in greek in an informal situation) something like that anyway lmao
