DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
peace and effin uge bong rips. you've got quite an arsenal to fuck shit up bro.

that deep blue looks well tasty man, i bet the hash from that will be a smooth killer.

man that beer looks pretty good too!


Well-Known Member
Well after reading subcools tutorial on his full melt, I ain't doing what he is doing that's for sure. He goes on about using fresh trim. So with my last harvest I just bunged everything in the freezer and have done runs with that...crap imo. Well not crap, just not getting what you should. I use a sieve spoon (not sure what it's even called now, my English is terrible) and mix by hand for 30 mins, then the 160mu catches all the gash stuff, and anything below, 75 or 20 comes out pukka. But using dry trim. Thanks subcool, wasted a whole harvest based on his method, doh! Making hash from ground up bud is the best though, it's just so tasty!!!


Well-Known Member
Some guy (who I will not mention) told me the other day that my fridge ice cube dispencer would not cut it as far as the grade of ice you need to make hash. He promptly went on to say how you need to then deep freeze the ice you get for at least 24 hours before using it. I just smiled and said ok. After consideration I was thinking, my ice machines ice sits in the bucket for weeks before it gets used. The machine only tops up cubes when you use it.....christ, some people just need to pull their heads out of their own arses and stop thinking they are above everyone else....


Well-Known Member
wrong type of ice lmfao, you've only gotta get the water to 4°c as far as i am aware lol.
I know, my freezer is set to -19!!!! oh dear what next, 0 kelvin full melt bubble hash or something stoopid like that...

daaaaaaaaaauuummmmmmmmmmm!!!ima just sit,and look at this page for a lil bit.
hehe, thanks Gen, big compliment coming from you bru.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
wow what a beautiful update D.
That deep blue does look delicious and the beer as well. i bet your kickin it right now. your 420 buzz with deep blue and mystic.. ok.. a moment of silence for DST.lol ill have my moment in like 8 hours.. ahahahah
Its kinda funny the way the pictures are flowing it kinda makes it feel like a menu at a coffee shop or something.
Very nice menu INDEED!
Dr A T


Well-Known Member
oh dear what next, 0 kelvin full melt bubble hash or something stoopid like that...
I guess you don't already know then. Oh well, one day you'll catch up D. I heard you can get some cheap used absolute zero freezers, I'm getting me one so I can make special 'hash ice' and ship it all over the world.

lol, reminds me of a story about ice. Did you know it was a totally created market. Meaning some guy got a great idea when shipping times got shorter from US to Europe. Dude cut up huge blocks of ice from lake _____ (i forgot which lake) and shipped it to England and opened an Ice shop. Peeps had no idea what to do with it, but eventually figured out that it would preserve food so they started buying it up. Apparently ice was america's second biggest crop export by weight for more than 30 years. His ice got so popular that some scandinavian country renamed one of their lakes to match the american one, so that they could legally sell _____ ice as well.

Bummer about the wasted run. I hate wasting good thc. :(


Well-Known Member
interesting mr jig-ice-fresh.

all is not wasted, still got some left in the freezer, it just doesn't produce as much, and it's alwasy slightly greener (may be I am just doing it wrong!)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey mr ice cool your doing it WRONG!

Deep Blue nugs:

Some nice Melt Hashes and some oil:

I use the 160 micron stuff to make my hash butter.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well after reading subcools tutorial on his full melt, I ain't doing what he is doing that's for sure. He goes on about using fresh trim. So with my last harvest I just bunged everything in the freezer and have done runs with that...crap imo. Well not crap, just not getting what you should. I use a sieve spoon (not sure what it's even called now, my English is terrible) and mix by hand for 30 mins, then the 160mu catches all the gash stuff, and anything below, 75 or 20 comes out pukka. But using dry trim. Thanks subcool, wasted a whole harvest based on his method, doh! Making hash from ground up bud is the best though, it's just so tasty!!!
Hey bru, gave one of my dogs a good shake yesterday (part of the growing ritual) and promptly snapped 2 colas off. Honestly I think that I subconsciously did it on purpose lol. They are hanging on the drying line now.

And If anyone wants to make quality hash and not crap like I'm sure that a lot of homemade shish is, Read subfools editorial on full melt and get an idea of what it take to make quality verses quanity. It only takes a few minutes. Like D said I wouldn't recommend using fresh trim, I think sub said he lets it dry for a day, not fresh off the plant, but take bits and pieces of what he says and work it into your hash making regiment. Find a happy medium that works for you as far as quality and quantity. At least it worked for me ; !). I let my trim dry until it is almost dry and then freeze it. I use water that has been sitting in the freezer so its ice cold and I mix up my water and ice and then put my trim in. Doing it this way helps keep the contaniments out ie green dust. I also use a wooden spoon, not a mixer

Have a good weekend


Well-Known Member
Some guy (who I will not mention) told me the other day that my fridge ice cube dispencer would not cut it as far as the grade of ice you need to make hash. He promptly went on to say how you need to then deep freeze the ice you get for at least 24 hours before using it. I just smiled and said ok. After consideration I was thinking, my ice machines ice sits in the bucket for weeks before it gets used. The machine only tops up cubes when you use it.....christ, some people just need to pull their heads out of their own arses and stop thinking they are above everyone else....
Yeah your definitely using the wrong ice mate, it's that cold stuff you need. Lol

Did you show this guy your hash? That would of shut him up. I had a lad once telling me that if weed is not grown in hydroponics then it won't bud right and so it won't get you stoned. Apparently that's the natural way to do it haha. I read somewhere that cannabis was used in china over 2000 years ago. Would have love to see their hydro setups all rigged up out of bamboo an what not. Lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you guys see the oldest weed stash ever found as pulled out of the ground still green just this week. i couldn't believe it. like 2000 years old. imagine if there was viable er bagseed hahaha


Well-Known Member
I just let him bang on a bit, Willy makes these people feel better about themselves.

And Don, did you see the post that Doobiebrother put up in the 600 about it. Was a link to it, and there was indeed a cannabis seed! Seemingly the article said the weed didn't get you high (so I thought, they obviously had a bowl of it to try, haha.) The article said there was a whole pile of the stuff.