Mushroom Compost or Miracle Grow?

average grow

Active Member
I am debating between using mushroom compost or miracle grow as my soil for outdoors. I can't use the regular soil here because its South Jersey and its very acidic. I know miracle grow is better for in a pot because i think the nutrients would be flushed out by rain/watering in the ground. So should i use mushroom compost it has good soil ingredients. Or should i use both? Or should i mix one of them in with the natural soil?

Oh and one more qeustion. My plants are 5 days old about an inch tall. When should i transplant?
miracle grow is for ignorant noobs.. use mushroom compost, its mild and you can use what you need from there
dude i don't know why there is so many MG haters iv'e used it with great success outside it grew beautiful plants with little care on my behalf organic is nice but you don't have to shit on anything but organic there is way to many closed minded peep's in this forum. Tell you what bro do one of each and see for yourself, experience is the best teacher you have a guy with 11 post's saying MG is for noob's how can he say noob all he's done is read all these organic post's. DO your OWN TEST.

happy growing..............tristynhawk
i use mg potting soil mix with some pretty sweet results. don't let the mg haters scare you, they have to blame bad growing skills on something.
If you have access to mushroom compost you are one lucky sob! That stuff is the bomb, the only down side is that it can be to hot, way hot. Cut it, properly, and you will grow monsters.
Okay heres what im going to do im going to use MG for one of my plants and Mushroom Compost for the other two. I am going to conduct an experiment to see which one is better or if there is any difference at all. I will post pictures to this thread once they get bigger. Thanks for all of your advice. Im taking in both sides.
that a they are both good products i just get sick of the MG hate saying shit like it kills plants cause they are a bold face liar i don't care who gets upset but saying it kills your plant is retarded....

happy growing.............tristynhawk
How long are you going to veg. Mush don't have enough to flower. Ur going to need to add nut. And mg I find dumps slot of nut fast with every watering. Why not lime ur natural soil. You should lime mush also.
im usin mg moisture control. just best to go with water only for a few weeks when your soil has feed in it. i think i nuted my first batch to death.
That's a great idea, using both and doing your own test. I can tell ya just about what's gonna happen and why.
Please understand from the start, I'm not a closed minded MG hater, and they have some better products than they used to. Having said that, I have used MG on everything but weed, and know that it will make your plants grow rapidly, carry a deep, dark, nice color, and stack the flowers. The mushroom compost, is pretty hot for organic soil, but will prolly not outgrow the MG by itself. Using the mushroom compost, you would need to do alot of things to get a matching growth rate and yield as you would with the MG. that's for sure.
Here's where the true test comes in, and you WILL know the difference, when you smoke em' side by side. The stuff grown in the compost, will burn evenly, it will burn to a clean grey ash, and the last hit off a joint, will taste as good as the first one did. The MG, if not flushed, will not burn properly at all, will turn into a black nasty char in a bowl, and will not burn in a joint. If you flush it real good, it will burn better, but not nearly as clean as the compost grown, and the taste difference will be night and day, especially, the further down a bowl or joint you get.
Now, I know there are MG believers on here that will say that there stuff tasted fine, but believe me, side by side you WILL taste the difference, and you'll throw that MG in the garbage.
That's a great idea, using both and doing your own test. I can tell ya just about what's gonna happen and why.
Please understand from the start, I'm not a closed minded MG hater, and they have some better products than they used to. Having said that, I have used MG on everything but weed, and know that it will make your plants grow rapidly, carry a deep, dark, nice color, and stack the flowers. The mushroom compost, is pretty hot for organic soil, but will prolly not outgrow the MG by itself. Using the mushroom compost, you would need to do alot of things to get a matching growth rate and yield as you would with the MG. that's for sure.
Here's where the true test comes in, and you WILL know the difference, when you smoke em' side by side. The stuff grown in the compost, will burn evenly, it will burn to a clean grey ash, and the last hit off a joint, will taste as good as the first one did. The MG, if not flushed, will not burn properly at all, will turn into a black nasty char in a bowl, and will not burn in a joint. If you flush it real good, it will burn better, but not nearly as clean as the compost grown, and the taste difference will be night and day, especially, the further down a bowl or joint you get.
Now, I know there are MG believers on here that will say that there stuff tasted fine, but believe me, side by side you WILL taste the difference, and you'll throw that MG in the garbage.

This guy nailed it. I know what he is talking about because i can tell with some of the smoke i have had before and there is a complete two differences like he said when it burns to black or a nice ash. Hope you see my thread when I post one haha! Plus rep
This guy nailed it. I know what he is talking about because i can tell with some of the smoke i have had before and there is a complete two differences like he said when it burns to black or a nice ash. Hope you see my thread when I post one haha! Plus rep

Thanks man, I try not to be close-minded about any of this, and I learn something every year because I don't have a closed mind. I try things like that all the time, and do side by side comparisons of different things, and those are the things that I know from experience. But you gotts remember too, that what works for me, might not work for you, or vise versa, so people need to do what works, for them. But I do like to share personal experience knowledge, when people are looking for it , and my experience is that nothing touches organic for flavor period.
I usually use Gardener's Gold organic potting soil, but due to household budget cuts nand a bigger grow this year, I can't spend $20 per c.f.
I am using MG organic gardening soil, cut with sphagnum moss and perlite. My plants are loving it. Out of 28 seeds germed, 24 popped, and of those 24 every single one is loving this soil, much to my surprise... I think cutting it made all the difference. Not gonna start veg nutes til around week 4-5 though, just to be safe..
I am debating between using mushroom compost or miracle grow as my soil for outdoors. I can't use the regular soil here because its South Jersey and its very acidic. I know miracle grow is better for in a pot because i think the nutrients would be flushed out by rain/watering in the ground. So should i use mushroom compost it has good soil ingredients. Or should i use both? Or should i mix one of them in with the natural soil?

Oh and one more qeustion. My plants are 5 days old about an inch tall. When should i transplant?

Why not use both and add some other things? MG nor Mushroom Compost alone will be that great. A good mix would be Mg, Cow Compost, Mushroom Compost, Worm Castings, and Pearlite. Another cheap solution is using Evergreen Cow compost($1.39 at Lowes), Evergreen Potting soil(2.39 at Lowes), Mushroom compost(roughly 4 bucks at Lowes), and Pearlite(4 bucks at Lowes). Mushroom Compost is good food for your M. Fungus. Whatever you choose to do, always use some of the present soil to what ever you mix so the plant won't be shocked when it outgrows the area where you have you ammended soil. also, being that your plants are only 5 days old....well you may want to grow them inside a tad longer because they are not really old enough to handle very strong soils right now. I let my plants grow in cups for roughly 30 days before I put them in strong soil. Putting a 4 day old seedling in rich/hot soil is a bad idea.