3rd Grow, 1000 watt HPS. One Pound or Bust


Well-Known Member
If you're saying its not over watered.....and the soil is dry.....do you mean the TOP of the soil is dry or are you shoving your finger down into the soil. I have gone 5 days before with out water just to see if they would droop. They did after five days but soil retains water very well.....even soil cut with perlite holds alot of water. Just try this please, do NOT water for at least three days and see what your plants look like. Please just try this. Its a simple process of elimination.


Well-Known Member
Same thing I have said. Experiment and water half like he has been watering and the other half like once a week.
When I was in soil I would water about every 7-10 days.
My NUMBER ONE suggestion is to go to Wal Mart and get a moisture meter from the garden section and you will know for sure what the problem is.
No more guessing. Time to get the grow on track.


Well-Known Member
Same thing I have said. Experiment and water half like he has been watering and the other half like once a week.
When I was in soil I would water about every 7-10 days.
My NUMBER ONE suggestion is to go to Wal Mart and get a moisture meter from the garden section and you will know for sure what the problem is.
No more guessing. Time to get the grow on track.
Absolutely!!!! Dial in a couple plants until you have its genetics whipped. What I mean is, work with a strain until you know EXACTLY what that strain is telling you. After that you will become somewhat of a " Weed Whisperer" lol


Active Member
Grow looks like its starting to shape up. I'll be interested to see how ya LST those girls. Thinking about doing some autos LSTed once they pop their bean.


Well-Known Member
Well I actually only lst'd one and the rest are getting supercropped likely because after super cropping/topping the tallest girl, 24 hours latelr there 4 tops grow at the top of the canopy, pretty amazing how fast it rebounded even with the top being broken.

I will try not to water, but as I said it's coco not soil and the pots are very light and dry when I water, alot of the pitures may seem droopy but it was due to needing a watering because I usually just turn the lights on, snap a few pics and then water and they perk right back up.


Well-Known Member
Day 50 for the 5 ladies and day 8 for the autoflowers.

As you can see they are not drooping because I fed them yesterday, a few are a little light in color and have been since they sprouted. I'm feeding them more nutes then I've ever used in previous grows. They are doing better. You can see that I supercropped the tallest plant and it's starting to bush out.

I also lst'd a little more on my one lst plant and supercropped the lower branches to strech it out more and make it bushier. Theres probably like 14 shoots although you cannot see them due to the huge fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
Looking better in there. It's not so much about more nutes though. Sometimes less is more when it comes to things like that.
I still think you should invest in a $5 moisture meter. Thats the last time I will say that. But it will save you a big headache.
Def not as droopy tho.


Well-Known Member
I went and searched for a moisture metro but came up empty handed which I find odd. I also took two clones and built a mini dwc cloned for under 10 bucks.


Well-Known Member
I took a clone and simply put it in a rapid rooter plug and kept it in a dome and about 2 weeks later I had some good roots.
No rooting gel or anything.
Moisture meter not metro


Well-Known Member
I know, I post from a phone alot so my words dont get entered correctly.

I used foam I found around the house and a 4 litre tupperware container and purchased two mini airstones for $1.97. 4 feet of fish tubing for $1.49. I had an air pump and superthrive so it really only cost me like $4 to build. I cut two clones and they are in it right now.


Well-Known Member
I'll post some pictures later but for now hears a pic. I decided to trim away two of the large fan leaves because alot of the shoots and lower bud sites on the lst'd plant are blocked by these massive leaves...

It pained me to do it but It's all about experimentation and I have plenty of time to keep it vegging and to recover.

100% Indica PK



Well-Known Member
Day 53, Everything looking ,fine. Supercropped another plant which makes three supercrops and one lst. I also trimmed some of the majour fan leaves off the lst'd plant to allow the shoots to grow out. I'm excited to finally have an lst'd plant that I've followed through with. I'll be posting more pictures on week eight.

The two clones are still looking lively, hoping to see roots by the 10 day or so mark. If not after two weeks, I'll consider it a failure.


Well-Known Member
Give em some time. They will grow some roots. I thought for the first week that I wasn't gonna grow roots. They exploded!!
Plain water is what they need. Don't worry bout nutes right now


Well-Known Member
Yah, they are not getting nutes however there is a few drops of superthrive in the DWC cloner.

My goal is a pound so any opinions on how much longer I would have to veg would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Should I repot I feel like they may outgrow there pots they have been in them begging for the last five weeks and I plan to veg another two weeks