So Those People That Knock On Your Door


Well-Known Member
A lot call it "untraceable evidence". Like a "throw-away". Not ALL, not 1/2, but SOME.
One of my friends got pulled over and had a small bag. The cop asked if he had drugs, he said yes. The cop told him to throw it on the ground. He did, and the cop told him he could go. But in the rear view mirror my friend saw the cop pick up the bag and pocket it :hump:

Better than going to jail :leaf:


King Tut
As explained earlier..........i defended myself against his assault by comitting battery. JUSTIFIED battery, but whooped his ass nonetheless.
Yes, the threat to carry out a physical action upon me while possessing the means to do so is an assault.

And the threat was unwanted sexual advances.


Well-Known Member
"You know those people that come to your house at 7:00 in the morning and wake you out of bed? I get up and go to the door, naked.

The lady at the door asks, in a heavy country accent, "Have you found Jesus?"

I reply, "No, but do you want to come in side and help find him?" "

Robin Williams


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever watch House?

[House opens the door]
Witness: Have you heard the Good News?
House: Miley Cyrus is playing third night at the Spectrum?
Witness: Happiness is possible, not just in this life, but the next.
House: Ohh you’re selling religion, I’m sorry, I bought some Islam yesterday. [Slams door shut]
Umm, they don't need to ask me to buy something to be a salesman. Your selling the religion, and arguing on that point (on your behalf) would be moot. You don't need to be asking me for money to be 'selling' me something.

Your a backwards viewed, close minded homophobe (admitted), and you are trying to defend yourself? This sentence alone makes me wonder why im even typing this? Fuck, your turning me into a troll. I don't need evidence dude, you just provided it for me.

Never said that i hated them, and i especially never said they weren't nice. Granted, i don't PERSONALLY think its nice to solicit your religion on others door to door everyday because your 'forced to' by your denomination, All i did, was tell you exactly how i dealt with the last door knocker i got. I wasn't hateful, i didn't polish guns, and i didn't threaten them. I merely made them JUST AS UNCOMFORTABLE as i was.

Through all your paragraphs there, you actually didn't have a SINGLE valid argument. Better start dusting off the old 'bible defense arguments' cuz so far, your logic is failing miserably.

For those others out there still laughing at all this (hopefully as much as i am), hers a hilarious article i happen to cross today that coincidentally lines up with this....

Things Famous People Have Said About Mormons. My favorite being, Abraham Lincoln “You go back and tell Brigham Young that if he will let me alone I will let him alone.” (and please, don't try to 'teach' me the differences between the LDS and JW's, im aware, its just funny).

dude im an athiest and you are sounding like a jackass leave the guy alone hes just telling you what he experienced in life.....i too dissagree with some things he said but im not talking shit or running my mouth bc im not smart about religion so i keep my mouth shut....and why dont you understand the fact hes not a part of the jw cult anymore he said it like five times dumbass......the only reason im defending him is bc you are just as stuck up as any current jesus freak just with a diffrent view. you really should learn to read and understand you are no better than them.


Well-Known Member
dude im an athiest and you are sounding like a jackass leave the guy alone hes just telling you what he experienced in life.....i too dissagree with some things he said but im not talking shit or running my mouth bc im not smart about religion so i keep my mouth shut....and why dont you understand the fact hes not a part of the jw cult anymore he said it like five times dumbass......the only reason im defending him is bc you are just as stuck up as any current jesus freak just with a diffrent view. you really should learn to read and understand you are no better than them.
Welcome to RIU, and the thread. Now i recommend reading the other 18 pages of this thread and understanding why the disdain is portrayed the way it is.
Also, i am not atheist, i am agnostic.
I only have a problem with people representing anecdotes and stories as fact.


Active Member
Welcome to RIU, and the thread. Now i recommend reading the other 18 pages of this thread and understanding why the disdain is portrayed the way it is.
Also, i am not atheist, i am agnostic.
I only have a problem with people representing anecdotes and stories as fact.
Uhh the bible is fact. That's a fact.
Welcome to RIU, and the thread. Now i recommend reading the other 18 pages of this thread and understanding why the disdain is portrayed the way it is.
Also, i am not atheist, i am agnostic.
I only have a problem with people representing anecdotes and stories as fact.
im just saying that that the guy wasnt preaching and he was sharing his life experience which just so happens to be diffrent than what either one of us has experienced.. i did read this whole thread .. to be honest i feel the bibel is here for moral guidence through life and not to be praised...and anyway death is a dmt trip from what i understand so god is really in your head and nowhere else.


Well-Known Member
and besides the moormans are correct dont you watch southpark now that show is fact and should be taken seriously....lmao
Lol if you saw the episode on Mormons then i clap sir (have seen very few things ever be so funny, yet rip apart the logic so thoroughly =D)

And i agree, if he had just expressed his thoughts and moved on. But he didnt, and he expressed his anecdotes (and the bible) as fact, which they are not.

I also want to point out, that at times, i have gotten a bit 'confused'. I've been carrying on two different arguments with him at the same time in two different threads. All it takes is a bowl or two, and im replying to one thread about the other and vis-a-vis. So i apologize if it isn't always cohesive.


Well-Known Member
I've been carrying on two different arguments with him at the same time in two different threads. All it takes is a bowl or two, and im replying to one thread about the other and vis-a-vis. So i apologize if it isn't always cohesive.

That's really not that cool - no insult intended. Just try to keep it straight.

That south park episode was awesome. I would love to see The Book of Mormon on broadway, or at least a taping of it. Matt and Trey rock.
Lol if you saw the episode on Mormons then i clap sir (have seen very few things ever be so funny, yet rip apart the logic so thoroughly =D)

And i agree, if he had just expressed his thoughts and moved on. But he didnt, and he expressed his anecdotes (and the bible) as fact, which they are not.

I also want to point out, that at times, i have gotten a bit 'confused'. I've been carrying on two different arguments with him at the same time in two different threads. All it takes is a bowl or two, and im replying to one thread about the other and vis-a-vis. So i apologize if it isn't always cohesive.
damn i didnt know this was going on in two threads .....which thread i wanna see what he said and if i should join you in bashing him..but he was okay in what he said here so thats the only reason i said anything


King Tut
Yeah, he's a fighter alright. Not the smartest fighter, but then again, neither am i. I believe the thread is called "Why is the Bible considered the word of God". Circular logic if i've ever seen it.