So Those People That Knock On Your Door


Well-Known Member
Show me once where I insulted you . . . go ahead!
Just did.
I can show you numerous times where you degraded Slojo.
Please do. On a side note, calling him a homophobic bigot is NOT degrading. At least no more degrading than you saying homosexuals make your skin crawl.
Looks like your dodging again-that's typical of you.
No dodging sir. Just i know when you have something i should reply to and when you dont. You have had several pages of nonsense that i didn't feel the need to reply to. Now, you have tried to call me out again. So i have returned, and ill probably leave again, but you, will be the eternal fool continuing to troll.

I mean its pretty obvious as Mindphuk has pointed out, that you are simply pointing your opinions out as self evident facts when almost EVERYONE disagrees. In no way are you ANYTHING but a troll. Except, maybe, a religious troll.


Well-Known Member
Klosetking -

Are you saying you’re not a homosexual? Tread carefully, if you fall, I won't catch you.
Awww what did you edit out? Did you say something you regret? I hope not.

No, i am NOT a homosexual. But they sure as hell don't make my skin crawl, only the religious nuts that doubt all science and are completely incapable of logic thought can make my skin do that.


King Tut
Awww what did you edit out? Did you say something you regret? I hope not.

No, i am NOT a homosexual. But they sure as hell don't make my skin crawl, only the religious nuts that doubt all science and are completely incapable of logic thought can make my skin do that.
LOL! i was having FB conversation yesterday b/c i posted this:

I USED to not get it and always thought "He's GAY!:finger: I don't like that b/c.....".

Now, i'm more about enjoying what he has to offer our world(some GREAT tunes. This one makes me dance, finally) and idc what he does behind closed doors. Like i don't want to walk through the park and see a man and woman making out. A kiss or holding hands, or a hand in the pocket? Cool. Sticking one's tongue a throat? Please, take it home. Or take a drive.

And this shift in philosophy came from broadening my mind not only through my cannabis medicating:weed:, but also from posting in threads such as these.


Well-Known Member
LOL! i was having FB conversation yesterday b/c i posted this:

I USED to not get it and always thought "He's GAY!:finger: I don't like that b/c.....".

Now, i'm more about enjoying what he has to offer our world(some GREAT tunes. This one makes me dance, finally) and idc what he does behind closed doors. Like i don't want to walk through the park and see a man and woman making out. A kiss or holding hands, or a hand in the pocket? Cool. Sticking one's tongue a throat? Please, take it home. Or take a drive.

And this shift in philosophy came from broadening my mind not only through my cannabis medicating:weed:, but also from posting in threads such as these.
LOL! Thats too funny!

Now am i saying that you have to like all gays? Hell no! Ive met several gays that i cant stand being around, but ill tell you one thing, not one reason was ever simply because they were gay. Maybe they were annoying, childish, abrasive, or complete lack of anything in common. It has NEVER merely been because they were gay.

Perez Hilton? Gimme the gun, ill do it myself! lol. But it aint cuz hes gay, its cuz hes an annoying prick who thinks that celebrity gossip deserves more undeserved attention that it already gets.

And i agree, holding hands, a kiss, these things dont bother me, straight or gay. Making out, groping, etc, is no good in public straight or not.


Active Member
it’s all brain washed garbage collected and regurgitated into white people friendly fairytales....and the Mormons ha-ha more like morons a man had a magic clam and some talking beans and he hid them in his magic hat and that’s how the Mormon gospel came about fucking ridiculous ;.......most Mormons have a very low iq and even smaller grasp on reality ...Christians meddle they want to tell you how to live what to wear and how much you owe them for it and they want you to waste the only day you have off to tell you all about twice once in the morning and once at night......makes me kind of wish men were born without tongues that way i wouldnt have to listen to bullshit...why is it the only animal on earth that can speak is the only one that tells lies?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, LOL! i got into a fight with a gay co-worker(he was my supervisor) one time(if you can call it that 'cuz it was the proverbial "i hit him, he hit the floor"). But it wasn't b/c he was GAY, it was b/c he asked me out and i said "no thanks man. i don't roll like that.". Then he asked me out again, so i told him "don't do that again or you will be sorry". and when he did it a third time, i laid him out. The result? He claimed i attacked him b/c he was gay. I had secretly recorded the 2nd and 3rd conversation. So when he went to the owner and demanded i be fired, i played the tapes. i ended up becoming manager! LOL!

But anyway, THAT is the type of gay person i have a problem with. A woman that i'm not interested in keeps hitting on me? i might be flattered at first, but if it continues(rarely), i will talk to her about it and then if it STILL continues, i'll get help. But with men, i tend to be a little more "direct" in my approach to dealing with them. Not only on this issue, but in ALL issues. I call it respect.
I absolutely agree with you.

Now here is where i say that you have a better, um, 'moral standing' than these other fools. Would you say that ever since that experience, 'gays made your skin crawl'? Im betting not. Ive had bad experiences with gays as well, there's a 'bad apple in any group' *cough*BrotherBuz*cough*Slojo*cough*weed4cash*cough*

The important thing to remember as you walk away from this thread (i have to remind myself every time) is that, as much as we like to think it, these bad apples do not represent the whole anymore. They just stand way the hell out. I like most religious people i meet, just like i like most gays i meet.

But damn do those extremists stand out. They make muslims look like terrorists, they make the 'incredibly devout' look psychotic, and they make anyone who has used the 'word of god' to better themselves seem like introverted, closed minded, backwood bigots.

I forgive BrotherBuz, for he knows not what he does. He feels hes fighting for something right, and i can't hate him for that, nor do I. But there is a very big difference between forgiving someone for their transgressions (in this case representing opinions as facts), and allowing them to continue without calling them out in some sort of fashion.


Well-Known Member
it’s all brain washed garbage collected and regurgitated into white people friendly fairytales....and the Mormons ha-ha more like morons a man had a magic clam and some talking beans and he hid them in his magic hat and that’s how the Mormon gospel came about fucking ridiculous ;.......most Mormons have a very low iq and even smaller grasp on reality ...Christians meddle they want to tell you how to live what to wear and how much you owe them for it and they want you to waste the only day you have off to tell you all about twice once in the morning and once at night......makes me kind of wish men were born without tongues that way i wouldnt have to listen to bullshit...why is it the only animal on earth that can speak is the only one that tells lies?
Case and point. While i do agree with several things you say to some degree, I personally feel that you expressed it poorly. This kind of rhetoric and blatant bias is what keeps the conversation on such a childish level. Provide actual cohesive thought, use whole sentences, proper grammar, and links! Other than that you are no better than the other side..... imo.


King Tut
I absolutely agree with you.

Now here is where i say that you have a better, um, 'moral standing' than these other fools. Would you say that ever since that experience, 'gays made your skin crawl'? Im betting not. Ive had bad experiences with gays as well, there's a 'bad apple in any group' *cough*BrotherBuz*cough*Slojo*cough*weed4cash*cough*

The important thing to remember as you walk away from this thread (i have to remind myself every time) is that, as much as we like to think it, these bad apples do not represent the whole anymore. They just stand way the hell out. I like most religious people i meet, just like i like most gays i meet.

But damn do those extremists stand out. They make muslims look like terrorists, they make the 'incredibly devout' look psychotic, and they make anyone who has used the 'word of god' to better themselves seem like introverted, closed minded, backwood bigots.

I forgive BrotherBuz, for he knows not what he does. He feels hes fighting for something right, and i can't hate him for that, nor do I. But there is a very big difference between forgiving someone for their transgressions (in this case representing opinions as facts), and allowing them to continue without calling them out in some sort of fashion.
i just commented on this in another my thread on another forum, different topic:

"why so entitled?

must come with the badge"

"No entitlement at all. Did you see any exclamations? Or mean smilies? Or condescending talk? No.

ALL you saw was the solution to you having to read my posts. The path of least resistance. Without any animosity whatsoever. So, see, YOU are creating your stress and anger and your mind is making up all sorts of theories and conspiracies. You exude anger and hate. It isn't MY fault or responsibility. idk what the reasons are. And until you can get past this hate you seem to have inside, you will continue to be angry and therefore never find true happiness.

Again, if i annoy, anger, scare, or otherwise offend you, the solution is quite simple. Stay outta my thread.


i posted this in response to a guy coming into a thread that i created. Calling names, making threats, making false accusations, etc. Open conversation is a must, imho.


Active Member
No, i am NOT a homosexual.

Originally Posted by BrotherBuz
"You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all."

"This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it."

Originally Posted by budlover
"Agreed Bro. i should NEVER have to explain why i feel a certain way. If i were gay and that was my priority, i would shout it from the rooftops."


King Tut
Originally Posted by BrotherBuz
"You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all."

"This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it."

Originally Posted by budlover
"Agreed Bro. i should NEVER have to explain why i feel a certain way. If i were gay and that was my priority, i would shout it from the rooftops."
Ummm, thank you...... i think Brother.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, thank you...... i think Brother.
I give you props for finding any meaning in that post, i couldn't.

It seems he was trying to point something out about me admitting being gay, but i really don't see it, and it would be a lie if i did.

Just more self delusion Brother!


King Tut
Yeah, the your quote sonded like that and then he quoted me. And the only link i really saw was gay. And since i am one VERY happy individual, i guess i am gay. At least in the formal English form of the word. So since i didn't see it as an insult, i figured it MUST be a compliment. Since men of God are supposed to try to be a positive, uplifting, GAY influence on this earth, imho.


King Tut
That's assault, he would have pressed charges. You're a cop, you know that!
Technically, since yes, i was. What i committed in the state of California is known as battery. Which the officer on scene(yes, he called) made the determination that my battery of him came as a direct result of his assault on me.

In California, assault is the act of attempting to batter. In other words, if i throw a punch and miss, i am guilty of assault. If i throw a punch and connect, i am guilty of battery. The law varies by state and country, but this is a commonly accepted version.

Ad Hominem,
Post Hoc Ergo Procter Hoc, Ad Lapidem,
Untestable fallacy, Red Herring, Loaded Question, and Strawman.

Try again.


Well-Known Member
How did he assuault you?
This question makes sense coming from you, since you go around blindly insulting people, just to accuse them of the very same (without proof). Im still waiting for your quotes of when i insulted you like you claim.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
i recently had two homies that showed up and "wanted to talk to me about jesus". i live in the boonies so i really only get a solicitor or two per year. still, i'm gonna have some custom no soliciting signs made soon.

I reply to jesus dudes, "I don't have time right now". To which senior jesus dude says, "I'll Tell You what I'm Going To Do" as he's going for some bs literature most likely. Wham, my door slams shut, in their face just as he gets the last word of his f'n sentence out.

while i don't like solicitors, i'm still more forgiving of them than the zealots and their presumptuous rhetoric.