So Those People That Knock On Your Door


Well-Known Member
I once let one of these religious guys talk to me and tell me everything he had to say, only if I could do the same in return. He agree'd and I let him speak and I genuinely listened, when he was done I invited him in to smoke a bowl with me, lol. He said he couldn't blah blah blah because of his church, I told him he wasn't free to make his own mind and that's why I would never enter his religion.


Well-Known Member
Your story doesn't hold water and I smell shit. Are you a lying cop?
Hahaha, leave it to you to laugh off someones story (that doesn't really sound all that implausible to me at all) as BS, yet blindly continue to defend stories like Noahs Ark and Adam and Eve with absurd tenacity.

You guys are all alike.


Active Member
Hahaha, leave it to you to laugh off someones story (that doesn't really sound all that implausible to me at all) as BS, yet blindly continue to defend stories like Noahs Ark and Adam and Eve with absurd tenacity.
You forgot a couple, Sodom and Gomorrah. The two cities that God destroyed because of homosexuality-remember!


Well-Known Member
You forgot a couple, Sodom and Gomorrah. The two cities that God destroyed because of homosexuality-remember!
-edit- removed
-reason- im done moving off topic here. I wont let you pull me into another debate about a different topic while there are so many still unaddressed by you.

Where you at? He's in the kloset. Lol Lol
You really are just a troll. You have lost any credibility you ever may of thought you had sir.


Well-Known Member
I can't follow the last three pages of klosetking, budlover, and Brotherbuz at all. Nor can I even tell what your stance is on the issue. I also can't figure out how this thread's topic became anything to do with homosexuality - there's another thread about that below.

Which of the three of you are Christian? Are any of you mormon or JW?

I like the pup in your pic Brotherbuz. And the bud in yours KK.


Well-Known Member
i just commented on this in another my thread on another forum, different topic:

"why so entitled?

must come with the badge"

"No entitlement at all. Did you see any exclamations? Or mean smilies? Or condescending talk? No.

ALL you saw was the solution to you having to read my posts. The path of least resistance. Without any animosity whatsoever. So, see, YOU are creating your stress and anger and your mind is making up all sorts of theories and conspiracies. You exude anger and hate. It isn't MY fault or responsibility. idk what the reasons are. And until you can get past this hate you seem to have inside, you will continue to be angry and therefore never find true happiness.

Again, if i annoy, anger, scare, or otherwise offend you, the solution is quite simple. Stay outta my thread.


i posted this in response to a guy coming into a thread that i created. Calling names, making threats, making false accusations, etc. Open conversation is a must, imho.
Did you quote the wrong quote? I don't understand the why so entitled comment - and it looks like KK was agreeing with you in the post you quoted. I didn't see anyone complaining about your posts and creating stress and anger.


King Tut
Did you quote the wrong quote? I don't understand the why so entitled comment - and it looks like KK was agreeing with you in the post you quoted. I didn't see anyone complaining about your posts and creating stress and anger.
This post was acyually just a conversation that KK and i were having regarding the rules of debate and entitlement. The quote was from a different conversation on a different forum.


Well-Known Member
I can't follow the last three pages of klosetking, budlover, and Brotherbuz at all. Nor can I even tell what your stance is on the issue. I also can't figure out how this thread's topic became anything to do with homosexuality - there's another thread about that below.

Which of the three of you are Christian? Are any of you mormon or JW?

I like the pup in your pic Brotherbuz. And the bud in yours KK.
I do not blame you at all for being confused during the last few pages. If you read the other thread that Buz is arguing with people in, the same thing has happened. Its about 40 pages of him dodging questions by asking new ones, insulting people, and trying to change topic when people offer answers to his 'doubts'.

Many of our questions/answers have been quite polite, but arguing with idiots is rarely easy. And while we have tried our best to keep the discussion on topic and humbly stated, he has repeatedly pulled us off track.
You can thank BrotherBuz for the rotating topics. lol
Exactly. The second he starts to lose ground in an argument (reference debate over spehere, or debate over amphibian evolution) he will toss out an insult or two then try to shift the topic somewhere else.


King Tut
Hell, i've been in this thread since the start and i'm confused!:confused: That's the tactic of someone that has no leg to stand on.

Red Herring
An attempt to divert the argument or change the subject
Person A- "Bush should have been tried as a war criminal."
Person B- "What about all the other people in the world that commit crimes and get away with it? What about that justice not served? In fact, the murder rate in Romania is bla bla yack yack....."

And i won't clutter any more by posting the other logical fallacies being used.


King Tut
I've asked for clarification on that made-up story of years, but you continue to dodge.

Lets see if I can help you out: Answer question about made up story. :hump:
Well, i AM a lying cop! LOL!

Ummmm, it is YOUR(in your mind's eye) made up story. What question would you like me to answer? i think i've answered quite a few. You didn't LISTEN, but...........typical.


King Tut
The one about you punching your supervisor. How is it that the "victim" didn't press “assault” charges against you?
As explained earlier..........i defended myself against his assault by comitting battery. JUSTIFIED battery, but whooped his ass nonetheless.