Birthers Unite


Well-Known Member
No, I think this puts it to bed. Definitely is a huge political win for the administration.

Whether it was Trump, the fact the issue was actually starting to hurt him instead of help him or if it was because he really wanted to unite us, either way...Well done President Obama. Nothing but respect for him in deciding to handle it this way.

I will admit I'm shocked, not because of the fact he is a citizen, but because of the release. Definitely forces some introspection on how much I wanted him to have been born elsewhere for selfish political gains versus how sick I would have felt that such a con could have been pulled off. I guess the overwhelming feeling I'm having is relief...and a dash of shame.


Well-Known Member
I hope most RUI'ers follow your lead and let it be, MuyLocoNC. The Fox News article had over 4600 comments... I was reading some of them and it's clear that there will still be a small group of birthers. lol, they just can't figure it out! At least now it will likely be a true "fringe" group and not nearly half of the Republican base.

I agree, this is a big win for Obama.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
About fucking time!! Now we can stop wondering . Why couldn't he do this 2 and a half years ago?
He did. The one he released earlier is the one used in Hawaii. I was born in Hawaii and I've never even seen my or anyone else's long form certificate from there. That's not the official certificate used in Hawaii. The one he originally released is the official one, which looks exactly like mine. If he's a Kenya, then so am I.

After releasing the official one, nutty birthers still claimed it isn't enough.This was never a serious issue in the first place. The idea that Obama's mom placed a phony ad in the newspaper (which she was supposedly in Kenya) is just stupid. There really is no level of proof good enough for some of these people. It's incredibly difficult for anyone to get their long form certificate in Hawaii. Getting ANYTHING out of the state of Hawaii is extremely difficult. Took me months to get my official birth certificate from the state. Things don't exactly move at a fast pace over there and it isn't particularly organized. It most likely required he go there in person to get that one. Seeing as how he's president and all, I'm sure he had a few other things more important to do than indulge lunatics.


Well-Known Member
One would hope this would be the end of it, but we all know it will continue.
you should read the comments on fox news....

some of the people are saying that it should be sent to trump so he analyzes it, you know, since he knows all these experts... some people are calling for ink analysts to come in and test the signatures, others are asking for carbon dating of the paper. others are saying, obviously it's a fake, i can see the layer lines..... and the best is:

"this has to be a fake because it doesn't say baby monkey"...

it's not about race. it's about his eligibility to be president..... HAHA!!!


Well-Known Member
whats the book about burning books and the guy hides em in his house?

edit: farhenheit(sp) 911, right? Makes me want to re-read it.


Well-Known Member
You know what it don't matter.
She probably ment it but its easily explained away.
Thier pokeing you to make you mad then they lauph at you.
All the yuppies jump in and lauph to.
Don't give the bastards the satisfaction.
Let his policies and the actions of the far left hang themselves.

who writes your speeches? and are they written in crayon?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
you should read the comments on fox news....

some of the people are saying that it should be sent to trump so he analyzes it, you know, since he knows all these experts... some people are calling for ink analysts to come in and test the signatures, others are asking for carbon dating of the paper. others are saying, obviously it's a fake, i can see the layer lines..... and the best is:

"this has to be a fake because it doesn't say baby monkey"...

it's not about race. it's about his eligibility to be president..... HAHA!!!
Tea Baggers aren't racist! They just want to take the country back from the coloreds.


Well-Known Member
Its Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. A Fireman hides the books.
Ah yes, that's the one. He also wrote a short story about this dude and some weird ass rich chicks who only wore black or white and only drank Guiness. Crazy shit.

like, they paved their front yard so there wouldn't be grass and their whole place was black and white floors, walls, everything. They even went so far as to only hire black or white dudes, nothing in between and the black dude had to wear a black shirt, white pants the white dude the opposite(possibly the other way around idk).


Well-Known Member
Book paper will catch fire and burn at 451F. Bradbury was more well known and had many awards for his short stories.


Well-Known Member
Does you need a brick in the head to know a building is falling? Why did it take this? Now you guys can find something else to moan about him or you can start telling us the long form is fake too... :roll:

About fucking time!! Now we can stop wondering . Why couldn't he do this 2 and a half years ago?


Well-Known Member
It's really a shame the number of kids in high school groaned whenever we had to read a book back in the day. I really liked most of 'em... Orwell's 1984 and the like.