Birthers Unite


Well-Known Member
Even Michelle Obama states that Barack's "Home" country is Kenya. So now his wife and his deceased grandmother must be part of Birther conspiracy too eh?

Why do they always claim homophobia, like were afraid of some fairy twink. Nobody is afraid of gays they just think two dudes/gals fucking each other is gross.
rabble rabble impeachment rabble rabble rabble!!!!

yeah all their speeches are pre-written, i dont think his wife would make such a blunder and destroy her husbands presidency
You know what it don't matter.
She probably ment it but its easily explained away.
Thier pokeing you to make you mad then they lauph at you.
All the yuppies jump in and lauph to.
Don't give the bastards the satisfaction.
Let his policies and the actions of the far left hang themselves. this a serious thread?

...I think she meant his heritage..

I "think" we'll take her at her word, rather than what some liberal douchebag revises her statement to mean. I love that this is gathering steam, these libs think it will hurt the Repubs, quite the contrary, people are looking for reasons not to vote for this guy and it will either bring him down or force him to show what they've been asking for all along. I couldn't care less how it ends up, I like the guy, can't stand his policies and agenda though.
Obama is so far left of center, he couldn't catch a fucking train BACK to center.

No far left...lolz.

Fiscally and foreign policy wise, Obama is almost identical to Bush. The only values that separate him are his views on abortion and gay marriage. Obama's opinion on both of those issues is the same as the majority of Americans and America is a right of center country.

Unless you're making the borderline retarded claim that George W Bush was a liberal, then you're just wrong.

The far left has no representation in this country. There are maybe 5 members of the house that are truly far left and 1 senator. That amounts to no power. Politically, the far left doesn't exist.
ObamaCare, Immigration Reform, Cap n Trade, moratorium on drilling, Stimulus, Don't ask Don't tell repeal etc etc etc...

I won't even go into everything that he has publicly stated are his goals. You liberals have deluded yourselves into thinking these are mainstream views, far from it. Every single one of them are examples of a MANIACAL PROGRESSIVE LOON.

Let's make it real simple, if Rachael Maddow supports it, then it's freaking far left. She supports ALL of it and wants more, as does he, as do you.
ObamaCare, Immigration Reform, Cap n Trade, moratorium on drilling, Stimulus, Don't ask Don't tell repeal etc etc etc...

when obamacare passed, support for it popularly was around 40% or so (although when asked about the individual provisions, it polled much higher). support has risen as time goes on and the provisions are implemented.

are you for a 'tyrannical majority'? i thought it was about the quality of the bill (which did not please me much either), and not how many people supported it.

i have not noticed the senate and house pass any immigration reform bills that obama signed. not sure what that's about. nor cap and trade. no new bills there.

i did notice a huge fucking oil spill in the fucking ocean, hence the moratorium on drilling.

didn't several republicans also support the stimulus? are they all 'maniacal progressive loons as well'?

and didn't a large majority of americans support dadt repeal? how was that not a 'mainstream view'?

I won't even go into everything that he has publicly stated are his goals.

like the public option, which he stated was one of his goals, which a majority of americans supported, thus making it the 'mainstream view'?

why won't you go into that?

You liberals have deluded yourselves into thinking these are mainstream views, far from it. Every single one of them are examples of a MANIACAL PROGRESSIVE LOON.

i don't see why equal rights for gays, stimulus money for infrastructure, time to inspect blowout preventers before they put more oil into the ocean and cost lives, limiting pollution costs, or ensuring that those with pre existing conditions get health insurance are those of a 'MANIACAL PROGRESSIVE LOON'. those seem to be values that are very, very mainstream.

Let's make it real simple, if Rachael Maddow supports it, then it's freaking far left. She supports ALL of it and wants more, as does he, as do you.

actually, she does not support 'ALL of it'. she often derides the president, and has been decried by gibbs as 'the professional left'.

and no, I do not support all of it either. i will not vote for obama if he is assured of winning my state (very very likely) because he is against gay marriage. note that gay marriage now polls even for the first time ever.

gay marriage is no longer the idea of a 'maniacal progressive loon' because it is now mainstream. i hate that about american politics. too many people trying to keep it "real simple" instead of deciding what is right according to the rights we all have and that our constitution guarantees us.

Even many moderate liberals oppose the health care plan because it's too business-centered. For the most part, we want socialized health insurance. "Obamacare" isn't far left. It's the same plan that has been advocated by many prominent republicans. Bob Dole, Richard Nixon, and Romney all had plans very similar or to the left of Obama's plan. If you think Richard Nixon was a member of the far left, you have no what you're talking about.

Immigration Reform

He send more troops to guard the boarder than every republican president in the last 100 years combined. Meanwhile conservative demi-god Ronald Reagan gave them amnesty. George Bush made it easier for them to find jobs.

Obama is to the right of every modern republican president when it comes to immigration. If Obama is a member of the far left, then the republican party must be communists.

, Cap n Trade,

That was notorious liberal marxist George HW Bush is responsible for the first cap and trade program in America (the concept btw was invented by the Nixon adminstration). Obama's cap in trade programs are no more extreme than any of the last 4 presidents.

moratorium on drilling

Due to an epic natural disaster. Not unreasonable.

Every president since FDR has enacted major deficit spending programs during recessions, Reagan and Bush included. That is how governments both conservative and liberal fight off recessions. The idea that Obama should be the first president in history to balance the budget during a recession just shows how ignorant the right wing is.

Don't ask Don't tell repeal

A decision supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans. It's a mainstream viewpoint, not a far left one.

Just because he's not a right wing extremist you characterize him as a far left liberal. That is completely ignorant and unreasonable.

I won't even go into everything that he has publicly stated are his goals. You liberals have deluded yourselves into thinking these are mainstream views, far from it. Every single one of them are examples of a MANIACAL PROGRESSIVE LOON.

Oh ok. Pay no attention to nation wide polling, DADT was a mainstream viewpoint because you say so! Pay no attention to the majority of Americans! You decide what is a mainstream viewpoint now!


Let's make it real simple, if Rachael Maddow supports it, then it's freaking far left. She supports ALL of it and wants more, as does he, as do you

Actually she doesn't, but don't let facts get in the way of your belligerent ramblings.