Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Well-Known Member
incidentally, star trek/star wars conventions and church gatherings pretty much look the same to me if it helps any...



King Tut
Very well thought out sso. At first, I agreed wholeheartedly, but towards the end not so much. But, I believe in God. You HAVE however, VERY accurately described the true history of the Bible and the reason I NEVER cite it in a debate as being an absolute truth. I refer to it and I try to live by it's themes of love and peace, but I don't cite it as fact. Because if ANY other text had been as manipulated and twisted as the Bible, it wouldn't make it into a first grade classroom. Just saying. I like to be able to defend my position with solid facts. Faith may give me inner peace, but it doesn't win debates.


Active Member
Very well thought out sso. At first, I agreed wholeheartedly, but towards the end not so much. But, I believe in God. You HAVE however, VERY accurately described the true history of the Bible and the reason I NEVER cite it in a debate as being an absolute truth. I refer to it and I try to live by it's themes of love and peace, but I don't cite it as fact. Because if ANY other text had been as manipulated and twisted as the Bible, it wouldn't make it into a first grade classroom. Just saying. I like to be able to defend my position with solid facts. Faith may give me inner peace, but it doesn't win debates.
The above is taken from, budlover 13:6-9 Give me a break and read the entire thread.


King Tut
Uhmmm, I have buz. Been continuing to read it. Haven't understood it all, but read it. Just as I did with the Bible. But with both, I take into account where the info is coming from and give it logical and sensible weight accordingly.


Well-Known Member
it's not good to be swayed by a finger wearing an acorn cap....just saying

dwell long and hard....you'll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
*stamps foot outraged*
i prefer the title: shit on a stick, thank you very much...


drippy shit on a broken stick....yes.


King Tut
You sir are a lier and everyone knows it.
Ad Hominem (the argument against the man)
Attacking the person's character instead of attacking the argument.
"Why should I listen to your opinion on philosophy, you barely graduated high school."
"You think you are capable of debating evolutionary theory while you sit there and smoke weed all day?"


King Tut
No sir, you like bullshit hot on a platter, eaten with a fork. That's how you like it.
Red Herring
An attempt to divert the argument or change the subject
Person A- "Bush should have been tried as a war criminal."
Person B- "What about all the other people in the world that commit crimes and get away with it? What about that justice not served? In fact, the murder rate in Romania is bla bla yack yack....."


Active Member
^^^ How can anyone trust what you say, when you've already "perjured" yourself. People see this in the thread;you can't hide it - cop!


King Tut
Perjured? Where? Two conflicting quotes that prove perjury in the same post. Show everyone how much I lie.

Oh yeah. Ad Hominem, yet again.
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