Prop 19 the First contained pro-commerce language.
Prop 19 The second attempted to go the other way and it too contained Commerce language.
Between them California doesn't want Cannabis Communes Nor does it want Pot-Shops along the streets near schools.
Now Dan you just keep milking my teat man.. Think for yourself I'm not your dad. Okay?
You need a lot of real sluts to push your agenda, I know if im getting some I can be convinced to go along with some pretty stupid things, so I say focus on winning over the sluts, and convince them to make everyone their doing to vote their way
You need a lot of real sluts to push your agenda, I know if im getting some I can be convinced to go along with some pretty stupid things, so I say focus on winning over the sluts, and convince them to make everyone their doing to vote their way
Your wordings all weird, but I think you misunderstand what I said. I didn't say to pay any one. I said you should focus on sluts, their the most important demographic and no slut I know is going to read all the mumbo jumbo about permits and props your posting so your off to a poor start. You need to word it and market it to sluts, get them on your side, get their attention. If a slut likes you your going to get some...... Obama had the slut vote and Clinton most definatly had the sluts and remember when George W. used to squint and smirk? That was for the slutsYou forget that it doesn't matter if you pay for signatures if you are wrong you done.
There isn't more to say on this disagreement.
Take time to consider things.. Grow as a person and let it be man..
See their already getting votesfuck yeah! sluts for everyone!
You do not get the no voters to change their minds. They will not, they believe that this stuff is evil or will lead to evil things, you could as easily convince an anti-abortionist to vote for abortions. What you do is get more yes voters to the polls and you get the no voters to stay home.
I had my suspicions about our mutual friend from the get go. Virtually the only place he ever posted, until about 2 months ago, was 'Introduce Yourself' sub-forum. All of a sudden the guy is blowing up the politics forum. Seems like an agenda to me.Keep repeating the same false information all you like, it's not going to work. There are a lot of people on these forums who were prop 19 no voters. They know why they voted against prop 19. You aren't going to fool them into thinking they voted against prop 19 because they don't want dispensaries.
People may have not like the commerce language of prop 19, but that's not because they object to dispensaries, it's because they object to monopolies, the low limits prop 19 provided, and were afraid it would interfere with their medical rights. (unlike you, I listen to people even when I disagree with them) There has not been one person here besides yourself who has said they object to the idea of cannabis being sold in a dispensary. When you say otherwise, you're lying. You obviously have your own agenda that you're trying to push on everyone else and you're failing miserably at doing so.
You're the only one acting like a child here. Keep throwing temper tantrums like an infant every time someone disagrees with you and see how that works out for you.
I'd like to thank you for all the help you've given me in exposing yourself as a total fraud. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.
Cannabis is "almost" legal in California already, so I don't see the big deal about full legalization ... except for the fact that Prop. 19 would have brought tax revenue into the state coffers. Full legalization to me means "free the weed." This means free with no taxes. With Prop. 215 and SB 420 in place, there really isn't much to worry about as far as getting busted, unless one is really stupid. In California, possession of under an ounce is an "infraction," much like a traffic ticket. The maximum fine is $100. Its so easy to get a medical card that its silly. Each county has its own guidelines but each county MUST allow a medical user to grow at LEAST six mature, flowering plants, twelve immature plants, and have at LEAST eight ounces of processed buds in possession at any time. Shake does not count in the weight limits. Those are minimum amounts. Counties may allow more at their choice. Its up to the county supervisors in each county. Personally, I grow exactly six plants and that produces a lot more than I can consume. The rest gets shared with other medical users who cannot afford to go to the clubs and/or cannot grow their own. And no ... I don't want to see cannabis clubs on every corner or next to schools. If you want to see cannabis blight, just take a trip to Venice Beach sometime and take a look at the shops along the boardwalk. There are people out on the boardwalk hawking for doctors who will give you a letter, then you can walk downstairs to buy your pot, then go right next door to the head shop to buy your bong and grinder. I say, OK for Venice Beach, but is this what you guys have in mind for every mall and shopping center in California? Ugh!
You know how much pot shops I want? I want them to equal liquor stores. It's only fair. I'm tired of all this "Think of the children" nonsense. For fuck's sake I know multiple schools with liquor stores right across the street. And several 711s across from schools. Do parents not know that 711 sells alcohol? *GASP*
Why limit dispensaries? I thought this was America, where people could come from nothing, make a business and be successful.
I had my suspicions about our mutual friend from the get go. Virtually the only place he ever posted, until about 2 months ago, was 'Introduce Yourself' sub-forum. All of a sudden the guy is blowing up the politics forum. Seems like an agenda to me.![]()
Your wordings all weird, but I think you misunderstand what I said. I didn't say to pay any one. I said you should focus on sluts, their the most important demographic and no slut I know is going to read all the mumbo jumbo about permits and props your posting so your off to a poor start. You need to word it and market it to sluts, get them on your side, get their attention. If a slut likes you your going to get some...... Obama had the slut vote and Clinton most definatly had the sluts and remember when George W. used to squint and smirk? That was for the sluts
I had my suspicions about our mutual friend from the get go. Virtually the only place he ever posted, until about 2 months ago, was 'Introduce Yourself' sub-forum. All of a sudden the guy is blowing up the politics forum. Seems like an agenda to me.![]()
No, not by itself. You add that to the posts you've been posting and your borderline trolling and Voila! Instand agenda!!!!! lol!But did I not do a good job in the Welcome Forum?
So from Greeter to Political forum is an agenda..
Interesting.. Has anyone noticed that politics is often a game of thought? That like that good man in that movie Beautiful mind that Winning the prize is not the best strategy?
lmfao!!!!!!!! I suspected it was something like that. It's pretty clever how he tried to fool everyone into thinking he was just some middle aged, kooky pothead with a heart of gold and aspirations of making the world a better place for us all. Ha! He might've had us all fooled if he hadn't started being a royal douche and attacking everybody who doesn't share his vision of what legalization should look like. lol!He wants to breed/sell seeds and clones out of his house but he lives in a very religious small town. Rather than move some where that you can get away with doing that, he got it in his head that a better option would be to convince to support his very specific hair brained proposal, some how magically get it funded, and passed into law. Then not only would he be able to do his breeding business, but he wouldn't have to form a legal business and claim it on his taxes (probably getting government checks that more income would interfere with), and then we will all have an Ernest day parade where his is pronounced the king of cannabis legalization going down in history as a hero.
At least that's how it plays out in his head. In reality that's completely unrealistic and quite insane too.
Ernest should change that profile picture to this:
I'm glad everyone is finally catching on to what this guy is all about. It isn't freedom or legalization that's for sure.