Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
I live in California and it's not about trying to get the no voters to say yes, it's like what canndo posted, how do you get the yes voters to get up off their ass and go vote? That, IMO, was the biggest blow to Prop 19. I know a lot of unregistered stoners who are of age that didn't fuckin bother to go vote.
Before trying to figure out how to convince the no's to yes'es, figure out how to get the lazy yes'es to register and go vote.
The way to do that is to have a ballot initiative written in a way where they perceive it as being for them instead of for large corporations. Right or wrong many people who support legalization saw prop 19 as just a gigantic give away to corporations and something that could limit their medical rights.
It's pretty easy to clear that up.
The idea that legalizing black market dealing, commercial grow houses in residential neighborhoods, and removing all financial incentives for non-smokers is the thing that is going to get legalization passed is ridiculous.