G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Just a suggestion for your next grow; fill your hydroton all the way to the drip ring and cover it with foil or white poly. It will help keep your nutes from evaporating off of the drip ring causing salt build up. It's going to be a bitch to clean all that.


Well-Known Member
Just a suggestion for your next grow; fill your hydroton all the way to the drip ring and cover it with foil or white poly. It will help keep your nutes from evaporating off of the drip ring causing salt build up. It's going to be a bitch to clean all that.
Thanks, I saw that on ScottyBalls PE thread as well. I had a piece of foil down originally, but ended up removing it after a while because it was becoming a pain in the ass. I'm fine with the evaporation, and I've cleaned the ring twice now with no problems, just unclip and run some hot water through it.


Well-Known Member
I left the foil off mine and it was a pain in the ass to clean.
What nutrient line are you using? I've used FloraDuo and now FloraNova, and neither have been hard to clean off of anything. If it was I'd just pop it in the dish washer lol.


Well-Known Member
Went by tonight and snapped a few pictures with my cell phone. Some of the sugar leaves are scorching a little it looks like one one of the tops, and if I gently squeeze the bud I can feel how dry it is compared to all the rest...Would having air blowing directly across the top of the plant help it out? I have my fan pulling air out of the top of the tent, but I think I need another blowing the air directly under the light around..


Well-Known Member
My tops are all still moist and squishy but dense if that makes sense. I have a ocilating fan blowing on my girlies 24/7. It would prolly cool the top of your canopy off and allow your tops to retain more moisture.


Well-Known Member
I have a wind-tunnel brand fan sitting on the right side of the tent blowing air arcoss...but it doesn't really blow much over the top of the plant, it's mostly for circulating air through the canopy. I'm going to hook up my old inline fan and duct in from the top and direct it at the light. Also might stack something under the wind-tunnel fan to raise it up so it blows more across the top as well.


Well-Known Member
Any chance you feel like posting some pictures puffntuff? Take a couple bud shots and post 'em, who doesn't love good bud porn.


Well-Known Member
I'll see what I can do. I think Hobbes has a thing called a air floor. He basically takes a sheet of plywood and cut a bunch of holes in it then puts a fan under it so it blows straight up and keeps exhausting the hot air.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
I'll see what I can do. I think Hobbes has a thing called a air floor. He basically takes a sheet of plywood and cut a bunch of holes in it then puts a fan under it so it blows straight up and keeps exhausting the hot air.
This is pretty much what I have as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy lookin good my friend on the phone pics!!!!!!.........You thought of gettin a air cooled Reflector, means you can get the light closer mate with out burnin, good luck mate


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought about it Pukka, but didn't think my plant would be this tall, and heat wasn't too big an issue until she got right up to it.


Well-Known Member
If I get a bigger tent to run both units next grow then I'll definitely invest in one though. I've had my eye on a 1000w setup for a while now, just need an excuse to get it.


Nice man, definitely a good strain to have it seems. And she has yet to give me any nute problems with each bump up, so you should be fine. Update your journal! Haha
Yeh your right man, i have been a bit of a lazy ass stoner recently, been working away from home, but you will be proud my friend, i have been busy. I am gonna do an update with pics today, so drop on my grow in a couple of hours and have a look, as your my number one visitor! lol. Your grow is looking sweet man.... buds coming along now. Nice... as for the heat issue deffinatly think an air cooled reflector is the way to go, alternativly pick yourself up a little clip on hydroponics fan and position it either just above your canopy or below your light, you can put em anywhere and there cheap enough to sort you out untill your next grow....



on a side note, i was just on SCOTTYBALLS old thread geting me some more tips etc and came accross this https://viewer.zoho.com/docs/rZH0i its an ultimate waterfarm scrog guide. Very good. I know your almost a pro at it now Raylan but hey every little helps. Basically from what i can see its SCOTTY BALLS grow condensed without all the other grow journal comments through it. Just FACTS.

Not sure if the great man himeslf done it or if its a homage... but thought its a nice bible for us scroggers


Well-Known Member
on a side note, i was just on SCOTTYBALLS old thread geting me some more tips etc and came accross this https://viewer.zoho.com/docs/rZH0i its an ultimate waterfarm scrog guide. Very good. I know your almost a pro at it now Raylan but hey every little helps. Basically from what i can see its SCOTTY BALLS grow condensed without all the other grow journal comments through it. Just FACTS.

Not sure if the great man himeslf done it or if its a homage... but thought its a nice bible for us scroggers
Definitely a nice find, I do get tired of skimming through everyone else's comments when looking at his journal for tips. Thankfully I haven't needed to check it very often anymore, unless its to see how I'm doing compared to him at different stages, though its always nice to have it there in case I do. I'll hop over to your journal in just a bit and see how its going, should be some nice growth going on as its been a while since I've seen them. I have another inline fan that I'm going to hook up and try to direct the air-flow from it over the top of the plant later tonight. Might pick up one of those clip on fans as well as they seem pretty neat/cheap. I'll update my journal later tonight, then I'll hop over to yours and check out the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Day 34
PPM - 1600
PH - 5.7
When I went by tonight I noticed the actual top of the plant, as well as a big cola next to it were scorched pretty badly from being so close to the light. The only thing I could think of doing was using a pair of shoe strings I had laying around to tie them down towards the screen somewhat....Seemed to work well, now I just hope none of the other tops scorch. Other than that everything seems to be running beautifully. After tying down the two tops my hands were covered in super sticky goodness...I couldn't quit smelling my hands. Definitely excited for the next few weeks.


Active Member
looking pukka mate. the set up you want next sounds good too- 1000w ey? blimey heat is a trouble for me at 400w and im about to switch to 600w for my next grow and slightly concerned about heat.
on a side note, that guide is by TDooda, look him up, he's good and has a nice grow on at the minute. he spent AGES putting that guide together from scottyballs journal and it is so good for the first time waterfarm/scrogger. good on him I say!


Well-Known Member
Hi bro them buds a gettin bigger now bet your buzzin this is when it gets good!!!!! lol................good job!!