G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow


Well-Known Member
I actually have a CocoGrower, but the only difference is the shape I believe. Can't beat $50 for a grow unit that gives these kind of results.


looking awesome pal, think i am gonna take a tip off pukka and trim some leaves off the top, got over the over nutes problems so everything is running good again. Been reading about molasses, aparently gives bigger buds but not sure, may buy some from the shop and give it a whirl!


Well-Known Member
Nice update mate all lookin good i was the same with the trimmin but was real glad i did in the end!!!!


Well-Known Member
Upped the ppm the other night to 1500 or so, went by tonight praying that she didn't have any nute burn. I guess PE really is a nute-whore, as she seemed to love it. Trimmed up a bit more of the fan leaves...will definitely have to do a better weave job next time. Coming along nicely I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Also, I went by an old friends house last night and ended up leaving with some Blue Cheese pukka, then I just remembered that's the strain of your current grow. Very nice bud overall, and I could tell that the person that grew it didn't bring it to its full potential. I'm sure your green thumb will help it get there.


Well-Known Member
looking awesome pal, think i am gonna take a tip off pukka and trim some leaves off the top, got over the over nutes problems so everything is running good again. Been reading about molasses, aparently gives bigger buds but not sure, may buy some from the shop and give it a whirl!
Thanks man, how are your ladies doing? Give us some pictures! :P And as far as the molasses goes I'm not going to mess with it, want to see what FloraNova Bloom only can do for you. ..Scotty didn't seem to need molasses to get huge dense buds, so hopefully I won't either. That's why I'm not going to touch the KoolBloom dry and liquid that I have just sitting in my cabinet. Let me know how it works out for you if you do try it.


Well-Known Member
Hi bro nice pics there a lot better now lol!..........plants lookin good see a lot more buds sites with the trim job :) !!...........ive smoked barneys blue cheese in Amsterdam before and that was real good, ive gone for the Big Bhudda me though do you no wich you had??


Well-Known Member
Hi bro nice pics there a lot better now lol!..........plants lookin good see a lot more buds sites with the trim job :) !!...........ive smoked barneys blue cheese in Amsterdam before and that was real good, ive gone for the Big Bhudda me though do you no wich you had??
Thanks, it could use a little touching up, and no matter what I do some of the shortest tops won't stretch for the light, but I'll just have to let her be I suppose. I was reading up last night, and a LOT of people say that the leaves themselves create the big buds, as they provide energy to the plant. They were saying that the bud sites themselves don't need light to create big buds. If this is the case what's the theory in removing leaves to let bud sites ge tlight? I mean I'm glad I removed some of them so that the air circulation was better throughout the canopy, but could I have possible done damage by clipping them? I've noticed no negative side effects to the trimmings yet, but I guess we'll have to wait and see at harvest.
And I have no idea who the breeder was Pukka...either way, I'm sure you'll end up with some awesome smoke.


Well-Known Member
My take on Fan leaves... they are there for a reason they are there to support vertical growth and a place to store toxins.. if you over fert you will see the damage in the fan leaves first to help protect bud sites.. I will trim fans from bud sites that are growing much faster then the rest to help keep the bud tops even.. or if a fan leaf is directly blocking light from another bud site... Remember mother nature did not put them there for shits and giggles, they store sugars for buding, support vertical growth and a reservoir for toxins.. its OK to Trim some here in there just don't strip her..


Well-Known Member
Thanks, it could use a little touching up, and no matter what I do some of the shortest tops won't stretch for the light, but I'll just have to let her be I suppose. I was reading up last night, and a LOT of people say that the leaves themselves create the big buds, as they provide energy to the plant. They were saying that the bud sites themselves don't need light to create big buds. If this is the case what's the theory in removing leaves to let bud sites ge tlight? I mean I'm glad I removed some of them so that the air circulation was better throughout the canopy, but could I have possible done damage by clipping them? I've noticed no negative side effects to the trimmings yet, but I guess we'll have to wait and see at harvest.
And I have no idea who the breeder was Pukka...either way, I'm sure you'll end up with some awesome smoke.
Yeah i read up on it to mate and got a lot of advice, its true what you say but each cola has its own leafs witch do the same job so all your doin is makin sure you get a good even spread of light and not just the top leafs,...........with real bushy plants like ours mate it will just get better spread of light to more leafs on colas in stead of a lot of big leafs uptop like i said you got to get the balance right, i dont even think a took 10% off mine and more grew back it just ment i got ligth to all colas at the right time so they didnt get left behind when the strech starts ............if your plants are sraggly or not got many leafs anyway dont bother you will do more harm then good...................dont worry mate i wouldnt have recommended it if i thought it would damage your yield with the little youve done you'll be good :)

My take on Fan leaves... they are there for a reason they are there to support vertical growth and a place to store toxins.. if you over fert you will see the damage in the fan leaves first to help protect bud sites.. I will trim fans from bud sites that are growing much faster then the rest to help keep the bud tops even.. or if a fan leaf is directly blocking light from another bud site... Remember mother nature did not put them there for shits and giggles, they store sugars for buding, support vertical growth and a reservoir for toxins.. its OK to Trim some here in there just don't strip her..
I totally agrea,.......i trimmed very little only leafs i couldnt bend or tuck and was directly coverin part of the colas because of the above reasen but the leafs i did trim i thought needed to be and im glad i did because all my smaller colas ended up real even and fat from top to bottom, i ended up with just other 8.5 oz of solid bud and a bag of popcorn from the very bottom of the plant witch i didnt weight its freezin with my trim at the min, so nearly 9oz off a 3ft plant with no lst or scrog witch i put down obvisouly to the 600w but also to the good even light spread i got by doin the trimmin!



Well-Known Member
Damn Pukka, didn't know you pulled 8.5 ozs from her way to fucking go! And all of the above about the fan leaves makes sense, I was just curious. I definitely didn't strip her, and the small leaves seem to grow and fill the space of the bigger leaves I clip so I guess I'm good to go. Power went out here for about 7 hours last night, hopefully it didn't go out where my PE is located, otherwise I might have lost light/fan/water circulation for a while during the lights on cycle last night...:/ Going by later tonight to check.


Well-Known Member
Day 22
PPM - 1400
Had to do more trimming tonight...I think I've realized what the problem is....I crammed too many tops into too little a space, so every time I trim some of the larger leaves that are blocking the light, the smaller ones just grow in to take its place (and I know that's common sense, but bare w/ me). Every time I go to check on her, I have to re-trim the same spots I had trimmed before more or less. I don't think that I should keep trimming any later into flower should I? Because the rate of speed that I trim them off is slightly faster than the rate at which they grow to fill in the space, I'm slowly able to clean her out, but if I kept this pace I'd be trimming for another 2-3 weeks it looks like.
I think at this point I'm going to just let her go until the end of flower. Just looking around at all the tops I see dime sized buds everywhere, so if all else fails I'll at least have strength in numbers, even if the buds don't come out to be monsters. What do you guys think? Some of the pics below are before and after I trimmed her tonight.


Active Member
aah the scrog, always rearranging trimming etc, any growth underneath can just go, i sometimes have a bit of a trim on the top if fan leaves are in the way of buds, looks good man, you are def gona get a nice yeild off that :)



hi mate looking awesome got some more pics to show you, I am on day 17 of flowering, getting excited now as starting to see everything forming and cant wait to find out how it smokes. I have just got back from Amsterdam with the boys for the weekend so am feeling pretty excited about my own grow, how is your PE getting on with your higher dosage of nutes? i think I may try and increase mine again as I reckon I tried giving it too much of the new nutes (canna terra flores) too soon after veg stage, see how they get on. Another problem I have been having is the temp here has suddenly shot up and my room was at 90F earlier!!! Is that too hot for flowering, if so may have to get a AC unit, seen cheap ones on Ebay and to be honest I havent got to pay for the Electricity so its all good! And your pics look awesome still cant believe its only 1 plant! OH and decided not to bother with the molasses as after having a think and a re-read decided to keep it simple!



Well-Known Member
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hi mate looking awesome got some more pics to show you, I am on day 17 of flowering, getting excited now as starting to see everything forming and cant wait to find out how it smokes. I have just got back from Amsterdam with the boys for the weekend so am feeling pretty excited about my own grow, how is your PE getting on with your higher dosage of nutes? i think I may try and increase mine again as I reckon I tried giving it too much of the new nutes (canna terra flores) too soon after veg stage, see how they get on. Another problem I have been having is the temp here has suddenly shot up and my room was at 90F earlier!!! Is that too hot for flowering, if so may have to get a AC unit, seen cheap ones on Ebay and to be honest I havent got to pay for the Electricity so its all good! And your pics look awesome still cant believe its only 1 plant! OH and decided not to bother with the molasses as after having a think and a re-read decided to keep it simple!

Looking good ladbrooke....very similar to where I'm at in flowering. As far as bumping the nutes up went, she's loved it. No signs of any nute burn, or any unhealthy looking leaves. In fact I think the bud production stepped it up a notch once I bumped it up, which was why I did it because I felt like she needed more than what I was giving her. I feel you on the heat problem, except I'm having the opposite...I run my light from 8pm to 8am so at night when its chilly, the light is on providing warmth. And when its hot during the day, the light is off....but lately its been getting too cold too early in the day, so by the time my light turns on its already colder than I'd like in the tent, and the light struggles to keep it warm enough...I'm hoping this only lasts a few more days, guess we'll have to see.
I'd definitely invest in a portable A/C unit even if it wasn't too hot, as I'm sure I'll need one sooner or later....If you can get one for cheap, grab it! Hah.
Otherwise your ladies seem to be doing great. Keep up the good work lad!


Well-Known Member
aah the scrog, always rearranging trimming etc, any growth underneath can just go, i sometimes have a bit of a trim on the top if fan leaves are in the way of buds, looks good man, you are def gona get a nice yeild off that :)
Very true otter, always some maintenance to be done w/ a scrog...but I find it enjoyable. Thanks for the kind words, I hope I do get a good yield off of her.


Well-Known Member
Day 24
Little more trimming...can't help myself. I just keep remembering where I read Serapis' journal and he said that he would definitely be way more aggressive when it came to removing fan leaves, as his buds were not as dense as they could have been in some areas. And no matter what I trim, there's still a lush jungle canopy going on for the most part, so I'm definitely not taking too much away from the plant I'd assume.
Most of the little buds forming are pretty dense for their size, I kept squeezing random ones gently to get a feel for what they had produced so far, not bad I guess. Left a very lemony smell on my hands afterwards, just like Scotty said. Crystals are coming along nicely now it seems, not having to strain my eyes to see them. Some of the pictures are duplicates of the other more or less, but its easier for me to upload all the ones I take at one time rather than sift through them.


Well-Known Member
I'm @ day 37 she is covered in crystals all the budsites are covered. My buds are dense as hell sticky too. The smell is overwhelming. When I squeeze the nugs she smells skunky citrus sour. Still none of the clones I flowered have any branches on em. Straight buds from soil to top. The mom is filling out nicely with a top nugget the size of a coke can.


Well-Known Member
I'm @ day 37 she is covered in crystals all the budsites are covered. My buds are dense as hell sticky too. The smell is overwhelming. When I squeeze the nugs she smells skunky citrus sour. Still none of the clones I flowered have any branches on em. Straight buds from soil to top. The mom is filling out nicely with a top nugget the size of a coke can.
Sounds good man. Another good report to add to the PE list...been a while since I've heard any negatives about it.