Coast captain
Are you a fat chick? Why is everyone so uptight on cannabis forums.
No way is aero cloning more complicated, it's the easiest cloning method ever!The "easiest" cloning method imo is just using peat or another inert medium and a humidity dome. Types of aero-cloning probably fit more into "faster" methods of cloning but are a little more complicated.
when you said "spray your mother" before cutting reduces welting. what do you spray it with?
Sorry, yes plain water. Will get the soon to be cuttings nice and hydrated right at the source and eliminate any wilting at all basically. I used to get wilting going right to clone machine. Usually they would perk back up over night but sometimes they would stay wil.ted for longer. Started giving them a nice misting right before taking cuts (like 5 min) and now they never wilt.when you said "spray your mother" before cutting reduces welting. what do you spray it with?
Looks good. 84 degrees ? Isnt that a bit hot ? How do you regulate the temp (where do you place the heat sensor)? I put my sensor right into one of my cubes to give a accurate temp reading.I use Clonex and put my cuttings in small RW cubes. IMO 15-20g is ideal for the cubes. My cuttings average out to be 5g, so I want my cube + cutting to weigh 25g. I water twice a day using a digi scale and a spray bottle. All cuttings are placed on a seed flat with a humidity dome that has adjustable vents and a heat mat set to 84. For me, the hardest thing to get down was knowing how much humidity to have. For example, my cuttings need a lot more the first few days then they do the last few. Also temp and humidity outside will dictate how I adjust the vents. I like to spray the mothers before taking the cuttings and when I take the humidity dome off to water them. The water I give my clones has hygrozyme, LK and mild nutes. Also, don't forget to give your clones 12 hours of darkness after cutting them. I have been doing it this way for over three years and get 90-100% success with plenty of roots within 10-14 days. This method works great for me, but we are all different. Try a few ways and stick with what works for you.
Looks good. 84 degrees ? Isnt that a bit hot ? How do you regulate the temp (where do you place the heat sensor)? I put my sensor right into one of my cubes to give a accurate temp reading.
You water 2 times a day? Even from the very start ? Man I never water mine more then once every 2-3 days. Interesting and it seems to work very well for you.
Recently I had mine to humid and got a lot that died off and got mold on them
I like the clone machine the best excelt for when the power goes out![]()
Wow, okay I'll try that. My 120 site EZ cloner is usually around 74-78 degrees. I'll drop a heater in and see how it does at 82-84. I have a batch of clones on aheat mat right now at 75 degrees, I'll raise that up as well. Its weird because when I touch the medium it feels warm at 75.I read ABF's thread a while back and he said 86 degrees, so I don't feel that 84 is to hot.
I have my heat mat pluged into an adjustable controller and I set my sensor the same way that you do. I feel that is the best way to get a good reading. I live in a dry location so that might have something to do with the watering. I learned that during the summer, if I don't water twice a day my cubes will go dry and the cuttings will die. I have had problems with to much humidity and M*** also. When that happened I just killed all the cuttings and cleaned my equipment, to end the problem right away so that future cuttings would not get it.
This is really a very simple process,the main thing is to just leave them alone.
All the poking and jostling around while you worriedly look at them is the absolute worse thing you can do.
I swear if you try it like this with little to no variation you will have success,just try it.
Wow, okay I'll try that. My 120 site EZ cloner is usually around 74-78 degrees. I'll drop a heater in and see how it does at 82-84. I have a batch of clones on aheat mat right now at 75 degrees, I'll raise that up as well. Its weird because when I touch the medium it feels warm at 75.
Whats the best humidity level that you found anyway ?
Wow, okay I'll try that. My 120 site EZ cloner is usually around 74-78 degrees. I'll drop a heater in and see how it does at 82-84. I have a batch of clones on aheat mat right now at 75 degrees, I'll raise that up as well. Its weird because when I touch the medium it feels warm at 75.
Whats the best humidity level that you found anyway ?
Roots Excelurator. It will control pythium.It's fine to run a EZC at those rez temps; however; you need to manage pythium before it causes stem rot and slimes the water. I have been using the chlorine in bleach to control organisms and it is working great. My 30 site takes a 1/4 tsp of bleach to maintain a ppm of around 1-2. I use a pool test kit with drops to read chlorine content. When it falls below 0.6 ppm, I add another 1/4 tsp. You can also use pool shock and mix your own, however that is a much higher available chlorine content and you need to dilute it down to about 4-5% available chlorine. One gallon of Clorox should last a hobbyist grower several years.
Roots Excelurator. It will control pythium.
Um, I don't remember exactly because I switched to GH Rapid Start (same thing). The GH I use at 1.5 ml/gal, if I recall the RE was about the same.And how much is that a gallon?![]()
Um, I don't remember exactly because I switched to GH Rapid Start (same thing). The GH I use at 1.5 ml/gal, if I recall the RE was about the same.
Yeah, but Roots Excelurator and GH Rapid Start do soooo much more than just control root rot. Since I started using them (either one) my rooting time is drastically reduced, and the quality and quantity of roots don't even compare. You could use that product alone with no cloning gel and still have good success. Good luck doing that with bleach.I like the low cost of chlorine. I add powdered hormone as well. Clear Rez, made by EZC has a slight bleach smell, a chemical analysis showed chlorine was in it. That was what got me searching for bleach in reservoirs. Fatman (I wish he wasn't banned) had a great thread about chlorine and reservoirs. it sure beats a water chiller or swapping frozen bottles.