I Hate Cloning


Well-Known Member
i just put 9 cuttings into my bubbler last night. and this mourning they were all bent and fucked up looking. all the other clones i had in the bubbler in the past never fell over. i checked the bottoms of the plant and they are all nice and wet. so i dont know why they are doing this. im really pissed off with this cloning shit. any suggestions? i thought the bubbler was the easiest way to clone?


Active Member
i find i have to leave humidity dome on clones for ages like 2 weeks takes me 10 to 14 days to get them rooted but have about 95 % sucess rate cant figure out how people can get roots in 3 or 4 days


Well-Known Member
Most aren't. they might see root bumps in 3-5 days, but they can't transplant that quick.

i find i have to leave humidity dome on clones for ages like 2 weeks takes me 10 to 14 days to get them rooted but have about 95 % sucess rate cant figure out how people can get roots in 3 or 4 days


Well-Known Member
Ya make sure you reservoir is shallow to get more air under your cut. The bubbler is not the easiest way to clone but has its advantages if your sticking to hydroponics.

I like the aeroponic cloners but humidomes kick bubble cloners ass in simplicity and cloning rate. Also make sure your temperatures are high if you can, and give them some light.

One thing you could do to make your bubble clone more effective is take ziplock freezer gal bags and put them over your plants without touching the cuttings as much as possible and tuck the edges of the bag under your netpots or neoprenes and slit the top open. then spray your cuttings. This will force root action. You can also clip the leaves on your cuttings back about 1/2" off the stem.


Well-Known Member
i find i have to leave humidity dome on clones for ages like 2 weeks takes me 10 to 14 days to get them rooted but have about 95 % sucess rate cant figure out how people can get roots in 3 or 4 days
a good light source and heat. 85-95 degrees. and good cutting techniques


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips. the temps are good, humidity in the room is good. and outta all the bubble cloners i have seem i never seen a dome over them. so i dont think thats the problem. i think i left too much leaf on the cuttings. so i went in and hacked alot of the leaf off. i guess i will just leave them in there and see what happens. if they root i would guess they would stand back up.


RIU Bulldog
My cuttings are gonna be a week old tomorrow and they're still standing and looking healthy. Some of the leaves are turning yellow but theres no sign of roots. They say that scraping the stem makes it take longer to root, so I'm hoping that's what;s up. Everything I've read says that it takes about 10-14 day for roots to show so I think patience might be the name of the game (I hope...). I've had two clones doing real bad so I pulled them and the stem had turned woody and hard...but they were still hollow, making me think I pulled them a little too soon.


Well-Known Member
are you using a bubbler beansly? in the past all my clones stood straight up but these last night in one night got all twisted and fucked up looking. ive had so much failure cloning this past month i dont know what to do. could the strain have anything to do with it?


RIU Bulldog
are you using a bubbler beansly? in the past all my clones stood straight up but these last night in one night got all twisted and fucked up looking. ive had so much failure cloning this past month i dont know what to do. could the strain have anything to do with it?
Some strains are notoriously hard to clone yes. I'm using rapid rooters and a diy propagation chamber

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The "easiest" cloning method imo is just using peat or another inert medium and a humidity dome. Types of aero-cloning probably fit more into "faster" methods of cloning but are a little more complicated. We haven't finished this cloning how-to, so it may be a little rough.

Start clones under 24hrs light until standing up (about a day) then switch to 16/8. Roots grow fastest at night, so all rooting clones should have a dark period. Use peat pucks buried in damp perlite. Cut all clones from a given mother at once, placing each in a shotglass of water as soon as it's cut. Re-cut each stem under water, hold it in the water for a minute and then dip in rooting powder. Re-dipping in water after applying the powder has been tested and found to be a bad idea. Alternatively, they can be re-cut in liquid rooting hormone. Clones must be planted in the pucks immediately. We use a large metal pot with a glass lid set slightly ajar. A heating pad is mandatory and there must be plenty of insulation between the pad and the clone pot. Use no fertilizers. Wet peat pucks with plain water ph'd to 5.8. Arrange the clones inside the pot and cover the peat pucks with damp perlite. Place the pot under fluorescents. The lid of the pot should have slight condensation in the middle. If water drips from the condensation, the humidity is too high. If it's too high, set the lid more ajar. The humidity should be just high enough to keep the clones alive but still less than the dampness of the peat. If the clones get too much water from the air, they won't grow roots to reach out for more water.


Well-Known Member
Something I found that seems to help my cloning is to get the clone-to-be squared away while still on the mother.
Couple - three days before taking the clone I'll do all the trimming of leaves.
By the time they're cut for cloning all the wounds are on their way to recovery. Probably puts less stress on the plant?
Anyways, It may get a little yellow after a while on the oldest leaves (they do recover though),, but they don't droop or go limp at all.


Well-Known Member
wow canon that is good thinking. trimming the leaves before taking the cutting would be a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
My only thought to contribute is maybe your mother plants had dry soil at the time you took cuttings? You want to thoroughly water your donor plants at least an hour prior to taking cuttings, this helps tremendously.


Well-Known Member
yea the coco was really dry. i read that your supposed to flush the plant before taking cuts? i flushed it and waited about 4 days to cut clones. so that is wrong?
I clone using rapid rooters and have good success I just keep a cover over them ie(solo cup with plastic bag over it whatever. The only other thing to remember is keep like a fat girls crotch warm and moist.


Well-Known Member
Isn'y your crotch warm and moist? What about Lindsey Lo? Why did you have to insult fat chicks? ;)

I clone using rapid rooters and have good success I just keep a cover over them ie(solo cup with plastic bag over it whatever. The only other thing to remember is keep like a fat girls crotch warm and moist.


Well-Known Member
This is really a very simple process,the main thing is to just leave them alone.
All the poking and jostling around while you worriedly look at them is the absolute worse thing you can do.
I swear if you try it like this with little to no variation you will have success,just try it.
This is an easy way to do some cuts.First a healthy plant in veg with some good branching,side and top views.
I use an old cutting board,a rusty razor,sharp fine pointed scissors and roottech gel.
You don't need any hormones at all to take cuts successfully but it speeds up the process and the plants are less beat up by the time they root.
How the branch looks removed with nodes attached and stripped off,I just pinch them off be careful not to kink the stem.......kinking is bad.
Stick in gel let sit for 30 seconds or so.
In this case I'm using peat pellets but it'll work in just about anything that will keep the cut from drying out while it's rooting.
Soak the pellets overnight or they'll suck the moisture outta the cuts with bad results.
Poke hole in pellet,stick cut all the way down again careful not to kink the stem.
Form pellet around stem,gently.......then dunk in water to replace what ya squeezed out by forming then put in a dome.I'm using a cake box,they come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes plus ya getta cake.......fucking A.
In this case they're about 12"s under a 42 watt cfl,just leave'em alone they don't like being messed with.
Roots take anywhere from 5 to 15 days depending on plant and temp,I will take some pics and explain how I quick harden them off and pot'em when these root.
Now the donor plant provided 6 cuts and has 4 main branches,ready to be up-potted and flowered tomorrow.
Attached Thumbnails
