Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
this is my SLH coming along nicely now, will be vegged for another 5-6wks b4 i flower her tho carnt wait
i think that might be a deeper shade of green than mine u git lol ;) its funny how it dont look to sativa but when it flowers it starts spitting out thiner fan leaves lol, strange

edit - i'll take a pic of mine 2moro and come back and post lol


Well-Known Member
i think that might be a deeper shade of green than mine u git lol ;) its funny how it dont look to sativa but when it flowers it starts spitting out thiner fan leaves lol, strange

edit - i'll take a pic of mine 2moro and come back and post lol
yeah i was thinking that las bout the shape of the fan leaves, looks like she will be a real bushy plant too after another 6wks under the 250 cfl im prob gonna give her a 600hps and a whole tent to share with just 1 other plant for the 12/12, i want a SLH monster lol and also the slh will be all kept as my percy stash lol


Active Member

8 weeks flowering, and that's that. Chopped the indica phenos this morning. A bit early, but they were getting rather stinky.

Loads of trichomes.

Closer shot with no flash reveals the purple coming out a bit.
Skinned alive.

Ah, but there is still the matter of the two sativa phenos. They were spared the ax as they're still a few weeks minimum from being ready. They look good, though, and have
nowhere near the stink factor of the indica phenos.

End transmission.


Well-Known Member
awesome updates, its a free country ofc but i wish you woulda kept the indicas around for another week max and then you would get like, knocked out blaze. but they all look beautiful great job!! just make sure they are drying them from anywhere for 4-5 days to a week. it depends on the moisture level of the room. then to really oomph it of course, the mason jars for curing. beautiful plants though really. +r3pz


Active Member
Hey, thanks tingpoon.

Yeah, I wish I coulda kept them a bit longer too, but they were stinking up the house, and I got kids, and they've got noses, so...

I did notice the plants really reeked it up the first two or three hours after the lights went off for the day (7 pm-9pm), which is of course when everybody is home. Anyway, this was my first indoor grow and it was really experimental and play-it-by-ear type of thing. I kept them small on purpose (3 weeks veg), and played the stink factor by ear. Started with no venting at all, then added an 80 cfm bathroom fan rigged with a DIY carbon filter vented to my attic around week 2 of flower. Then added another 80 cfm bathroom fan w/filter around week 5 of flower. They vented the room well, but man those indica phenos stank. Now that they're gone, there is barely any smell in the room from the two sativa dom phenos.

Curing jars have already been secured. Drying is going on in my outdoor shed at the moment. I've sealed it to stop light getting in, but it's a bit nippy out and the temps are not ideal for drying. May move the little stinkos inside at night to the grow room. Lots of fun.


Active Member
Hey, thanks tingpoon.

Yeah, I wish I coulda kept them a bit longer too, but they were stinking up the house, and I got kids, and they've got noses, so...

I did notice the plants really reeked it up the first two or three hours after the lights went off for the day (7 pm-9pm), which is of course when everybody is home. Anyway, this was my first indoor grow and it was really experimental and play-it-by-ear type of thing. I kept them small on purpose (3 weeks veg), and played the stink factor by ear. Started with no venting at all, then added an 80 cfm bathroom fan rigged with a DIY carbon filter vented to my attic around week 2 of flower. Then added another 80 cfm bathroom fan w/filter around week 5 of flower. They vented the room well, but man those indica phenos stank. Now that they're gone, there is barely any smell in the room from the two sativa dom phenos.

Curing jars have already been secured. Drying is going on in my outdoor shed at the moment. I've sealed it to stop light getting in, but it's a bit nippy out and the temps are not ideal for drying. May move the little stinkos inside at night to the grow room. Lots of fun.
Great going... astonished


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm too occupied to research all this myself, but what are people's opinions on the yield? I grow commercial, currently have AK-48 and am looking for a separate product with a "working high", type of euphoric creative get-things-done high, and this seemed like a good strain-- correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
I will when I know myself. For all of my newfound expertise on the SLH, I still don't know what kind of buzz it gives. Soon, though, very soon. Generally speaking, though,the SLH high would depend on the phenotype that is dominant, and there are a few with this strain.


Well-Known Member
There are many wonderful flavors mixed in with the SLH. and as for the high. I would say its always UP and entergitic , although some phenos have a much more Euphoric High.


Active Member
When you capitalize Euphoric High, it makes it look like you're talking about a highschool. Good ol' Euphoric High. That woulda been nice.


Well-Known Member
LOL Thats funny. Yeah my first slh grow (first post) was the best ever. I have grown 4 seeds since then and none compared to the first with all her glory and color (purple). I have had flavors from astringent lemon to pine lemon and pepper.


Well-Known Member
Sorry late to jump in I'm sure this has been talked about, but there are a 104 pages here.

I have 2 going. Starting on 8th week of flower today. One is the indica and close and one is the sativa and not close. Amazing these seeds were right next to each other in the pack. When are you guys chopping each pheno? I was thinking 9 on the long did the sativa dominants take?


Well-Known Member
I have found that the best time to harvest was dead on 10 weeks. I went with a clear/cloudy and it was great. When I went all cloudy, it was less up up high and just up high.
Sorry late to jump in I'm sure this has been talked about, but there are a 104 pages here.

I have 2 going. Starting on 8th week of flower today. One is the indica and close and one is the sativa and not close. Amazing these seeds were right next to each other in the pack. When are you guys chopping each pheno? I was thinking 9 on the long did the sativa dominants take?


Active Member
You can go 10 on the indica pheno for sure. I chopped at 8, but it was early. I'm thinking more like 12 for the sativa pheno of mine.


Active Member
Really? What was the buzz like at 12, just a bit more body? My one sativa pheno looks nowhere near done here in week 9. There's nothing but white pistils and deep, dark green leaves, and just a puff of trichomes. The buds are big, but loose and you can still see right through them. Hey, if it starts to dense up good after 10 weeks then I'll gladly chop 'em, but this one looks like a 12-weeker.