Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the advice. The indica dom will come down in 9 most likely just by looking at it. This sativa though...maybe one orange hair at the beggining of week 8, but pretty much as steam described. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
I like to take a nub and do a smoke test like a week before harvest. So when I took of a bud of SLH at 9 weeks and quick dried it. Well it was a soaring high, laughter,energy, Irie feeling for 2+ hrs. Then I waited a week (10 total) and harvested her. The high was the same. The next round from seed I let go for 11 weeks and the high was not so giddy but all energy. I believe after growing 4 from seed that the best high was found at 9-10 weeks and no more than 10 weeks.
I have had some slh that was little tight buds everywhere and some that grew cola style. My favorite was the little tight buds.


Active Member
9 weeks of flowering in the bank. Just the two sativa phenos left and niether have so much as a single browned pistil. So I'll let those go a few more weeks.

I did manage to dry the indica phenos for 4 days, and they've now be curing for 3 days. Naturally, I've smoked some. I don't really trust "smoke reports" as they seem to be highly subjective and dependent on lots of things besides the pot, but for what it's worth, here's my "smoke report" on the indica pheno, flowered for 8 weeks.

First of all, this isn't some kind of "blow your head off" weed. I think a lot of growers invest so much time into their grow that they over-exaggerate their bounty. With that in mind, I'll say that I've had stronger weed from my dealer. I've also had a hell of a lot weaker. I'd say it's a middle potency weed. It actually reminds me of the Arjan Haze #3 I grew out last year. It certainly has a similar smell after 3 days cured. Very astringent and cutting. Like the Arjan Haze, I find this SLH to be a sativa-type mental magnifier. For me, this stuff focuses my thoughts. It's a very smooth smoke even with the short cure time. The buzz doesn't hit you like a ton of bricks, and is definitely more of a creeper. I like that. I see all buzzes as waves, and we tokers are the buzz surfers. Sometimes you can ride that sucker all the way to shore and just step off. Other times you wreck immediately and suffer the consequences. This buzz/wave is easy to get on and nice to ride. It aint the biggest wave in the ocean, but it's a rideable wave. The buzz lasts a few hours. Last night I started with the SLH, then smoked some Master Kush, then the SLH again, and the SLH did cut through the Master Kush and gave me another "up" kind of buzz. The Master Kush is good weed, so that the SLH has an impact after already smoking some then smoking some strong indica is a sign that it does have good potency.

We'll see what the super sativa pheno brings. I would imagine any plant that goes 4-5 weeks longer is going to be more potent than something that only goes 8 weeks.


Active Member
The most sativa pheno after 9 weeks 12/12 Lots 'o pistils for sure.

Pushed a few branches back to get a shot of the whole bud stem.

This is the 2nd sativa pheno which is about 1 week ahead of the super sativa pheno. Lots of trichomes on the SLH no matter what pheno.


Well-Known Member
SteamPick~ I don't think that is a fair smoke report on the indica dominate SLH being you harvest so early. Just my 2 cent's being a SLH lover.


Well-Known Member
If it really is a mediocre stone as SteamPick suggests, then I'm disappointed. I expect better from Cannabis Cup winners.


Active Member
GoldenGanja: Certainly 8 weeks was a tad early and they did have lots of clear trichomes with some cloudy and just a few amber. That's what I wanted, though. I like the clear, head high. I'll say the SLH is a bit above average after 8 weeks. I'm not really down on the high at all, just that it isn't "rip your head off" weed. I could see with two more weeks of flower it being strong weed. But again, I really didn't want that. I was looking for some weed that when I got home from work and wanted to do something would not knock me out. This weed is doing that.

After smoking about 3 or 4 with friends last night I will add that the buds on the indica pheno were very dense. When I break apart a nug to smoke I always end up with way more than I thought. And it's pretty smooth for having virtually no cure. I certainly had no complaints from the friends on the weed as they all enjoyed it, and one sorta non-smoker did get a bit too high at the start. Again, though, I've had much stronger weed.


Well-Known Member
SLH may not be the strongest, but my first SLH grown was a one two hitter and thats all you needed for 2-3 hours of pure happiness. Between 2009-2010 SLH has won over 8 awards (several first place) in the Cannabis Cup Awards alone.

The last 2 from seed I grew where only half the fun as the first.


Active Member
Cannabis Cups don't mean much to me. Honestly, this thread did more to influence my purchase than the CC "victories" SLH garnered. I will say that this weed does bring the "happy." But two to three hours of "pure happiness?" Hmmmm, I'm not convinced about that (yet). I mean, it is only cannabis. If I want two to three hours of pure joy, I'll take mushrooms (though it has been a few years since I have).

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
steampick thats a bit harsh mate 8 weeks u cant judge sativa dominant weed on that but thats my 2 pence also. there are random pheno's just bad luck i guess

edit - i've kept my clone alive for nearly 2years kinda says something, many strains been and gone since then including clone only uk strains


Active Member
steampick thats a bit harsh mate 8 weeks u cant judge sativa dominant weed on that but thats my 2 pence also. there are random pheno's just bad luck

I don't find my review harsh at all. I like the SLH. It is good weed. It is doing what I wanted. And I prefaced my comments by saying I harvested it early. Just because I'm not raving about it like it is God weed, know, I'm just being honest.

And the phenos I had in the indica dom strain were very healthy. I have no doubt that I got a good pheno and had good luck growing these out.


Well-Known Member
I have grown 4 slh from seed and the very first one was the one that made me start this thread so long ago. I mean straight in the air happiness and energy for 2+ hours and no unhappy comedown. Everyone who took a rip off of her was Laughing just after the exhale and smiling for hours. I have never had so many people rave over a strain before.
If it's not your cup of tea, then thats cool. But I think you may be cheating yourself by harvesting early, like any early harvest.

SteamPick have you tried Super Silver Haze ? I have not but I would like to, being I have grown the Lemon Skunk and sure it has wonderful flavor but the high I so enjoy comes from the SSH side.

When I choose seeds for my next season, I always watch the CCA and see what's been winning and why.


Active Member
I've never grown Super Silver Haze. I do like the up high of the Greenhouse hazes I've now grown, both the SLH and the Arjan Haze I grew out last year, though the Arjan's took between 12-14-16 weeks, so I do know what waiting them out gets (though in the case of the 16 week Arjan Haze it wasn't worth it).

But I'm sort of regretting giving such an early smoke report. Let me smoke this stuff down for a few weeks and I'll probably have a more solidified opinion of it. Again, I do like this weed, it is exactly what I wanted, really. And I'm quite looking forward to harvesting the sativa phenos I've still got going in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed your smoke report. Gives an inside view of a early harvest. I thought about growing out some Arjan Haze, but that sure is a long time in flowering.


Active Member
Super Lemon Haze is the shit. I laugh at anyone that thinks different. People that don't like SLH must have fucked it up when growing it or they are just a hater and want to piss on something that has proven to be good on several levels. As we all know, there is atleast ONE hater in the midst talking out the side of their ass about anything good. If I want a nap then I smoke Indica.....If I want to party and have a good time then I smoke some Super Lemon Haze or something similar. SLH makes you laugh and makes you horny. Get a chic and smoke some with her and watch how easy it is to make her cream all over the place. Gotta love Sativa dominant strains.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
do you wanna smoke some slh and cyber?
Whoa weirdo!

Anyway I got two of my clones a little more then five weeks in (I've had my cut for more then a year now haha). Last time I took them at 9. The high is deffinatly energetic but if I smoke too much I get wasted. Which doesnt take much! I kinda wanted to take one at 8 just to see if it gets more heady but now Im having second thoughts LOL. I'll try one large bud just to be sure.


Active Member
Why the second thoughts? At 8 weeks SLH is more heady for sure.

By the way, I was looking at some pics of Lemon Skunk and sure enough it has those downward hooking leaves! Then I looked at some pics of the Super Silver Haze, and it doesn't have it. Of my two sativa phenos I've got going right now I've got one that is hooking and one that is not. The one that isn't has the same leaf growth as the SSH: thin and without the pronounced hook.


Well-Known Member
That SLH has many pheneos too be sought after. If you have more than one then chances are you will have more than one type of high lol.