Yeah, Westy was sayin' 9.5 weeks, so I was gonna start on the Flushy McFlusherson pretty soon. Like I said, I'd started using a little bit of non organic nutes to help things along, so I've got all my ducks lined up in order to undo what I've did, er somethin'. Clearing agent this time around... and the SMELL is great. Earthy musky, just as they say. I'm sure the Exodus is more so, but the BBC ain't bad, either. Least for me
Jack Herer sounds awesome!! I hear they can be a bit finicky in terms of nutes, but also supposed to be a supreme high. I've never seen any in the clubs that has been of high enough quality that I was interested... it's always looked more midgrade, which is disappointing. I love a good sativa, though... Put on some good music and get shit done-- just what I like! Chilling on the porch with the music on, eh bro
Knights Templar shtick is awesome. I love all that stuff about secret societies that date back to god knows when. Can't wait to see yer ladies-- and enjoy your lady

Have a good dinner, bru. I'm gonna go rip some Sensi Star and snuggle with my woman