Thanks Oscar! Yeah, my leaves do look very similar to what Westy has posted on his thread of the Exodus cut. Bugger stinks to high heaven, too... and you're right-- it's really packing on some weight right now. Just got my 60-100x scope today, and I'd say I'm about 50% cloudy right now. Thing is so strong, prolly coulda just done the 30x lmao. I've given them a good drenching already with some clearing agent, but prolly gonna do one more I hope before I chop. I did do some non organic flower enhancer after a lot of thought, and want to make sure I get it all out... gonna wait til it's all cloudy in there and then timmmmmber

brother, thanks for stopping by!
btw, what are your thoughts on trichs for the cheese? let em go all cloudy?