Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

  • Total voters
i read it last night.

great ownage on your part.

what comment got you the infraction? i bet it was the 'internet gaylord' one. that one nearly made me shit my pants.
No, that particular remark did not pass infraction muster.

The one that did was so off the hook the moderator deleted it.
No, that particular remark did not pass infraction muster.

The one that did was so off the hook the moderator deleted it.

johnnyo has just uttered the phrase "off the hook".

everybody, keep a close eye on the sky. if it falls, duck and cover under your kitchen table or nearest desk.
johnnyo has just uttered the phrase "off the hook".

everybody, keep a close eye on the sky. if it falls, duck and cover under your kitchen table or nearest desk.
Can you believe all the hate-boners I inspired just for defending my opinion?

And having the audacity to back it up with evidence?
i'll tell that to the blind kid, and the single parent taking care of that kid.

oh, i'll also make sure that message gets to the person who was systematically discriminated against their whole life.

well, gee golly.

yet another sweeping generalization that holds no semblance of truth.

some liberals just want equal rights for gays, women and blacks. and for women to be treated like more of a human than the fetus that THEY have to carry.

when did robin hood talk about that?

you complain of a personal attack, yet go on to call me a fucktard.

wasn't i just talking about how you CONSTANTLY contradict yourself?

if i am a fucktard, that would make you a blithering fucktard.

let me ask, how do you post so often if you work as hard as you say you do?

I want those things you just mentioned, the Democrats do not have a monopoly on equal rights for gays, minorities, and pro choice. A significant portion of Republicans are pro choice, and a significant percent of Democrats are pro life.

Look at the times I post. On a rotating schedule its late at night or early in the morning. I also do not work 7 days a week. I am on a rotating schedule and sometimes I have 3-4 days off at a time. It doesn't take that much time to reply and I usually do it while I'm reading. I don't watch TV, that gives me a lot of spare time most of you probably don't have.

Let me ask you a question - Why do you come here to post?

(had to delete something I wrote twice, you all need to stop smoking and drinking)

You started with the personal attacks, so I called you a fucktard, don't be butthurt.
I shit on Democracy. It is nothing more than mob rule.

And the founders knew it.

The 17th Amendment should be repealed. The Senate was originally set up to represent the states while the House was intended to represent the people.

That Amendment is as fucked as the one which followed it, which was eventually repealed by the 21st Amendment.

So the Senate should have absolutely no accountability to the public what so ever? As bad as it is at the moment at least there's some accountability there. You think a non elected body (Senate) should have more power than an elected body (Congress). The founders didn't want any accountability, they believed the elites of the day should control the masses. Although even though they didn't want the public to take part in policy etc. they thought at the time that the wealthy and privileged elites would act in the best interests of the masses, they soon realized how naive they were and discovered government just becomes a puppet of big business to tyrannize the public for its own benefit.

Are you saying you prefer minority rule (rich and privileged) to majority rule (the public)?
The 17th Amendment gives too much power to the central government in the District of Criminals lessens the power of the states and leads to the tyranny of the majority, far easier to corrupt the few than the many. Although corruption at the state level can be a problem, the real problem is letting men of low moral character the chance to run in the first place.
So the Senate should have absolutely no accountability to the public what so ever? As bad as it is at the moment at least there's some accountability there. You think a non elected body (Senate) should have more power than an elected body (Congress). The founders didn't want any accountability, they believed the elites of the day should control the masses. Although even though they didn't want the public to take part in policy etc. they thought at the time that the wealthy and privileged elites would act in the best interests of the masses, they soon realized how naive they were and discovered government just becomes a puppet of big business to tyrannize the public for its own benefit.

Are you saying you prefer minority rule (rich and privileged) to majority rule (the public)?
As originally intended by the founders, the states would focus on the their responsibilities under the Constitution. The 17th Amendment made Senators directly electable versus appointment by the state legislatures. As a result, the Senate essentially became the same as the House.

Without that balance between the interests of the states and the people, the federal government was able to grow exponentially because it could now usurp the state's responsibilities.

I am saying I prefer the rule of law to mob rule.
... getting back to the poll for a minute, currently at 113 pages, I have not read all the posts so if I repeat something that's already been stated, sue me.
I have a problem with how the poll is worded. It asks if you support the Governor or the people... who elected him as Governor? People from another state? People from another country? Perhaps some alien race from the far reaches of outer space did? No, I believe "the people of Wisconsin" elected him as governor. Maybe it should have said, "Do you support the Governor or the unions".
Now, with that off my chest, let me add that collective bargaining with governments should be illegal. It's a conflict of interest and if you don't understand that, I am not going to take the vast amount of time to try and convince that it is WRONG.
As far as unions go in general, I have belonged to at least 4 unions in my work history, possibly more, I don't remember, but what I do remember is how I was robbed, cheated and lied to by every one of them. My opinion is that each and every employee has a right to negotiate his own conditions of employment. The better you do your job, the power you have to negotiate. So, I am not a union supporter, BUT if workers in the PRIVATE sector want to band together in a union, as long as each worker has a choice whether to join or not, I have no problem with that.
Lastly, this argument about Democrats vs Republicans... who's right, who's wrong, who's good, who's evil, who has the interest of the people? Folks, come on, can you not see that there is NO difference between them? As long as we waste our efforts trying to justify one corrupt party vs the other corrupt party, WE are never going to have "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". It's hard for me to believe that with our history, anybody still clings to that tired, old dogma.
I am saying I prefer the rule of law to mob rule.

Right, laws that were created by the wealthy elites of the day to "protect the minority of the opulent against the majority". You make democracy sound like some kind of "mob tyranny", a system of oppression of some sorts, which is strange. Surely as citizens if we take a more active role in our political and social systems this is a positive thing as apposed to what we have now where the major shapers of policy are the wealthy in favor of themselves.

Less government and more responsible citizens dude.
Right, laws that were created by the wealthy elites of the day to "protect the minority of the opulent against the majority". You make democracy sound like some kind of "mob tyranny", a system of oppression of some sorts, which is strange. Surely as citizens if we take a more active role in our political and social systems this is a positive thing as apposed to what we have now where the major shapers of policy are the wealthy in favor of themselves.

Less government and more responsible citizens dude.
Your last sentence kind of undoes your whole argument of the first paragraph. People taking more of an interest in the politics of their country isn't democracy, you said it yourself, its called responsibility. It behooves all of us to be responsible no matter what the endeavor. Democracy IS mob tyranny. No system of government is perfect, nothing managed by humans ever is.

Laws have become corrupt and are being issued under the guise of "Regulation" that is good for us, but you are certainly correct in your assumption of laws being created to protect the wealthy at the expense of the poor. But the poor do not have to stand there and take it, they can educate themselves and make a better effort to remove themselves from their situation. And by educated I do not mean having a college degree. You do not have to go to college to be educated, teach yourself, the entire volume of human intelligence is on the net and at the library.
Can you believe all the hate-boners I inspired just for defending my opinion?

And having the audacity to back it up with evidence?

i sensed a lot of lowlifes in that thread, so it is with much sadness that i admit i can believe that.

it was quite funny to watch you run them in circles. i got kinda dizzy at times.

i would love to see what/how you grow sometime.
I want those things you just mentioned, the Democrats do not have a monopoly on equal rights for gays, minorities, and pro choice. A significant portion of Republicans are pro choice, and a significant percent of Democrats are pro life.

Look at the times I post. On a rotating schedule its late at night or early in the morning. I also do not work 7 days a week. I am on a rotating schedule and sometimes I have 3-4 days off at a time. It doesn't take that much time to reply and I usually do it while I'm reading. I don't watch TV, that gives me a lot of spare time most of you probably don't have.

Let me ask you a question - Why do you come here to post?

(had to delete something I wrote twice, you all need to stop smoking and drinking)

You started with the personal attacks, so I called you a fucktard, don't be butthurt.

i'm not hurt about any fucktard related comments. it is all in good fun. i enjoy it.

that is actually part of the answer to your question. i love to post here for the enmity and amity. can't find it anywhere else other than the politics section.

and i am not trying to say that one party has a stranglehold over the other with respect to equal rights. but in practical reality, you should also admit that one party does more than the other.

in any case, we should find some new topic to argue about. this thread is getting pretty epic.
i sensed a lot of lowlifes in that thread, so it is with much sadness that i admit i can believe that.

it was quite funny to watch you run them in circles. i got kinda dizzy at times.

i would love to see what/how you grow sometime.
I used to have no problem posting pics. Then that dude from RIU got pinched a while back. And I got nervous. I essentially removed everything online. I hope.
Your last sentence kind of undoes your whole argument of the first paragraph. People taking more of an interest in the politics of their country isn't democracy, you said it yourself, its called responsibility. It behooves all of us to be responsible no matter what the endeavor. Democracy IS mob tyranny. No system of government is perfect, nothing managed by humans ever is.

Laws have become corrupt and are being issued under the guise of "Regulation" that is good for us, but you are certainly correct in your assumption of laws being created to protect the wealthy at the expense of the poor. But the poor do not have to stand there and take it, they can educate themselves and make a better effort to remove themselves from their situation. And by educated I do not mean having a college degree. You do not have to go to college to be educated, teach yourself, the entire volume of human intelligence is on the net and at the library.

Then your concept of democracy is different than mine dude. True democracy means citizens taking more control over their lives and participating in the political system, meaning that the man or woman who works in the corner bakery has as much influence and participation in the political system as the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Thats what I mean by democracy.
i'm not hurt about any fucktard related comments. it is all in good fun. i enjoy it.

that is actually part of the answer to your question. i love to post here for the enmity and amity. can't find it anywhere else other than the politics section.

and i am not trying to say that one party has a stranglehold over the other with respect to equal rights. but in practical reality, you should also admit that one party does more than the other.

in any case, we should find some new topic to argue about. this thread is getting pretty epic.

I agree, it is getting a little old. That being said - which party does more? lol. I guess it depends on what you consider to be more important in your life. Out of the top 3 parties in the United States, only one isn't outright trying to oppress the people.
Then your concept of democracy is different than mine dude. True democracy means citizens taking more control over their lives and participating in the political system, meaning that the man or woman who works in the corner bakery has as much influence and participation in the political system as the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Thats what I mean by democracy.

Democracy is mob rule. America is a Constitutional Republic. The people in the bakeries outnumber CEOs like 100,000 to 1. So they can vote for someone to represent them in the Republic. They have just as much say in the voting process. The reason rich people have power over poorer people is because the rich people have something the poorer people want. Money. Any control that the rich exhibit over your life is a direct reflection of your allowing them to control you for a portion of the money they have. The power the poorer obviously have over the rich is they outnumber them and can by acting like the lynch mobs of old, take and do whatever they want. Look at the taxes. Rich pay 30-40%, Poor get money from the system, the middle pays little.

There is very little personal responsibility in the type of government the left wants. No responsibility for your own health care, retirement, children, or if you even have a job. The same could be said of the right, though in a moral sense. It is awesome deciding whether you want the shackles on your materials or morals.
Democracy is mob rule. America is a Constitutional Republic. The people in the bakeries outnumber CEOs like 100,000 to 1. So they can vote for someone to represent them in the Republic. They have just as much say in the voting process. The reason rich people have power over poorer people is because the rich people have something the poorer people want. Money. Any control that the rich exhibit over your life is a direct reflection of your allowing them to control you for a portion of the money they have. The power the poorer obviously have over the rich is they outnumber them and can by acting like the lynch mobs of old, take and do whatever they want. Look at the taxes. Rich pay 30-40%, Poor get money from the system, the middle pays little.

There is very little personal responsibility in the type of government the left wants. No responsibility for your own health care, retirement, children, or if you even have a job. The same could be said of the right, though in a moral sense. It is awesome deciding whether you want the shackles on your materials or morals.

Looks like the unions are continuing to count on thug tactics to get their way. Apparently they have been sending letters to the businesses of Wisconsin about putting posters for union support in their business windows.

“If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, "Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means 'no' to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members...."http://www.boortz.com/weblogs/nealz-nuze/2011/mar/31/union-thuggery/

Typical union mindset. So not only do the shop owners pay the teachers salaries they now have to support unions or the union scum won’t shop there. I’d put a sign in my window that tells public sector union members to stay out. I got to say I’m dam glad I live in a state where unions have little power over public officials.